
Fully qualified class name: DDICDIModels::DDICDILibrary::Classes::Representations::LevelStructure


Nesting structure of a hierarchical collection.


The International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08: https://www.ilo.org/public/english/bureau/stat/isco/isco08/) Major, Sub-Major, and Minor or the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS: https://www.census.gov/naics/) 2 digit sector codes, 3 digit subsector code list, 4 digit industry group code list, and 5 digit industry code list.

Explanatory notes

The levels within the structure begin at the root level ‘1’ and continue as an ordered array through each level of nesting. Levels are used to organize a hierarchy. Usually, a hierarchy contains one root member at the top, though it could contain several. These are the first level. All members directly related to those in the first level compose the second level. The third and subsequent levels are defined similarly. A level often is associated with a concept, which defines it. These correspond to kinds of aggregates. For example, in the US Standard Occupational Classification (2010), the level below the top is called Major Occupation Groups, and the next level is called Minor Occupational Groups. These ideas convey the structure. In particular, Health Care Practitioners (a major group) can be broken into Chiropractors, Dentists, Physicians, Vets, Therapists, etc. (minor groups) The categories in the nodes at the lower level aggregate to the category in node above them. “Classification schemes are frequently organized in nested levels of increasing detail. ISCO-08, for example, has four levels: at the top level are ten major groups, each of which contain sub-major groups, which in turn are subdivided in minor groups, which contain unit groups. Even when a classification is not structured in levels (“flat classification”), the usual convention, which is adopted here, is to consider that it contains one unique level.” (From the W3C Simple Knowlegde Organization System: http://rdf-vocabulary.ddialliance.org/xkos.html#) Individual classification items organized in a hierarchy may be associated with a specific level.




Inherited from


Data Type


Default value


- own class -

Bundles the information useful for a data catalog entry.

Examples would be creator, contributor, title, copyright, embargo, and license information

A set of information useful for attribution, data discovery, and access. This is information that is tied to the identity of the object. If this information changes the version of the associated object changes.




- own class -

Identifier for objects requiring short- or long-lasting referencing and management.




- own class -

Human understandable name (liguistic signifier, word, phrase, or mnemonic). May follow ISO/IEC 11179-5 naming principles, and have context provided to specify usage.




- own class -

Explanation of the ways in which the object is employed.




- own class -

The period for which the level object is valid, expressed as a start and end date (supports both ISO-standard and non-ISO date formats).







Multiplicity of LevelStructure

Package of Other Class

Other Class

Multiplicity of other class

Aggregation Kind

Inherited from


EnumerationDomain uses LevelStructure

Has meaningful level to which members belong.


- own package -




- own class -


LevelStructure has Level


- own package -




- own class -


StatisticalClassification has LevelStructure


- own package -




- own class -

Syntax representations / encodings

All syntax representations except the Canonical XMI are provided as reference points for specific implementations, or for use as defaults if sufficient in the form presented.

Fragment for the class LevelStructure (entire model as XMI)

  1<packagedElement xmlns:StandardProfile="http://www.eclipse.org/uml2/5.0.0/UML/Profile/Standard"
  2                 xmlns:uml="http://www.eclipse.org/uml2/5.0.0/UML"
  3                 xmlns:xmi="http://www.omg.org/spec/XMI/20131001"
  4                 xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure"
  5                 xmi:uuid="http://ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-CDI/1.0/XMI/#LevelStructure"
  6                 xmi:type="uml:Class">
  7   <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure-ownedComment"
  8                 xmi:uuid="http://ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-CDI/1.0/XMI/#LevelStructure-ownedComment"
  9                 xmi:type="uml:Comment">
 10      <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure"/>
 11      <body>Definition 
 13Nesting structure of a hierarchical collection.   
 17The International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08: https://www.ilo.org/public/english/bureau/stat/isco/isco08/) Major, Sub-Major, and Minor or the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS: https://www.census.gov/naics/) 2 digit sector codes, 3 digit subsector code list, 4 digit industry group code list, and 5 digit industry code list.
 19Explanatory notes 
 21The levels within the structure begin at the root level '1' and continue as an ordered array through each level of nesting. Levels are used to organize a hierarchy. Usually, a hierarchy contains one root member at the top, though it could contain several. These are the first level. All members directly related to those  in the first level compose the second level. The third and subsequent levels are defined similarly.  A level often is associated with a concept, which defines it. These correspond to kinds of aggregates. For example, in the US Standard Occupational Classification (2010), the level below the top is called Major Occupation Groups, and the next level is called Minor Occupational Groups. These ideas convey the structure. In particular, Health Care Practitioners (a major group) can be broken into Chiropractors, Dentists, Physicians, Vets, Therapists, etc. (minor groups) The categories in the nodes at the lower level aggregate to the category in node above them.  "Classification schemes are frequently organized in nested levels of increasing detail. ISCO-08, for example, has four levels: at the top level are ten major groups, each of which contain sub-major groups, which in turn are subdivided in minor groups, which contain unit groups. Even when a classification is not structured in levels ("flat classification"), the usual convention, which is adopted here, is to consider that it contains one unique level." (From the W3C Simple Knowlegde Organization System: http://rdf-vocabulary.ddialliance.org/xkos.html#) Individual classification items organized in a hierarchy may be associated with a specific level.</body>
 22   </ownedComment>
 23   <name>LevelStructure</name>
 24   <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure-catalogDetails"
 25                   xmi:uuid="http://ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-CDI/1.0/XMI/#LevelStructure-catalogDetails"
 26                   xmi:type="uml:Property">
 27      <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure-catalogDetails-ownedComment"
 28                    xmi:uuid="http://ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-CDI/1.0/XMI/#LevelStructure-catalogDetails-ownedComment"
 29                    xmi:type="uml:Comment">
 30         <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure-catalogDetails"/>
 31         <body>Bundles the information useful for a data catalog entry. 
 33Examples would be creator, contributor, title, copyright, embargo, and license information
 35A set of information useful for attribution, data discovery, and access.
 36This is information that is tied to the identity of the object. If this information changes the version of the associated object changes.</body>
 37      </ownedComment>
 38      <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure-catalogDetails-lowerValue"
 39                  xmi:uuid="http://ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-CDI/1.0/XMI/#LevelStructure-catalogDetails-lowerValue"
 40                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
 41      <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure-catalogDetails-upperValue"
 42                  xmi:uuid="http://ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-CDI/1.0/XMI/#LevelStructure-catalogDetails-upperValue"
 43                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
 44         <value>1</value>
 45      </upperValue>
 46      <name>catalogDetails</name>
 47      <type xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-CatalogDetails"/>
 48   </ownedAttribute>
 49   <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure-identifier"
 50                   xmi:uuid="http://ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-CDI/1.0/XMI/#LevelStructure-identifier"
 51                   xmi:type="uml:Property">
 52      <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure-identifier-ownedComment"
 53                    xmi:uuid="http://ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-CDI/1.0/XMI/#LevelStructure-identifier-ownedComment"
 54                    xmi:type="uml:Comment">
 55         <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure-identifier"/>
 56         <body>Identifier for objects requiring short- or long-lasting referencing and management.</body>
 57      </ownedComment>
 58      <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure-identifier-lowerValue"
 59                  xmi:uuid="http://ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-CDI/1.0/XMI/#LevelStructure-identifier-lowerValue"
 60                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
 61      <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure-identifier-upperValue"
 62                  xmi:uuid="http://ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-CDI/1.0/XMI/#LevelStructure-identifier-upperValue"
 63                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
 64         <value>1</value>
 65      </upperValue>
 66      <name>identifier</name>
 67      <isID>true</isID>
 68      <type xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier"/>
 69   </ownedAttribute>
 70   <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure-name"
 71                   xmi:uuid="http://ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-CDI/1.0/XMI/#LevelStructure-name"
 72                   xmi:type="uml:Property">
 73      <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure-name-ownedComment"
 74                    xmi:uuid="http://ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-CDI/1.0/XMI/#LevelStructure-name-ownedComment"
 75                    xmi:type="uml:Comment">
 76         <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure-name"/>
 77         <body>Human understandable name (liguistic signifier, word, phrase, or mnemonic). May follow ISO/IEC 11179-5 naming principles, and have context provided to specify usage.</body>
 78      </ownedComment>
 79      <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure-name-lowerValue"
 80                  xmi:uuid="http://ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-CDI/1.0/XMI/#LevelStructure-name-lowerValue"
 81                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
 82      <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure-name-upperValue"
 83                  xmi:uuid="http://ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-CDI/1.0/XMI/#LevelStructure-name-upperValue"
 84                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
 85         <value>*</value>
 86      </upperValue>
 87      <name>name</name>
 88      <isOrdered>true</isOrdered>
 89      <type xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-ObjectName"/>
 90   </ownedAttribute>
 91   <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure-ownedAttribute"
 92                   xmi:uuid="http://ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-CDI/1.0/XMI/#LevelStructure-ownedAttribute"
 93                   xmi:type="uml:Property">
 94      <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure-ownedAttribute-lowerValue"
 95                  xmi:uuid="http://ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-CDI/1.0/XMI/#LevelStructure-ownedAttribute-lowerValue"
 96                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
 97      <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure-ownedAttribute-upperValue"
 98                  xmi:uuid="http://ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-CDI/1.0/XMI/#LevelStructure-ownedAttribute-upperValue"
 99                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
100         <value>*</value>
101      </upperValue>
102      <aggregation>shared</aggregation>
103      <association xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure_has_Level"/>
104      <type xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-Level"/>
105   </ownedAttribute>
106   <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure-usage"
107                   xmi:uuid="http://ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-CDI/1.0/XMI/#LevelStructure-usage"
108                   xmi:type="uml:Property">
109      <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure-usage-ownedComment"
110                    xmi:uuid="http://ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-CDI/1.0/XMI/#LevelStructure-usage-ownedComment"
111                    xmi:type="uml:Comment">
112         <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure-usage"/>
113         <body>Explanation of the ways in which the object is employed.</body>
114      </ownedComment>
115      <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure-usage-lowerValue"
116                  xmi:uuid="http://ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-CDI/1.0/XMI/#LevelStructure-usage-lowerValue"
117                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
118      <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure-usage-upperValue"
119                  xmi:uuid="http://ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-CDI/1.0/XMI/#LevelStructure-usage-upperValue"
120                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
121         <value>1</value>
122      </upperValue>
123      <name>usage</name>
124      <type xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-InternationalString"/>
125   </ownedAttribute>
126   <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure-validDateRange"
127                   xmi:uuid="http://ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-CDI/1.0/XMI/#LevelStructure-validDateRange"
128                   xmi:type="uml:Property">
129      <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure-validDateRange-ownedComment"
130                    xmi:uuid="http://ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-CDI/1.0/XMI/#LevelStructure-validDateRange-ownedComment"
131                    xmi:type="uml:Comment">
132         <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure-validDateRange"/>
133         <body>The period for which the level object is valid, expressed as a start and end date (supports both ISO-standard and non-ISO date formats).</body>
134      </ownedComment>
135      <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure-validDateRange-lowerValue"
136                  xmi:uuid="http://ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-CDI/1.0/XMI/#LevelStructure-validDateRange-lowerValue"
137                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
138      <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-LevelStructure-validDateRange-upperValue"
139                  xmi:uuid="http://ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-CDI/1.0/XMI/#LevelStructure-validDateRange-upperValue"
140                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
141         <value>1</value>
142      </upperValue>
143      <name>validDateRange</name>
144      <type xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-DateRange"/>
145   </ownedAttribute>

Fragment for the class LevelStructure (entire XML Schema)

  1<xs:element name="LevelStructure"
  2            type="LevelStructureXsdType"
  3            xml:id="LevelStructure">
  4  <!-- based on the UML class DDICDIModels::DDICDILibrary::Classes::Representations::LevelStructure -->
  5  <xs:annotation>
  6    <xs:documentation>Definition 
  7          ============ 
  8          Nesting structure of a hierarchical collection.   
 10          Examples 
 11          ========== 
 12          The International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08: https://www.ilo.org/public/english/bureau/stat/isco/isco08/) Major, Sub-Major, and Minor or the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS: https://www.census.gov/naics/) 2 digit sector codes, 3 digit subsector code list, 4 digit industry group code list, and 5 digit industry code list.
 14          Explanatory notes 
 15          =================== 
 16          The levels within the structure begin at the root level '1' and continue as an ordered array through each level of nesting. Levels are used to organize a hierarchy. Usually, a hierarchy contains one root member at the top, though it could contain several. These are the first level. All members directly related to those  in the first level compose the second level. The third and subsequent levels are defined similarly.  A level often is associated with a concept, which defines it. These correspond to kinds of aggregates. For example, in the US Standard Occupational Classification (2010), the level below the top is called Major Occupation Groups, and the next level is called Minor Occupational Groups. These ideas convey the structure. In particular, Health Care Practitioners (a major group) can be broken into Chiropractors, Dentists, Physicians, Vets, Therapists, etc. (minor groups) The categories in the nodes at the lower level aggregate to the category in node above them.  "Classification schemes are frequently organized in nested levels of increasing detail. ISCO-08, for example, has four levels: at the top level are ten major groups, each of which contain sub-major groups, which in turn are subdivided in minor groups, which contain unit groups. Even when a classification is not structured in levels ("flat classification"), the usual convention, which is adopted here, is to consider that it contains one unique level." (From the W3C Simple Knowlegde Organization System: http://rdf-vocabulary.ddialliance.org/xkos.html#) Individual classification items organized in a hierarchy may be associated with a specific level.</xs:documentation>
 17  </xs:annotation>
 19<xs:complexType name="LevelStructureXsdType"
 20                xml:id="LevelStructureXsdType">
 21  <xs:annotation>
 22    <xs:documentation>Definition 
 23          ============ 
 24          Nesting structure of a hierarchical collection.   
 26          Examples 
 27          ========== 
 28          The International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08: https://www.ilo.org/public/english/bureau/stat/isco/isco08/) Major, Sub-Major, and Minor or the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS: https://www.census.gov/naics/) 2 digit sector codes, 3 digit subsector code list, 4 digit industry group code list, and 5 digit industry code list.
 30          Explanatory notes 
 31          =================== 
 32          The levels within the structure begin at the root level '1' and continue as an ordered array through each level of nesting. Levels are used to organize a hierarchy. Usually, a hierarchy contains one root member at the top, though it could contain several. These are the first level. All members directly related to those  in the first level compose the second level. The third and subsequent levels are defined similarly.  A level often is associated with a concept, which defines it. These correspond to kinds of aggregates. For example, in the US Standard Occupational Classification (2010), the level below the top is called Major Occupation Groups, and the next level is called Minor Occupational Groups. These ideas convey the structure. In particular, Health Care Practitioners (a major group) can be broken into Chiropractors, Dentists, Physicians, Vets, Therapists, etc. (minor groups) The categories in the nodes at the lower level aggregate to the category in node above them.  "Classification schemes are frequently organized in nested levels of increasing detail. ISCO-08, for example, has four levels: at the top level are ten major groups, each of which contain sub-major groups, which in turn are subdivided in minor groups, which contain unit groups. Even when a classification is not structured in levels ("flat classification"), the usual convention, which is adopted here, is to consider that it contains one unique level." (From the W3C Simple Knowlegde Organization System: http://rdf-vocabulary.ddialliance.org/xkos.html#) Individual classification items organized in a hierarchy may be associated with a specific level.</xs:documentation>
 33  </xs:annotation>
 34  <xs:sequence>
 35    <xs:element name="catalogDetails"
 36                type="CatalogDetailsXsdType"
 37                minOccurs="0"
 38                maxOccurs="1"
 39                xml:id="LevelStructure-catalogDetails">
 40      <xs:annotation>
 41        <xs:documentation>Bundles the information useful for a data catalog entry. 
 43  Examples would be creator, contributor, title, copyright, embargo, and license information
 45  A set of information useful for attribution, data discovery, and access.
 46  This is information that is tied to the identity of the object. If this information changes the version of the associated object changes.</xs:documentation>
 47      </xs:annotation>
 48    </xs:element>
 49    <xs:element name="identifier"
 50                type="IdentifierXsdType"
 51                minOccurs="0"
 52                maxOccurs="1"
 53                xml:id="LevelStructure-identifier">
 54      <xs:annotation>
 55        <xs:documentation>Identifier for objects requiring short- or long-lasting referencing and management.</xs:documentation>
 56      </xs:annotation>
 57    </xs:element>
 58    <xs:element name="name"
 59                type="ObjectNameXsdType"
 60                minOccurs="0"
 61                maxOccurs="unbounded"
 62                xml:id="LevelStructure-name">
 63      <xs:annotation>
 64        <xs:documentation>Human understandable name (liguistic signifier, word, phrase, or mnemonic). May follow ISO/IEC 11179-5 naming principles, and have context provided to specify usage.</xs:documentation>
 65      </xs:annotation>
 66    </xs:element>
 67    <xs:element name="usage"
 68                type="InternationalStringXsdType"
 69                minOccurs="0"
 70                maxOccurs="1"
 71                xml:id="LevelStructure-usage">
 72      <xs:annotation>
 73        <xs:documentation>Explanation of the ways in which the object is employed.</xs:documentation>
 74      </xs:annotation>
 75    </xs:element>
 76    <xs:element name="validDateRange"
 77                type="DateRangeXsdType"
 78                minOccurs="0"
 79                maxOccurs="1"
 80                xml:id="LevelStructure-validDateRange">
 81      <xs:annotation>
 82        <xs:documentation>The period for which the level object is valid, expressed as a start and end date (supports both ISO-standard and non-ISO date formats).</xs:documentation>
 83      </xs:annotation>
 84    </xs:element>
 85    <xs:element name="LevelStructure_has_Level"
 86                minOccurs="0"
 87                maxOccurs="unbounded"
 88                xml:id="LevelStructure_has_Level">
 89      <xs:annotation>
 90        <xs:documentation></xs:documentation>
 91      </xs:annotation>
 92      <xs:complexType>
 93        <xs:complexContent>
 94          <xs:restriction base="AssociationReferenceXsdType">
 95            <xs:sequence>
 96              <xs:element name="ddiReference"
 97                          type="InternationalRegistrationDataIdentifierXsdType"
 98                          minOccurs="0"
 99                          maxOccurs="1"
100                          xml:id="LevelStructure_has_Level-ddiReference"/>
101              <xs:element name="validType"
102                          minOccurs="0"
103                          maxOccurs="unbounded"
104                          xml:id="LevelStructure_has_Level-validType">
105                <xs:simpleType>
106                  <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
107                    <xs:enumeration value="Level"/>
108                  </xs:restriction>
109                </xs:simpleType>
110              </xs:element>
111            </xs:sequence>
112          </xs:restriction>
113        </xs:complexContent>
114      </xs:complexType>
115    </xs:element>
116  </xs:sequence>

Fragment for the class LevelStructure (main ontology)

 1# class LevelStructure
 2# based on the UML class DDICDIModels::DDICDILibrary::Classes::Representations::LevelStructure
 4  a rdfs:Class, owl:Class, ucmis:Class;
 5  rdfs:label "LevelStructure";
 6  rdfs:comment "Definition \n============ \nNesting structure of a hierarchical collection.   \n\nExamples \n========== \nThe International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08: https://www.ilo.org/public/english/bureau/stat/isco/isco08/) Major, Sub-Major, and Minor or the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS: https://www.census.gov/naics/) 2 digit sector codes, 3 digit subsector code list, 4 digit industry group code list, and 5 digit industry code list.\n\nExplanatory notes \n=================== \nThe levels within the structure begin at the root level '1' and continue as an ordered array through each level of nesting. Levels are used to organize a hierarchy. Usually, a hierarchy contains one root member at the top, though it could contain several. These are the first level. All members directly related to those  in the first level compose the second level. The third and subsequent levels are defined similarly.  A level often is associated with a concept, which defines it. These correspond to kinds of aggregates. For example, in the US Standard Occupational Classification (2010), the level below the top is called Major Occupation Groups, and the next level is called Minor Occupational Groups. These ideas convey the structure. In particular, Health Care Practitioners (a major group) can be broken into Chiropractors, Dentists, Physicians, Vets, Therapists, etc. (minor groups) The categories in the nodes at the lower level aggregate to the category in node above them.  \"Classification schemes are frequently organized in nested levels of increasing detail. ISCO-08, for example, has four levels: at the top level are ten major groups, each of which contain sub-major groups, which in turn are subdivided in minor groups, which contain unit groups. Even when a classification is not structured in levels (\"flat classification\"), the usual convention, which is adopted here, is to consider that it contains one unique level.\" (From the W3C Simple Knowlegde Organization System: http://rdf-vocabulary.ddialliance.org/xkos.html#) Individual classification items organized in a hierarchy may be associated with a specific level."@en;
11  a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty, ucmis:Attribute;
12  rdfs:label "catalogDetails";
13  rdfs:comment "Bundles the information useful for a data catalog entry. \n\nExamples would be creator, contributor, title, copyright, embargo, and license information\n\nA set of information useful for attribution, data discovery, and access.\nThis is information that is tied to the identity of the object. If this information changes the version of the associated object changes."@en;
14  rdfs:domain cdi:LevelStructure;
15  rdfs:range cdi:CatalogDetails;
19  a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty, ucmis:Attribute;
20  rdfs:label "identifier";
21  rdfs:comment "Identifier for objects requiring short- or long-lasting referencing and management."@en;
22  rdfs:domain cdi:LevelStructure;
23  rdfs:range cdi:Identifier;
27  a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty, ucmis:Attribute;
28  rdfs:label "name";
29  rdfs:comment "Human understandable name (liguistic signifier, word, phrase, or mnemonic). May follow ISO/IEC 11179-5 naming principles, and have context provided to specify usage."@en;
30  rdfs:domain cdi:LevelStructure;
31  rdfs:range cdi:ObjectName;
35  a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty, ucmis:Attribute;
36  rdfs:label "usage";
37  rdfs:comment "Explanation of the ways in which the object is employed."@en;
38  rdfs:domain cdi:LevelStructure;
39  rdfs:range cdi:InternationalString;
43  a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty, ucmis:Attribute;
44  rdfs:label "validDateRange";
45  rdfs:comment "The period for which the level object is valid, expressed as a start and end date (supports both ISO-standard and non-ISO date formats)."@en;
46  rdfs:domain cdi:LevelStructure;
47  rdfs:range cdi:DateRange;
52  a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty, ucmis:Association;
54  rdfs:label "has";
55  skos:altLabel "LevelStructure_has_Level";
57  rdfs:domain cdi:LevelStructure;
58  rdfs:range cdi:Level;

Fragment for the class LevelStructure (main JSON-LD)

 2  "@context": [
 3    {
 4      "cdi": "http://ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-CDI/1.0/RDF/",
 5      "xsd": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#",
 6      "LevelStructure": "cdi:LevelStructure",
 7      "catalogDetails": {
 8        "@id": "cdi:LevelStructure-catalogDetails",
 9        "@type": "@id",
10        "@context": "CatalogDetails.jsonld"
11      },
12      "identifier": {
13        "@id": "cdi:LevelStructure-identifier",
14        "@type": "@id",
15        "@context": "Identifier.jsonld"
16      },
17      "name": {
18        "@id": "cdi:LevelStructure-name",
19        "@type": "@id",
20        "@context": "ObjectName.jsonld"
21      },
22      "usage": {
23        "@id": "cdi:LevelStructure-usage",
24        "@type": "@id",
25        "@context": "InternationalString.jsonld"
26      },
27      "validDateRange": {
28        "@id": "cdi:LevelStructure-validDateRange",
29        "@type": "@id",
30        "@context": "DateRange.jsonld"
31      },
33      "has": {
34        "@id": "cdi:LevelStructure_has_Level",
35        "@type": "@id"      },
36      "uses_OF_EnumerationDomain": {
37        "@reverse": "cdi:EnumerationDomain_uses_LevelStructure",
38        "@type": "@id"
39      },
40      "has_OF_StatisticalClassification": {
41        "@reverse": "cdi:StatisticalClassification_has_LevelStructure",
42        "@type": "@id"
43      },
44      " comment ": "tag:json-should-support-trailing-commas" 
45    }
46  ],
47  "generatedBy": "This code was generated by the Eclipse Acceleo project UCMIS M2T on 2024-09-23 21:53:01.",
48  "basedOn": "based on the UML data type DDICDIModels::DDICDILibrary::Classes::Representations::LevelStructure"