Fully qualified datatype name: DDICDIModels::DDICDILibrary::DataTypes::StructuredDataTypes::Identifier
Identifier for objects requiring short- or long-lasting referencing and management.
Name |
Inherited from |
Description |
Data Type |
Multiplicity |
Default value |
ddiIdentifier |
- own datatype - |
A globally unique identifier. The values of the three attributes can be used to create a DDI URN. |
0..1 |
isDdiIdentifierPersistent |
- own datatype - |
Default value is False indicating that the content of the current version may change (may be in development mode). Set to True when the content of this version will no longer change. |
Boolean |
0..1 |
false |
isDdiIdentifierUniversallyUnique |
- own datatype - |
Default value is False. If the id of the object was created as a Universally Unique ID (UUID) set to True. |
Boolean |
0..1 |
false |
nonDdiIdentifier |
- own datatype - |
Any identifier other than a DDI identifier. |
0..* |
uri |
- own datatype - |
A Universal Resource Identifier, valid according to the W3C XML Schema specification. |
0..1 |
versionDate |
- own datatype - |
Date and time the object was changed expressed in standard ISO formats. |
0..1 |
versionRationale |
- own datatype - |
Reason for making a new version of the object. |
0..1 |
versionResponsibility |
- own datatype - |
Contributor who has the ownership and responsibility for the current version. |
0..1 |
Type |
Package |
Classifier |
Attribute |
Class |
Agents |
identifier |
Class |
Agents |
identifier |
Class |
Agents |
identifier |
Class |
Agents |
identifier |
Class |
Agents |
identifier |
Class |
Conceptual |
identifier |
Class |
Conceptual |
identifier |
Class |
Conceptual |
identifier |
Class |
Conceptual |
identifier |
Class |
Conceptual |
identifier |
Class |
Conceptual |
identifier |
Class |
Conceptual |
identifier |
Class |
Conceptual |
identifier |
Class |
Conceptual |
identifier |
Class |
Conceptual |
identifier |
Class |
Conceptual |
identifier |
Class |
Conceptual |
identifier |
Class |
Conceptual |
identifier |
Class |
Conceptual |
identifier |
Class |
Conceptual |
identifier |
Class |
DataDescription |
identifier |
Class |
DataDescription |
identifier |
Class |
DataDescription |
identifier |
Class |
DataDescription |
identifier |
Class |
DataDescription |
identifier |
Class |
DataDescription |
identifier |
Class |
DataDescription |
identifier |
Class |
Components |
identifier |
Class |
Components |
identifier |
Class |
Components |
identifier |
Class |
Components |
identifier |
Class |
Components |
identifier |
Class |
Components |
identifier |
Class |
Dimensional |
identifier |
Class |
Dimensional |
identifier |
Class |
Dimensional |
identifier |
Class |
FormatDescription |
identifier |
Class |
FormatDescription |
identifier |
Class |
FormatDescription |
identifier |
Class |
FormatDescription |
identifier |
Class |
FormatDescription |
identifier |
Class |
FormatDescription |
identifier |
Class |
FormatDescription |
identifier |
Class |
FormatDescription |
identifier |
Class |
FormatDescription |
identifier |
Class |
FormatDescription |
identifier |
Class |
FormatDescription |
identifier |
Class |
FormatDescription |
identifier |
Class |
FormatDescription |
identifier |
Class |
FormatDescription |
identifier |
Class |
FormatDescription |
identifier |
Class |
FormatDescription |
identifier |
Class |
FormatDescription |
identifier |
Class |
FormatDescription |
identifier |
Class |
FormatDescription |
identifier |
Class |
FormatDescription |
identifier |
Class |
FormatDescription |
identifier |
Class |
Process |
identifier |
Class |
Process |
identifier |
Class |
Process |
identifier |
Class |
Process |
identifier |
Class |
Process |
identifier |
Class |
Process |
identifier |
Class |
Process |
identifier |
Class |
Process |
identifier |
Class |
Representations |
identifier |
Class |
Representations |
identifier |
Class |
Representations |
identifier |
Class |
Representations |
identifier |
Class |
Representations |
identifier |
Class |
Representations |
identifier |
Class |
Representations |
identifier |
Class |
Representations |
identifier |
Class |
Representations |
identifier |
Class |
Representations |
identifier |
Class |
Representations |
identifier |
Class |
Representations |
identifier |
Class |
Representations |
identifier |
Class |
Representations |
identifier |
Class |
Representations |
identifier |
Class |
Representations |
identifier |
Class |
Representations |
identifier |
Class |
Representations |
identifier |
Class |
Representations |
identifier |
Class |
Representations |
identifier |
Class |
Representations |
identifier |
Class |
Representations |
identifier |
Class |
Representations |
identifier |
Class |
Representations |
identifier |
Syntax representations / encodings
All syntax representations except the Canonical XMI are provided as reference points for specific implementations, or for use as defaults if sufficient in the form presented.
Fragment for the data type Identifier (entire XMI model)
1<packagedElement xmlns:StandardProfile=""
2 xmlns:uml=""
3 xmlns:xmi=""
4 xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier"
5 xmi:uuid=""
6 xmi:type="uml:DataType">
7 <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-ownedComment"
8 xmi:uuid=""
9 xmi:type="uml:Comment">
10 <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier"/>
11 <body>Definition
13Identifier for objects requiring short- or long-lasting referencing and management.</body>
14 </ownedComment>
15 <name>Identifier</name>
16 <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-ddiIdentifier"
17 xmi:uuid=""
18 xmi:type="uml:Property">
19 <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-ddiIdentifier-ownedComment"
20 xmi:uuid=""
21 xmi:type="uml:Comment">
22 <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-ddiIdentifier"/>
23 <body>A globally unique identifier. The values of the three attributes can be used to create a DDI URN.</body>
24 </ownedComment>
25 <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-ddiIdentifier-lowerValue"
26 xmi:uuid=""
27 xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
28 <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-ddiIdentifier-upperValue"
29 xmi:uuid=""
30 xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
31 <value>1</value>
32 </upperValue>
33 <name>ddiIdentifier</name>
34 <isID>true</isID>
35 <type xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-InternationalRegistrationDataIdentifier"/>
36 </ownedAttribute>
37 <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-isDdiIdentifierPersistent"
38 xmi:uuid=""
39 xmi:type="uml:Property">
40 <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-isDdiIdentifierPersistent-ownedComment"
41 xmi:uuid=""
42 xmi:type="uml:Comment">
43 <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-isDdiIdentifierPersistent"/>
44 <body>Default value is False indicating that the content of the current version may change (may be in development mode). Set to True when the content of this version will no longer change.</body>
45 </ownedComment>
46 <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-isDdiIdentifierPersistent-lowerValue"
47 xmi:uuid=""
48 xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
49 <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-isDdiIdentifierPersistent-upperValue"
50 xmi:uuid=""
51 xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
52 <value>1</value>
53 </upperValue>
54 <name>isDdiIdentifierPersistent</name>
55 <defaultValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-isDdiIdentifierPersistent-defaultValue"
56 xmi:uuid=""
57 xmi:type="uml:LiteralBoolean">
58 <value>False</value>
59 </defaultValue>
60 <type href=""
61 xmi:type="uml:PrimitiveType"/>
62 </ownedAttribute>
63 <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-isDdiIdentifierUniversallyUnique"
64 xmi:uuid=""
65 xmi:type="uml:Property">
66 <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-isDdiIdentifierUniversallyUnique-ownedComment"
67 xmi:uuid=""
68 xmi:type="uml:Comment">
69 <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-isDdiIdentifierUniversallyUnique"/>
70 <body>Default value is False. If the id of the object was created as a Universally Unique ID (UUID) set to True.</body>
71 </ownedComment>
72 <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-isDdiIdentifierUniversallyUnique-lowerValue"
73 xmi:uuid=""
74 xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
75 <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-isDdiIdentifierUniversallyUnique-upperValue"
76 xmi:uuid=""
77 xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
78 <value>1</value>
79 </upperValue>
80 <name>isDdiIdentifierUniversallyUnique</name>
81 <defaultValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-isDdiIdentifierUniversallyUnique-defaultValue"
82 xmi:uuid=""
83 xmi:type="uml:LiteralBoolean">
84 <value>False</value>
85 </defaultValue>
86 <type href=""
87 xmi:type="uml:PrimitiveType"/>
88 </ownedAttribute>
89 <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-nonDdiIdentifier"
90 xmi:uuid=""
91 xmi:type="uml:Property">
92 <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-nonDdiIdentifier-ownedComment"
93 xmi:uuid=""
94 xmi:type="uml:Comment">
95 <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-nonDdiIdentifier"/>
96 <body>Any identifier other than a DDI identifier.</body>
97 </ownedComment>
98 <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-nonDdiIdentifier-lowerValue"
99 xmi:uuid=""
100 xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
101 <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-nonDdiIdentifier-upperValue"
102 xmi:uuid=""
103 xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
104 <value>*</value>
105 </upperValue>
106 <name>nonDdiIdentifier</name>
107 <isOrdered>true</isOrdered>
108 <type xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-NonDdiIdentifier"/>
109 </ownedAttribute>
110 <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-uri"
111 xmi:uuid=""
112 xmi:type="uml:Property">
113 <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-uri-ownedComment"
114 xmi:uuid=""
115 xmi:type="uml:Comment">
116 <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-uri"/>
117 <body>A Universal Resource Identifier, valid according to the W3C XML Schema specification.</body>
118 </ownedComment>
119 <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-uri-lowerValue"
120 xmi:uuid=""
121 xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
122 <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-uri-upperValue"
123 xmi:uuid=""
124 xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
125 <value>1</value>
126 </upperValue>
127 <name>uri</name>
128 <type xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-XMLSchemaDataTypes-XsdAnyUri"/>
129 </ownedAttribute>
130 <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-versionDate"
131 xmi:uuid=""
132 xmi:type="uml:Property">
133 <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-versionDate-ownedComment"
134 xmi:uuid=""
135 xmi:type="uml:Comment">
136 <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-versionDate"/>
137 <body>Date and time the object was changed expressed in standard ISO formats.</body>
138 </ownedComment>
139 <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-versionDate-lowerValue"
140 xmi:uuid=""
141 xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
142 <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-versionDate-upperValue"
143 xmi:uuid=""
144 xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
145 <value>1</value>
146 </upperValue>
147 <name>versionDate</name>
148 <type xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-XMLSchemaDataTypes-XsdDate"/>
149 </ownedAttribute>
150 <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-versionRationale"
151 xmi:uuid=""
152 xmi:type="uml:Property">
153 <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-versionRationale-ownedComment"
154 xmi:uuid=""
155 xmi:type="uml:Comment">
156 <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-versionRationale"/>
157 <body>Reason for making a new version of the object.</body>
158 </ownedComment>
159 <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-versionRationale-lowerValue"
160 xmi:uuid=""
161 xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
162 <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-versionRationale-upperValue"
163 xmi:uuid=""
164 xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
165 <value>1</value>
166 </upperValue>
167 <name>versionRationale</name>
168 <type xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-RationaleDefinition"/>
169 </ownedAttribute>
170 <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-versionResponsibility"
171 xmi:uuid=""
172 xmi:type="uml:Property">
173 <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-versionResponsibility-ownedComment"
174 xmi:uuid=""
175 xmi:type="uml:Comment">
176 <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-versionResponsibility"/>
177 <body>Contributor who has the ownership and responsibility for the current version.</body>
178 </ownedComment>
179 <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-versionResponsibility-lowerValue"
180 xmi:uuid=""
181 xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
182 <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier-versionResponsibility-upperValue"
183 xmi:uuid=""
184 xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
185 <value>1</value>
186 </upperValue>
187 <name>versionResponsibility</name>
188 <type xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-AgentInRole"/>
189 </ownedAttribute>
Fragment for the data type Identifier (entire XML Schema)
1<xs:element name="Identifier"
2 type="IdentifierXsdType"
3 xml:id="Identifier">
4 <!-- based on the UML data type DDICDIModels::DDICDILibrary::DataTypes::StructuredDataTypes::Identifier -->
5 <xs:annotation>
6 <xs:documentation>Definition
7 ============
8 Identifier for objects requiring short- or long-lasting referencing and management.</xs:documentation>
9 </xs:annotation>
11<xs:complexType name="IdentifierXsdType"
12 xml:id="IdentifierXsdType">
13 <xs:annotation>
14 <xs:documentation>Definition
15 ============
16 Identifier for objects requiring short- or long-lasting referencing and management.</xs:documentation>
17 </xs:annotation>
18 <xs:sequence>
19 <xs:element name="ddiIdentifier"
20 type="InternationalRegistrationDataIdentifierXsdType"
21 minOccurs="0"
22 maxOccurs="1"
23 xml:id="Identifier-ddiIdentifier">
24 <xs:annotation>
25 <xs:documentation>A globally unique identifier. The values of the three attributes can be used to create a DDI URN.</xs:documentation>
26 </xs:annotation>
27 </xs:element>
28 <xs:element name="isDdiIdentifierPersistent"
29 type="xs:boolean"
30 minOccurs="0"
31 maxOccurs="1"
32 xml:id="Identifier-isDdiIdentifierPersistent">
33 <xs:annotation>
34 <xs:documentation>Default value is False indicating that the content of the current version may change (may be in development mode). Set to True when the content of this version will no longer change.</xs:documentation>
35 </xs:annotation>
36 </xs:element>
37 <xs:element name="isDdiIdentifierUniversallyUnique"
38 type="xs:boolean"
39 minOccurs="0"
40 maxOccurs="1"
41 xml:id="Identifier-isDdiIdentifierUniversallyUnique">
42 <xs:annotation>
43 <xs:documentation>Default value is False. If the id of the object was created as a Universally Unique ID (UUID) set to True.</xs:documentation>
44 </xs:annotation>
45 </xs:element>
46 <xs:element name="nonDdiIdentifier"
47 type="NonDdiIdentifierXsdType"
48 minOccurs="0"
49 maxOccurs="unbounded"
50 xml:id="Identifier-nonDdiIdentifier">
51 <xs:annotation>
52 <xs:documentation>Any identifier other than a DDI identifier.</xs:documentation>
53 </xs:annotation>
54 </xs:element>
55 <xs:element name="uri"
56 type="xs:anyURI"
57 minOccurs="0"
58 maxOccurs="1"
59 xml:id="Identifier-uri">
60 <xs:annotation>
61 <xs:documentation>A Universal Resource Identifier, valid according to the W3C XML Schema specification.</xs:documentation>
62 </xs:annotation>
63 </xs:element>
64 <xs:element name="versionDate"
65 type="xs:date"
66 minOccurs="0"
67 maxOccurs="1"
68 xml:id="Identifier-versionDate">
69 <xs:annotation>
70 <xs:documentation>Date and time the object was changed expressed in standard ISO formats.</xs:documentation>
71 </xs:annotation>
72 </xs:element>
73 <xs:element name="versionRationale"
74 type="RationaleDefinitionXsdType"
75 minOccurs="0"
76 maxOccurs="1"
77 xml:id="Identifier-versionRationale">
78 <xs:annotation>
79 <xs:documentation>Reason for making a new version of the object.</xs:documentation>
80 </xs:annotation>
81 </xs:element>
82 <xs:element name="versionResponsibility"
83 type="AgentInRoleXsdType"
84 minOccurs="0"
85 maxOccurs="1"
86 xml:id="Identifier-versionResponsibility">
87 <xs:annotation>
88 <xs:documentation>Contributor who has the ownership and responsibility for the current version.</xs:documentation>
89 </xs:annotation>
90 </xs:element>
91 </xs:sequence>
Fragment for the data type Identifier (main ontology, entire ontology as zip)
1# datatype Identifier
2# based on the UML data type DDICDIModels::DDICDILibrary::DataTypes::StructuredDataTypes::Identifier
4 a rdfs:Class, owl:Class, ucmis:StructuredDataType;
5 rdfs:label "Identifier";
6 rdfs:comment "Definition\n============\nIdentifier for objects requiring short- or long-lasting referencing and management."@en;
8 owl:hasKey (cdi:Identifier-ddiIdentifier cdi:Identifier-isDdiIdentifierPersistent cdi:Identifier-isDdiIdentifierUniversallyUnique cdi:Identifier-nonDdiIdentifier cdi:Identifier-uri cdi:Identifier-versionDate cdi:Identifier-versionRationale cdi:Identifier-versionResponsibility);
12 a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty, ucmis:Attribute;
13 rdfs:label "ddiIdentifier";
14 rdfs:comment "A globally unique identifier. The values of the three attributes can be used to create a DDI URN."@en;
15 rdfs:domain cdi:Identifier;
16 rdfs:range cdi:InternationalRegistrationDataIdentifier;
20 a rdf:Property, owl:DatatypeProperty, ucmis:Attribute;
21 rdfs:label "isDdiIdentifierPersistent";
22 rdfs:comment "Default value is False indicating that the content of the current version may change (may be in development mode). Set to True when the content of this version will no longer change."@en;
23 rdfs:domain cdi:Identifier;
24 rdfs:range xsd:boolean;
28 a rdf:Property, owl:DatatypeProperty, ucmis:Attribute;
29 rdfs:label "isDdiIdentifierUniversallyUnique";
30 rdfs:comment "Default value is False. If the id of the object was created as a Universally Unique ID (UUID) set to True."@en;
31 rdfs:domain cdi:Identifier;
32 rdfs:range xsd:boolean;
36 a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty, ucmis:Attribute;
37 rdfs:label "nonDdiIdentifier";
38 rdfs:comment "Any identifier other than a DDI identifier."@en;
39 rdfs:domain cdi:Identifier;
40 rdfs:range cdi:NonDdiIdentifier;
44 a rdf:Property, owl:DatatypeProperty, ucmis:Attribute;
45 rdfs:label "uri";
46 rdfs:comment "A Universal Resource Identifier, valid according to the W3C XML Schema specification."@en;
47 rdfs:domain cdi:Identifier;
48 rdfs:range xsd:anyURI;
52 a rdf:Property, owl:DatatypeProperty, ucmis:Attribute;
53 rdfs:label "versionDate";
54 rdfs:comment "Date and time the object was changed expressed in standard ISO formats."@en;
55 rdfs:domain cdi:Identifier;
56 rdfs:range xsd:date;
60 a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty, ucmis:Attribute;
61 rdfs:label "versionRationale";
62 rdfs:comment "Reason for making a new version of the object."@en;
63 rdfs:domain cdi:Identifier;
64 rdfs:range cdi:RationaleDefinition;
68 a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty, ucmis:Attribute;
69 rdfs:label "versionResponsibility";
70 rdfs:comment "Contributor who has the ownership and responsibility for the current version."@en;
71 rdfs:domain cdi:Identifier;
72 rdfs:range cdi:AgentInRole;
Fragment for the data type Identifier (main JSON-LD entire JSON-LD as zip)
2 "@context": [
3 {
4 "cdi": "",
5 "xsd": "",
7 "ddiIdentifier": {
8 "@id": "cdi:Identifier-ddiIdentifier",
9 "@type": "@id",
10 "@context": "InternationalRegistrationDataIdentifier.jsonld"
11 },
12 "isDdiIdentifierPersistent": {
13 "@id": "cdi:Identifier-isDdiIdentifierPersistent",
14 "@type": "xsd:boolean"
15 },
16 "isDdiIdentifierUniversallyUnique": {
17 "@id": "cdi:Identifier-isDdiIdentifierUniversallyUnique",
18 "@type": "xsd:boolean"
19 },
20 "nonDdiIdentifier": {
21 "@id": "cdi:Identifier-nonDdiIdentifier",
22 "@type": "@id",
23 "@context": "NonDdiIdentifier.jsonld"
24 },
25 "uri": {
26 "@id": "cdi:Identifier-uri",
27 "@type": "xsd:anyURI"
28 },
29 "versionDate": {
30 "@id": "cdi:Identifier-versionDate",
31 "@type": "xsd:date"
32 },
33 "versionRationale": {
34 "@id": "cdi:Identifier-versionRationale",
35 "@type": "@id",
36 "@context": "RationaleDefinition.jsonld"
37 },
38 "versionResponsibility": {
39 "@id": "cdi:Identifier-versionResponsibility",
40 "@type": "@id",
41 "@context": "AgentInRole.jsonld"
42 },
44 " comment ": "tag:json-should-support-trailing-commas"
45 }
46 ],
47 "generatedBy": "This code was generated by the Eclipse Acceleo project UCMIS M2T on 2025-01-25 16:58:34.",
48 "basedOn": "based on the UML data type DDICDIModels::DDICDILibrary::DataTypes::StructuredDataTypes::Identifier"