Statistical Data and Metadata eXchangeΒΆ
Careful comparison was made between DDI-C nCubes and SDMX structures. In evaluating the structure and application of these two specifications it was concluded that while basic SDMX structures could be described as nCubes, not all nCubes could be described in SDMX. SDMX deals with well structured, well defined data which contains a time dimension. Not all legacy data contains well structured and well defined aggregate data and nCubes provide support for these structures. SDMX contained a more flexible approach to attaching information to regions of cells within the matrix and used a standard attribute structure to define all aspects of the matrix from the label to the cell content.
SDMX requires the data cell content to be within the structure while DDI nCubes allow for the separation of metadata description and data content. In DDI-L the NCube structure retains the specified objects for Label, Universe, Dimensions, and Measure but adds the Attribute object and the ability to define regions of the matrix and to attach attributes to these regions. DDI-L NCubes were designed to map to both earlier nCube structures and to SDMX providing support for using SDMX as a data transfer or storage structure.