
Creates a new dataset with multiple rows per case by assigning a set of variables in the original dataset to a single variable in the new dataset.


Name Type   Description
MakeItems ReshapeItemDescription 0..n New variables created by this command.
CaseNumberVariable string 0..1 New variable identifying the case number in the wide data that created this row.
IDVariables VariableReferenceBase 0..1 One or more variables identifying unique rows in the wide data.
DropVariables VariableReferenceBase 0..1 Variables to be dropped from the new dataset.
KeepVariables VariableReferenceBase 0..1 Variables to be kept in the new dataset.
KeepNullCases boolean 0..1 When set to TRUE, rows in which all constructed variables are missing are not deleted.
CountByID string 0..1 New variable with the number of cases in the long dataset that were created from the source row in the wide dataset.
CountByIDLabel string 0..1 Label for the CountByID variable.

Properties Inherited from TransformBase

Name Type   Description
ProducesDataframe DataframeDescription 0..n Signify the dataframe which this transform produces.
ConsumesDataframe DataframeDescription 0..n Signify the dataframe which this transform acts upon.

Properties Inherited from CommandBase

Name Type   Description
Command string 1..1 The type of command
SourceInformation SourceInformation 0..n Information about the source of the command.
MessageText string 0..n Adds a message that can be displayed with the command.

Item Type Hierarchy




========= SPSS Example ================= ``` varstocases

/make name “Full Name” from named namem /make income from incd incm /index dadmom “Parent” /id=id1 /drop= var88 to var99 /null= KEEP /count= casecount “Number of rows from original case” .
{“command”: “ReshapeLong”,
“MakeItems”: [

{“TargetVariableName”: “name”, “TargetVariableLabel”: “Full Name”, “SourceVariables”:

{“$type”: “VariableListExpression”, “Variables”: [

{“$type”: “VariableSymbolExpression”, “VariableName”: “named”}, {“$type”: “VariableSymbolExpression”, “VariableName”: “namem”} ] },

“IndexVariable”: “dadmom”, “IndexVariableLabel”: “Parent”},


{“TargetVariable”: “income”, “SourceVariables”:

{“$type”: “VariableListExpression”, “Variables”: [

{“$type”: “VariableSymbolExpression”, “VariableName”: “incd”}, {“$type”: “VariableSymbolExpression”, “VariableName”: “incm”} ] },

“IndexVariable”: “dadmom”} ],

“DropVariables”: [
{“$type”: “VariableRangeExpression”, “First”:”var88”, “Last”:”var99”} ],

“KeepNullCases”:”True”, “CountByID”: “casecount”, “CountByIDLabel”: “Number of rows from original case” }

` ============  Stata Example 1 ================== `

reshape long inc ue, i(region id) j(year)

{“command”: “ReshapeLong”,
“MakeItems”: [
{“TargetVariableName”: “inc”, “Stub”: “inc”, “IndexVariableName”: “year”},
{“TargetVariableName”: “ue”, “Stub”: “ue”, “IndexVariableName”: “year”}


“IDVariables”: [
{“$type”: “VariableSymbolExpression”,”VariableName”: “region”}, {“$type”: “VariableSymbolExpression”,”VariableName”: “id”} ]



============ Stata Example 2 ================== ``` reshape long inc, i(id) j(sex “male” “female”) string

{“command”: “ReshapeLong”,
“MakeItems”: [

{“TargetVariableName”: “inc”, “Stub”: “inc”, “IndexVariableName”: “sex”, “IndexValues”: [

“Values”: [
{“$type”: “StringConstantExpression”, “Value”: “male”}, {“$type”: “StringConstantExpression”, “Value”: “female”} ]





“IDVariables”: [
{“$type”: “VariableSymbolExpression”,”VariableName”: “region”}, {“$type”: “VariableSymbolExpression”,”VariableName”: “id”} ]
