
Describes files used in an AppendDatasets command.


Name Type   Description
FileName string 1..1 Name of the file being appended. May be the name of an active dataframe.
RenameVariables RenamePair 0..n Variables to be renamed
KeepVariables VariableReferenceBase 0..n List of variables to keep
DropVariables VariableReferenceBase 0..n List of variables to drop
KeepCasesCondition ExpressionBase 0..1 Logical condition for keeping rows.
DropCasesCondition ExpressionBase 0..1 Logical condition for dropping rows.
Software string 0..1 The software package that works with the file.
FileFormat string 0..1 The name of a file format Valid values include: csv, txt, dat, xls, xlsx, sav, dta, sas7bdat, rds, rdata
IsCompressed boolean 0..1 Indicates whether the file format is compressed.


The following types reference this type.
