
Fully qualified datatype name: DDICDIModels::DDICDILibrary::DataTypes::StructuredDataTypes::IndividualName


The name of an individual broken out into its component parts of prefix, first/given name, middle name, last/family/surname, and suffix. The preferred compilation of the name parts may also be provided. The legal or formal name of the individual should have the isFormal attribute set to true. The preferred name should be noted with the isPreferred attribute. The attribute sex provides information to assist in the appropriate use of pronouns.




Inherited from


Data Type


Default value


- own datatype -

An abbreviation or acronym for the name. This may be expressed in multiple languages. It is assumed that if only a single language is provided that it may be used in any of the other languages within which the name itself is expressed.




- own datatype -

A name may be specific to a particular context, i.e. common usage, business, social, etc.. Identify the context related to the specified name. Supports the use of an external controlled vocabulary.




- own datatype -

Clarifies when the name information is accurate.




- own datatype -

First (given) name of the individual.




- own datatype -

This provides a means of providing a full name as a single object for display or print such as identification badges etc. For example a person with the name of William Grace for official use may prefer a display name of Bill Grace on a name tag or other informal publication.




- own datatype -

The legal or formal name of the individual should have the isFormal attribute set to True. To avoid confusion only one individual name should have the isFormal attribute set to True. Use the TypeOfIndividualName to further differentiate the type and applied usage when multiple names are provided.





- own datatype -

If more than one name for the object is provided, use the isPreferred attribute to indicate which is the preferred name content. All other names should be set to isPreferred=False.





- own datatype -

Last (family) name /surname of the individual.




- own datatype -

Middle name or initial of the individual.




- own datatype -

Title that precedes the name of the individual, such as Ms., or Dr.




- own datatype -

Sex allows for the specification of male, female or neutral. The purpose of providing this information is to assist others in the appropriate use of pronouns when addressing the individual. Note that many countries/languages may offer a neutral pronoun form.




- own datatype -

Title that follows the name of the individual, such as Esq. (abbreviation for Esquire. This is usually a courtesy title).




- own datatype -

The type of individual name provided. the use of a controlled vocabulary is strongly recommended. At minimum his should include, e.g. PreviousFormalName, Nickname (or CommonName), Other.












Syntax representations / encodings

All syntax representations except the Canonical XMI are provided as reference points for specific implementations, or for use as defaults if sufficient in the form presented.

Fragment for the data type IndividualName (entire XMI model)

  1<packagedElement xmlns:StandardProfile=""
  2                 xmlns:uml=""
  3                 xmlns:xmi=""
  4                 xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName"
  5                 xmi:uuid=""
  6                 xmi:type="uml:DataType">
  7   <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-ownedComment"
  8                 xmi:uuid=""
  9                 xmi:type="uml:Comment">
 10      <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName"/>
 11      <body>Definition
 13The name of an individual broken out into its component parts of prefix, first/given name, middle name, last/family/surname, and suffix. The preferred compilation of the name parts may also be provided. The legal or formal name of the individual should have the isFormal attribute set to true. The preferred name should be noted with the isPreferred attribute. The attribute sex provides information to assist in the appropriate use of pronouns.</body>
 14   </ownedComment>
 15   <name>IndividualName</name>
 16   <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-abbreviation"
 17                   xmi:uuid=""
 18                   xmi:type="uml:Property">
 19      <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-abbreviation-ownedComment"
 20                    xmi:uuid=""
 21                    xmi:type="uml:Comment">
 22         <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-abbreviation"/>
 23         <body>An abbreviation or acronym for the name. This may be expressed in multiple languages. It is assumed that if only a single language is provided that it may be used in any of the other languages within which the name itself is expressed.</body>
 24      </ownedComment>
 25      <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-abbreviation-lowerValue"
 26                  xmi:uuid=""
 27                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
 28      <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-abbreviation-upperValue"
 29                  xmi:uuid=""
 30                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
 31         <value>1</value>
 32      </upperValue>
 33      <name>abbreviation</name>
 34      <type xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-InternationalString"/>
 35   </ownedAttribute>
 36   <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-context"
 37                   xmi:uuid=""
 38                   xmi:type="uml:Property">
 39      <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-context-ownedComment"
 40                    xmi:uuid=""
 41                    xmi:type="uml:Comment">
 42         <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-context"/>
 43         <body>A name may be specific to a particular context, i.e. common usage, business, social, etc.. Identify the context related to the specified name. Supports the use of an external controlled vocabulary.</body>
 44      </ownedComment>
 45      <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-context-lowerValue"
 46                  xmi:uuid=""
 47                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
 48      <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-context-upperValue"
 49                  xmi:uuid=""
 50                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
 51         <value>1</value>
 52      </upperValue>
 53      <name>context</name>
 54      <type xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-ControlledVocabularyEntry"/>
 55   </ownedAttribute>
 56   <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-effectiveDates"
 57                   xmi:uuid=""
 58                   xmi:type="uml:Property">
 59      <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-effectiveDates-ownedComment"
 60                    xmi:uuid=""
 61                    xmi:type="uml:Comment">
 62         <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-effectiveDates"/>
 63         <body>Clarifies when the name information is accurate.</body>
 64      </ownedComment>
 65      <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-effectiveDates-lowerValue"
 66                  xmi:uuid=""
 67                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
 68      <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-effectiveDates-upperValue"
 69                  xmi:uuid=""
 70                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
 71         <value>1</value>
 72      </upperValue>
 73      <name>effectiveDates</name>
 74      <type xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-DateRange"/>
 75   </ownedAttribute>
 76   <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-firstGiven"
 77                   xmi:uuid=""
 78                   xmi:type="uml:Property">
 79      <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-firstGiven-ownedComment"
 80                    xmi:uuid=""
 81                    xmi:type="uml:Comment">
 82         <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-firstGiven"/>
 83         <body>First (given) name of the individual.</body>
 84      </ownedComment>
 85      <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-firstGiven-lowerValue"
 86                  xmi:uuid=""
 87                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
 88      <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-firstGiven-upperValue"
 89                  xmi:uuid=""
 90                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
 91         <value>1</value>
 92      </upperValue>
 93      <name>firstGiven</name>
 94      <type href=""
 95            xmi:type="uml:PrimitiveType"/>
 96   </ownedAttribute>
 97   <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-fullName"
 98                   xmi:uuid=""
 99                   xmi:type="uml:Property">
100      <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-fullName-ownedComment"
101                    xmi:uuid=""
102                    xmi:type="uml:Comment">
103         <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-fullName"/>
104         <body>This provides a means of providing a full name as a single object for display or print such as identification badges etc. For example a person with the name of William Grace for official use may prefer a display name of Bill Grace on a name tag or other informal publication.</body>
105      </ownedComment>
106      <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-fullName-lowerValue"
107                  xmi:uuid=""
108                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
109      <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-fullName-upperValue"
110                  xmi:uuid=""
111                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
112         <value>1</value>
113      </upperValue>
114      <name>fullName</name>
115      <type xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-InternationalString"/>
116   </ownedAttribute>
117   <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-isFormal"
118                   xmi:uuid=""
119                   xmi:type="uml:Property">
120      <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-isFormal-ownedComment"
121                    xmi:uuid=""
122                    xmi:type="uml:Comment">
123         <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-isFormal"/>
124         <body>The legal or formal name of the individual should have the isFormal attribute set to True. To avoid confusion only one individual name should have the isFormal attribute set to True. Use the TypeOfIndividualName to further differentiate the type and applied usage when multiple names are provided.</body>
125      </ownedComment>
126      <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-isFormal-lowerValue"
127                  xmi:uuid=""
128                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
129      <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-isFormal-upperValue"
130                  xmi:uuid=""
131                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
132         <value>1</value>
133      </upperValue>
134      <name>isFormal</name>
135      <defaultValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-isFormal-defaultValue"
136                    xmi:uuid=""
137                    xmi:type="uml:LiteralBoolean">
138         <value>True</value>
139      </defaultValue>
140      <type href=""
141            xmi:type="uml:PrimitiveType"/>
142   </ownedAttribute>
143   <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-isPreferred"
144                   xmi:uuid=""
145                   xmi:type="uml:Property">
146      <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-isPreferred-ownedComment"
147                    xmi:uuid=""
148                    xmi:type="uml:Comment">
149         <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-isPreferred"/>
150         <body>If more than one name for the object is provided, use the isPreferred attribute to indicate which is the preferred name content. All other names should be set to isPreferred=False.</body>
151      </ownedComment>
152      <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-isPreferred-lowerValue"
153                  xmi:uuid=""
154                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
155      <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-isPreferred-upperValue"
156                  xmi:uuid=""
157                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
158         <value>1</value>
159      </upperValue>
160      <name>isPreferred</name>
161      <defaultValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-isPreferred-defaultValue"
162                    xmi:uuid=""
163                    xmi:type="uml:LiteralBoolean">
164         <value>False</value>
165      </defaultValue>
166      <type href=""
167            xmi:type="uml:PrimitiveType"/>
168   </ownedAttribute>
169   <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-lastFamily"
170                   xmi:uuid=""
171                   xmi:type="uml:Property">
172      <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-lastFamily-ownedComment"
173                    xmi:uuid=""
174                    xmi:type="uml:Comment">
175         <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-lastFamily"/>
176         <body>Last (family) name /surname of the individual.</body>
177      </ownedComment>
178      <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-lastFamily-lowerValue"
179                  xmi:uuid=""
180                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
181      <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-lastFamily-upperValue"
182                  xmi:uuid=""
183                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
184         <value>1</value>
185      </upperValue>
186      <name>lastFamily</name>
187      <type href=""
188            xmi:type="uml:PrimitiveType"/>
189   </ownedAttribute>
190   <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-middle"
191                   xmi:uuid=""
192                   xmi:type="uml:Property">
193      <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-middle-ownedComment"
194                    xmi:uuid=""
195                    xmi:type="uml:Comment">
196         <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-middle"/>
197         <body>Middle name or initial of the individual.</body>
198      </ownedComment>
199      <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-middle-lowerValue"
200                  xmi:uuid=""
201                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
202      <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-middle-upperValue"
203                  xmi:uuid=""
204                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
205         <value>*</value>
206      </upperValue>
207      <name>middle</name>
208      <isOrdered>true</isOrdered>
209      <type href=""
210            xmi:type="uml:PrimitiveType"/>
211   </ownedAttribute>
212   <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-prefix"
213                   xmi:uuid=""
214                   xmi:type="uml:Property">
215      <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-prefix-ownedComment"
216                    xmi:uuid=""
217                    xmi:type="uml:Comment">
218         <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-prefix"/>
219         <body>Title that precedes the name of the individual, such as Ms., or Dr.</body>
220      </ownedComment>
221      <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-prefix-lowerValue"
222                  xmi:uuid=""
223                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
224      <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-prefix-upperValue"
225                  xmi:uuid=""
226                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
227         <value>1</value>
228      </upperValue>
229      <name>prefix</name>
230      <type href=""
231            xmi:type="uml:PrimitiveType"/>
232   </ownedAttribute>
233   <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-sex"
234                   xmi:uuid=""
235                   xmi:type="uml:Property">
236      <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-sex-ownedComment"
237                    xmi:uuid=""
238                    xmi:type="uml:Comment">
239         <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-sex"/>
240         <body>Sex allows for the specification of male, female or neutral. The purpose of providing this information is to assist others in the appropriate use of pronouns when addressing the individual. Note that many countries/languages may offer a neutral pronoun form.</body>
241      </ownedComment>
242      <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-sex-lowerValue"
243                  xmi:uuid=""
244                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
245      <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-sex-upperValue"
246                  xmi:uuid=""
247                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
248         <value>1</value>
249      </upperValue>
250      <name>sex</name>
251      <type xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-Enumerations-SexSpecification"/>
252   </ownedAttribute>
253   <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-suffix"
254                   xmi:uuid=""
255                   xmi:type="uml:Property">
256      <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-suffix-ownedComment"
257                    xmi:uuid=""
258                    xmi:type="uml:Comment">
259         <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-suffix"/>
260         <body>Title that follows the name of the individual, such as Esq. (abbreviation for Esquire. This is usually a courtesy title).</body>
261      </ownedComment>
262      <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-suffix-lowerValue"
263                  xmi:uuid=""
264                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
265      <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-suffix-upperValue"
266                  xmi:uuid=""
267                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
268         <value>1</value>
269      </upperValue>
270      <name>suffix</name>
271      <type href=""
272            xmi:type="uml:PrimitiveType"/>
273   </ownedAttribute>
274   <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-typeOfIndividualName"
275                   xmi:uuid=""
276                   xmi:type="uml:Property">
277      <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-typeOfIndividualName-ownedComment"
278                    xmi:uuid=""
279                    xmi:type="uml:Comment">
280         <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-typeOfIndividualName"/>
281         <body>The type of individual name provided. the use of a controlled vocabulary is strongly recommended. At minimum his should include, e.g. PreviousFormalName, Nickname (or CommonName), Other.</body>
282      </ownedComment>
283      <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-typeOfIndividualName-lowerValue"
284                  xmi:uuid=""
285                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
286      <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-IndividualName-typeOfIndividualName-upperValue"
287                  xmi:uuid=""
288                  xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
289         <value>1</value>
290      </upperValue>
291      <name>typeOfIndividualName</name>
292      <type xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-ControlledVocabularyEntry"/>
293   </ownedAttribute>

Fragment for the data type IndividualName (entire XML Schema)

  1<xs:element name="IndividualName"
  2            type="IndividualNameXsdType"
  3            xml:id="IndividualName">
  4  <!-- based on the UML data type DDICDIModels::DDICDILibrary::DataTypes::StructuredDataTypes::IndividualName -->
  5  <xs:annotation>
  6    <xs:documentation>Definition
  7          ============
  8          The name of an individual broken out into its component parts of prefix, first/given name, middle name, last/family/surname, and suffix. The preferred compilation of the name parts may also be provided. The legal or formal name of the individual should have the isFormal attribute set to true. The preferred name should be noted with the isPreferred attribute. The attribute sex provides information to assist in the appropriate use of pronouns.</xs:documentation>
  9  </xs:annotation>
 11<xs:complexType name="IndividualNameXsdType"
 12                xml:id="IndividualNameXsdType">
 13  <xs:annotation>
 14    <xs:documentation>Definition
 15          ============
 16          The name of an individual broken out into its component parts of prefix, first/given name, middle name, last/family/surname, and suffix. The preferred compilation of the name parts may also be provided. The legal or formal name of the individual should have the isFormal attribute set to true. The preferred name should be noted with the isPreferred attribute. The attribute sex provides information to assist in the appropriate use of pronouns.</xs:documentation>
 17  </xs:annotation>
 18  <xs:sequence>
 19    <xs:element name="abbreviation"
 20                type="InternationalStringXsdType"
 21                minOccurs="0"
 22                maxOccurs="1"
 23                xml:id="IndividualName-abbreviation">
 24      <xs:annotation>
 25        <xs:documentation>An abbreviation or acronym for the name. This may be expressed in multiple languages. It is assumed that if only a single language is provided that it may be used in any of the other languages within which the name itself is expressed.</xs:documentation>
 26      </xs:annotation>
 27    </xs:element>
 28    <xs:element name="context"
 29                type="ControlledVocabularyEntryXsdType"
 30                minOccurs="0"
 31                maxOccurs="1"
 32                xml:id="IndividualName-context">
 33      <xs:annotation>
 34        <xs:documentation>A name may be specific to a particular context, i.e. common usage, business, social, etc.. Identify the context related to the specified name. Supports the use of an external controlled vocabulary.</xs:documentation>
 35      </xs:annotation>
 36    </xs:element>
 37    <xs:element name="effectiveDates"
 38                type="DateRangeXsdType"
 39                minOccurs="0"
 40                maxOccurs="1"
 41                xml:id="IndividualName-effectiveDates">
 42      <xs:annotation>
 43        <xs:documentation>Clarifies when the name information is accurate.</xs:documentation>
 44      </xs:annotation>
 45    </xs:element>
 46    <xs:element name="firstGiven"
 47                type="xs:string"
 48                minOccurs="0"
 49                maxOccurs="1"
 50                xml:id="IndividualName-firstGiven">
 51      <xs:annotation>
 52        <xs:documentation>First (given) name of the individual.</xs:documentation>
 53      </xs:annotation>
 54    </xs:element>
 55    <xs:element name="fullName"
 56                type="InternationalStringXsdType"
 57                minOccurs="0"
 58                maxOccurs="1"
 59                xml:id="IndividualName-fullName">
 60      <xs:annotation>
 61        <xs:documentation>This provides a means of providing a full name as a single object for display or print such as identification badges etc. For example a person with the name of William Grace for official use may prefer a display name of Bill Grace on a name tag or other informal publication.</xs:documentation>
 62      </xs:annotation>
 63    </xs:element>
 64    <xs:element name="isFormal"
 65                type="xs:boolean"
 66                minOccurs="0"
 67                maxOccurs="1"
 68                xml:id="IndividualName-isFormal">
 69      <xs:annotation>
 70        <xs:documentation>The legal or formal name of the individual should have the isFormal attribute set to True. To avoid confusion only one individual name should have the isFormal attribute set to True. Use the TypeOfIndividualName to further differentiate the type and applied usage when multiple names are provided.</xs:documentation>
 71      </xs:annotation>
 72    </xs:element>
 73    <xs:element name="isPreferred"
 74                type="xs:boolean"
 75                minOccurs="0"
 76                maxOccurs="1"
 77                xml:id="IndividualName-isPreferred">
 78      <xs:annotation>
 79        <xs:documentation>If more than one name for the object is provided, use the isPreferred attribute to indicate which is the preferred name content. All other names should be set to isPreferred=False.</xs:documentation>
 80      </xs:annotation>
 81    </xs:element>
 82    <xs:element name="lastFamily"
 83                type="xs:string"
 84                minOccurs="0"
 85                maxOccurs="1"
 86                xml:id="IndividualName-lastFamily">
 87      <xs:annotation>
 88        <xs:documentation>Last (family) name /surname of the individual.</xs:documentation>
 89      </xs:annotation>
 90    </xs:element>
 91    <xs:element name="middle"
 92                type="xs:string"
 93                minOccurs="0"
 94                maxOccurs="unbounded"
 95                xml:id="IndividualName-middle">
 96      <xs:annotation>
 97        <xs:documentation>Middle name or initial of the individual.</xs:documentation>
 98      </xs:annotation>
 99    </xs:element>
100    <xs:element name="prefix"
101                type="xs:string"
102                minOccurs="0"
103                maxOccurs="1"
104                xml:id="IndividualName-prefix">
105      <xs:annotation>
106        <xs:documentation>Title that precedes the name of the individual, such as Ms., or Dr.</xs:documentation>
107      </xs:annotation>
108    </xs:element>
109    <xs:element name="sex"
110                type="SexSpecificationXsdType"
111                minOccurs="0"
112                maxOccurs="1"
113                xml:id="IndividualName-sex">
114      <xs:annotation>
115        <xs:documentation>Sex allows for the specification of male, female or neutral. The purpose of providing this information is to assist others in the appropriate use of pronouns when addressing the individual. Note that many countries/languages may offer a neutral pronoun form.</xs:documentation>
116      </xs:annotation>
117    </xs:element>
118    <xs:element name="suffix"
119                type="xs:string"
120                minOccurs="0"
121                maxOccurs="1"
122                xml:id="IndividualName-suffix">
123      <xs:annotation>
124        <xs:documentation>Title that follows the name of the individual, such as Esq. (abbreviation for Esquire. This is usually a courtesy title).</xs:documentation>
125      </xs:annotation>
126    </xs:element>
127    <xs:element name="typeOfIndividualName"
128                type="ControlledVocabularyEntryXsdType"
129                minOccurs="0"
130                maxOccurs="1"
131                xml:id="IndividualName-typeOfIndividualName">
132      <xs:annotation>
133        <xs:documentation>The type of individual name provided. the use of a controlled vocabulary is strongly recommended. At minimum his should include, e.g. PreviousFormalName, Nickname (or CommonName), Other.</xs:documentation>
134      </xs:annotation>
135    </xs:element>
136  </xs:sequence>

Fragment for the data type IndividualName (main ontology, entire ontology as zip)

  1# datatype IndividualName
  2# based on the UML data type DDICDIModels::DDICDILibrary::DataTypes::StructuredDataTypes::IndividualName
  4  a rdfs:Class, owl:Class, ucmis:StructuredDataType;
  5  rdfs:label "IndividualName";
  6  rdfs:comment "Definition\n============\nThe name of an individual broken out into its component parts of prefix, first/given name, middle name, last/family/surname, and suffix. The preferred compilation of the name parts may also be provided. The legal or formal name of the individual should have the isFormal attribute set to true. The preferred name should be noted with the isPreferred attribute. The attribute sex provides information to assist in the appropriate use of pronouns."@en;
  8  owl:hasKey (cdi:IndividualName-abbreviation cdi:IndividualName-context cdi:IndividualName-effectiveDates cdi:IndividualName-firstGiven cdi:IndividualName-fullName cdi:IndividualName-isFormal cdi:IndividualName-isPreferred cdi:IndividualName-lastFamily cdi:IndividualName-middle cdi:IndividualName-prefix cdi:IndividualName-sex cdi:IndividualName-suffix cdi:IndividualName-typeOfIndividualName);
 12  a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty, ucmis:Attribute;
 13  rdfs:label "abbreviation";
 14  rdfs:comment "An abbreviation or acronym for the name. This may be expressed in multiple languages. It is assumed that if only a single language is provided that it may be used in any of the other languages within which the name itself is expressed."@en;
 15  rdfs:domain cdi:IndividualName;
 16  rdfs:range cdi:InternationalString;
 20  a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty, ucmis:Attribute;
 21  rdfs:label "context";
 22  rdfs:comment "A name may be specific to a particular context, i.e. common usage, business, social, etc.. Identify the context related to the specified name. Supports the use of an external controlled vocabulary."@en;
 23  rdfs:domain cdi:IndividualName;
 24  rdfs:range cdi:ControlledVocabularyEntry;
 28  a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty, ucmis:Attribute;
 29  rdfs:label "effectiveDates";
 30  rdfs:comment "Clarifies when the name information is accurate."@en;
 31  rdfs:domain cdi:IndividualName;
 32  rdfs:range cdi:DateRange;
 36  a rdf:Property, owl:DatatypeProperty, ucmis:Attribute;
 37  rdfs:label "firstGiven";
 38  rdfs:comment "First (given) name of the individual."@en;
 39  rdfs:domain cdi:IndividualName;
 40  rdfs:range xsd:string;
 44  a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty, ucmis:Attribute;
 45  rdfs:label "fullName";
 46  rdfs:comment "This provides a means of providing a full name as a single object for display or print such as identification badges etc. For example a person with the name of William Grace for official use may prefer a display name of Bill Grace on a name tag or other informal publication."@en;
 47  rdfs:domain cdi:IndividualName;
 48  rdfs:range cdi:InternationalString;
 52  a rdf:Property, owl:DatatypeProperty, ucmis:Attribute;
 53  rdfs:label "isFormal";
 54  rdfs:comment "The legal or formal name of the individual should have the isFormal attribute set to True. To avoid confusion only one individual name should have the isFormal attribute set to True. Use the TypeOfIndividualName to further differentiate the type and applied usage when multiple names are provided."@en;
 55  rdfs:domain cdi:IndividualName;
 56  rdfs:range xsd:boolean;
 60  a rdf:Property, owl:DatatypeProperty, ucmis:Attribute;
 61  rdfs:label "isPreferred";
 62  rdfs:comment "If more than one name for the object is provided, use the isPreferred attribute to indicate which is the preferred name content. All other names should be set to isPreferred=False."@en;
 63  rdfs:domain cdi:IndividualName;
 64  rdfs:range xsd:boolean;
 68  a rdf:Property, owl:DatatypeProperty, ucmis:Attribute;
 69  rdfs:label "lastFamily";
 70  rdfs:comment "Last (family) name /surname of the individual."@en;
 71  rdfs:domain cdi:IndividualName;
 72  rdfs:range xsd:string;
 76  a rdf:Property, owl:DatatypeProperty, ucmis:Attribute;
 77  rdfs:label "middle";
 78  rdfs:comment "Middle name or initial of the individual."@en;
 79  rdfs:domain cdi:IndividualName;
 80  rdfs:range xsd:string;
 84  a rdf:Property, owl:DatatypeProperty, ucmis:Attribute;
 85  rdfs:label "prefix";
 86  rdfs:comment "Title that precedes the name of the individual, such as Ms., or Dr."@en;
 87  rdfs:domain cdi:IndividualName;
 88  rdfs:range xsd:string;
 92  a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty, ucmis:Attribute;
 93  rdfs:label "sex";
 94  rdfs:comment "Sex allows for the specification of male, female or neutral. The purpose of providing this information is to assist others in the appropriate use of pronouns when addressing the individual. Note that many countries/languages may offer a neutral pronoun form."@en;
 95  rdfs:domain cdi:IndividualName;
 96  rdfs:range cdi:SexSpecification;
100  a rdf:Property, owl:DatatypeProperty, ucmis:Attribute;
101  rdfs:label "suffix";
102  rdfs:comment "Title that follows the name of the individual, such as Esq. (abbreviation for Esquire. This is usually a courtesy title)."@en;
103  rdfs:domain cdi:IndividualName;
104  rdfs:range xsd:string;
108  a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty, ucmis:Attribute;
109  rdfs:label "typeOfIndividualName";
110  rdfs:comment "The type of individual name provided. the use of a controlled vocabulary is strongly recommended. At minimum his should include, e.g. PreviousFormalName, Nickname (or CommonName), Other."@en;
111  rdfs:domain cdi:IndividualName;
112  rdfs:range cdi:ControlledVocabularyEntry;

Fragment for the data type IndividualName (main JSON-LD entire JSON-LD as zip)

 2  "@context": [
 3    {
 4      "cdi": "",
 5      "xsd": "",
 7      "abbreviation": {
 8        "@id": "cdi:IndividualName-abbreviation",
 9        "@type": "@id",
10        "@context": "InternationalString.jsonld"
11      },
12      "context": {
13        "@id": "cdi:IndividualName-context",
14        "@type": "@id",
15        "@context": "ControlledVocabularyEntry.jsonld"
16      },
17      "effectiveDates": {
18        "@id": "cdi:IndividualName-effectiveDates",
19        "@type": "@id",
20        "@context": "DateRange.jsonld"
21      },
22      "firstGiven": {
23        "@id": "cdi:IndividualName-firstGiven",
24        "@type": "xsd:string"
25      },
26      "fullName": {
27        "@id": "cdi:IndividualName-fullName",
28        "@type": "@id",
29        "@context": "InternationalString.jsonld"
30      },
31      "isFormal": {
32        "@id": "cdi:IndividualName-isFormal",
33        "@type": "xsd:boolean"
34      },
35      "isPreferred": {
36        "@id": "cdi:IndividualName-isPreferred",
37        "@type": "xsd:boolean"
38      },
39      "lastFamily": {
40        "@id": "cdi:IndividualName-lastFamily",
41        "@type": "xsd:string"
42      },
43      "middle": {
44        "@id": "cdi:IndividualName-middle",
45        "@type": "xsd:string"
46      },
47      "prefix": {
48        "@id": "cdi:IndividualName-prefix",
49        "@type": "xsd:string"
50      },
51      "sex": {
52        "@id": "cdi:IndividualName-sex",
53        "@type": "@vocab",
54        "@context": {
55          "Feminine": "cdi:Feminine"
56      ,    "GenderNeutral": "cdi:GenderNeutral"
57      ,    "Masculine": "cdi:Masculine"
58        }
59      },
60      "suffix": {
61        "@id": "cdi:IndividualName-suffix",
62        "@type": "xsd:string"
63      },
64      "typeOfIndividualName": {
65        "@id": "cdi:IndividualName-typeOfIndividualName",
66        "@type": "@id",
67        "@context": "ControlledVocabularyEntry.jsonld"
68      },
70      " comment ": "tag:json-should-support-trailing-commas" 
71    }
72  ],
73  "generatedBy": "This code was generated by the Eclipse Acceleo project UCMIS M2T on 2025-01-25 16:58:35.",
74  "basedOn": "based on the UML data type DDICDIModels::DDICDILibrary::DataTypes::StructuredDataTypes::IndividualName"