
Combines datasets by concatenation for datasets with the same or overlapping variables.


Name Type   Description
AppendFiles AppendFileDescription 1..n Description of files to be appended
AppendFlagVariable string 0..1 Creates a new variable identifying the source dataframe for a row with the variable name given in the value of the property

Properties Inherited from TransformBase

Name Type   Description
ProducesDataframe DataframeDescription 0..n Signify the dataframe which this transform produces.
ConsumesDataframe DataframeDescription 0..n Signify the dataframe which this transform acts upon.

Properties Inherited from CommandBase

Name Type   Description
Command string 1..1 The type of command
SourceInformation SourceInformation 0..n Information about the source of the command.
MessageText string 0..n Adds a message that can be displayed with the command.

Item Type Hierarchy

