Fully qualified class name: DDICDIModels::DDICDILibrary::Classes::Representations::CorrespondenceTable
Set of relationships between the members within or between statistical classifications.
Correspondence between the U.S. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) and North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS).
Explanatory notes¶
Correspondence tables are used with statistical classifications. For instance, it can relate two versions from the same classification series; statistical classifications from different classification series; a variant and the version on which it is based; or different versions of a variant. In the first and last examples, the correspondence table facilitates comparability over time.
Name |
Inherited from |
Description |
Data Type |
Multiplicity |
Default value |
catalogDetails |
- own class - |
Bundles the information useful for a data catalog entry. Examples would be creator, contributor, title, copyright, embargo, and license information A set of information useful for attribution, data discovery, and access. This is information that is tied to the identity of the object. If this information changes the version of the associated object changes. |
0..1 |
effectiveDates |
- own class - |
Effective period of validity of the correspondence table. The correspondence table expresses the relationships between the two classifications as they existed on the period specified in the table. |
0..1 |
identifier |
- own class - |
Identifier for objects requiring short- or long-lasting referencing and management. |
0..1 |
Direction |
Association |
Description |
Multiplicity of CorrespondenceTable |
Package of Other Class |
Other Class |
Multiplicity of other class |
Aggregation Kind |
Inherited from |
from |
CorrespondenceTable hasContact Agent |
The person(s) who may be contacted for additional information about the correspondence table. Can be an individual or organization. |
0..* |
0..* |
none |
- own class - |
from |
CorrespondenceTable isMaintainedBy Agent |
The unit or group of persons who are responsible for the correspondence table (i.e., for maintaining and updating it). |
0..* |
0..1 |
none |
- own class - |
from |
CorrespondenceTable isOwnedBy Agent |
The statistical office, other authority or section that created and maintains the correspondence table. A correspondence table may have several owners. |
0..* |
0..* |
none |
- own class - |
from |
CorrespondenceTable has ConceptMap |
Correspondence table has zero to many concept maps. |
0..1 |
0..* |
composite |
- own class - |
from |
CorrespondenceTable hasSource Level |
Level from which the correspondence is made. Correspondences might be restricted to a specified level in the node set. In this case, target items are assigned only to source items on the given level. If no level is indicated, source items can be assigned to any level of the target node set. |
0..* |
- own package - |
0..1 |
none |
- own class - |
from |
CorrespondenceTable hasTarget Level |
Level to which the correspondence is made. Correspondences might be restricted to a specified Level in the node set. In this case, target items are assigned only to source items on the given level. If no level is indicated, target items can be assigned to any level of the source node set. |
0..* |
- own package - |
0..1 |
none |
- own class - |
from |
CorrespondenceTable mapsTo StatisticalClassification |
The statistical classification(s) from which the correspondence is made. |
0..* |
- own package - |
2..* |
none |
- own class - |
Syntax representations / encodings
All syntax representations except the Canonical XMI are provided as reference points for specific implementations, or for use as defaults if sufficient in the form presented.
Fragment for the class CorrespondenceTable (entire model as XMI)
1<packagedElement xmlns:StandardProfile=""
2 xmlns:uml=""
3 xmlns:xmi=""
4 xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable"
5 xmi:uuid=""
6 xmi:type="uml:Class">
7 <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-ownedComment"
8 xmi:uuid=""
9 xmi:type="uml:Comment">
10 <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable"/>
11 <body>Definition
13Set of relationships between the members within or between statistical classifications.
17Correspondence between the U.S. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) and North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS).
19Explanatory notes
21Correspondence tables are used with statistical classifications. For instance, it can relate two versions from the same classification series; statistical classifications from different classification series; a variant and the version on which it is based; or different versions of a variant. In the first and last examples, the correspondence table facilitates comparability over time.</body>
22 </ownedComment>
23 <name>CorrespondenceTable</name>
24 <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-catalogDetails"
25 xmi:uuid=""
26 xmi:type="uml:Property">
27 <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-catalogDetails-ownedComment"
28 xmi:uuid=""
29 xmi:type="uml:Comment">
30 <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-catalogDetails"/>
31 <body>Bundles the information useful for a data catalog entry.
33Examples would be creator, contributor, title, copyright, embargo, and license information
35A set of information useful for attribution, data discovery, and access.
36This is information that is tied to the identity of the object. If this information changes the version of the associated object changes.</body>
37 </ownedComment>
38 <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-catalogDetails-lowerValue"
39 xmi:uuid=""
40 xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
41 <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-catalogDetails-upperValue"
42 xmi:uuid=""
43 xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
44 <value>1</value>
45 </upperValue>
46 <name>catalogDetails</name>
47 <type xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-CatalogDetails"/>
48 </ownedAttribute>
49 <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-effectiveDates"
50 xmi:uuid=""
51 xmi:type="uml:Property">
52 <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-effectiveDates-ownedComment"
53 xmi:uuid=""
54 xmi:type="uml:Comment">
55 <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-effectiveDates"/>
56 <body>Effective period of validity of the correspondence table. The correspondence table expresses the relationships between the two classifications as they existed on the period specified in the table.</body>
57 </ownedComment>
58 <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-effectiveDates-lowerValue"
59 xmi:uuid=""
60 xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
61 <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-effectiveDates-upperValue"
62 xmi:uuid=""
63 xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
64 <value>1</value>
65 </upperValue>
66 <name>effectiveDates</name>
67 <type xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-DateRange"/>
68 </ownedAttribute>
69 <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-identifier"
70 xmi:uuid=""
71 xmi:type="uml:Property">
72 <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-identifier-ownedComment"
73 xmi:uuid=""
74 xmi:type="uml:Comment">
75 <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-identifier"/>
76 <body>Identifier for objects requiring short- or long-lasting referencing and management.</body>
77 </ownedComment>
78 <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-identifier-lowerValue"
79 xmi:uuid=""
80 xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
81 <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-identifier-upperValue"
82 xmi:uuid=""
83 xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
84 <value>1</value>
85 </upperValue>
86 <name>identifier</name>
87 <isID>true</isID>
88 <type xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-DataTypes-StructuredDataTypes-Identifier"/>
89 </ownedAttribute>
90 <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-ownedAttribute_1"
91 xmi:uuid=""
92 xmi:type="uml:Property">
93 <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-ownedAttribute_1-lowerValue"
94 xmi:uuid=""
95 xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
96 <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-ownedAttribute_1-upperValue"
97 xmi:uuid=""
98 xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
99 <value>1</value>
100 </upperValue>
101 <association xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable_hasSource_Level"/>
102 <type xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-Level"/>
103 </ownedAttribute>
104 <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-ownedAttribute_2"
105 xmi:uuid=""
106 xmi:type="uml:Property">
107 <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-ownedAttribute_2-lowerValue"
108 xmi:uuid=""
109 xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
110 <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-ownedAttribute_2-upperValue"
111 xmi:uuid=""
112 xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
113 <value>1</value>
114 </upperValue>
115 <association xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable_hasTarget_Level"/>
116 <type xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-Level"/>
117 </ownedAttribute>
118 <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-ownedAttribute_3"
119 xmi:uuid=""
120 xmi:type="uml:Property">
121 <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-ownedAttribute_3-lowerValue"
122 xmi:uuid=""
123 xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
124 <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-ownedAttribute_3-upperValue"
125 xmi:uuid=""
126 xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
127 <value>*</value>
128 </upperValue>
129 <association xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Agents-CorrespondenceTable_isOwnedBy_Agent"/>
130 <type xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Agents-Agent"/>
131 </ownedAttribute>
132 <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-ownedAttribute_4"
133 xmi:uuid=""
134 xmi:type="uml:Property">
135 <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-ownedAttribute_4-lowerValue"
136 xmi:uuid=""
137 xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger">
138 <value>2</value>
139 </lowerValue>
140 <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-ownedAttribute_4-upperValue"
141 xmi:uuid=""
142 xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
143 <value>*</value>
144 </upperValue>
145 <association xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable_mapsTo_StatisticalClassification"/>
146 <type xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-StatisticalClassification"/>
147 </ownedAttribute>
148 <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-ownedAttribute_5"
149 xmi:uuid=""
150 xmi:type="uml:Property">
151 <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-ownedAttribute_5-lowerValue"
152 xmi:uuid=""
153 xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
154 <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-ownedAttribute_5-upperValue"
155 xmi:uuid=""
156 xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
157 <value>*</value>
158 </upperValue>
159 <association xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Agents-CorrespondenceTable_hasContact_Agent"/>
160 <type xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Agents-Agent"/>
161 </ownedAttribute>
162 <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-ownedAttribute_6"
163 xmi:uuid=""
164 xmi:type="uml:Property">
165 <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-ownedAttribute_6-lowerValue"
166 xmi:uuid=""
167 xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
168 <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-ownedAttribute_6-upperValue"
169 xmi:uuid=""
170 xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
171 <value>1</value>
172 </upperValue>
173 <association xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Agents-CorrespondenceTable_isMaintainedBy_Agent"/>
174 <type xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Agents-Agent"/>
175 </ownedAttribute>
176 <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-ownedAttribute_7"
177 xmi:uuid=""
178 xmi:type="uml:Property">
179 <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-ownedAttribute_7-lowerValue"
180 xmi:uuid=""
181 xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
182 <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CorrespondenceTable-ownedAttribute_7-upperValue"
183 xmi:uuid=""
184 xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
185 <value>*</value>
186 </upperValue>
187 <aggregation>composite</aggregation>
188 <association xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Conceptual-CorrespondenceTable_has_ConceptMap"/>
189 <type xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Conceptual-ConceptMap"/>
190 </ownedAttribute>
Fragment for the class CorrespondenceTable (entire XML Schema)
1<xs:element name="CorrespondenceTable"
2 type="CorrespondenceTableXsdType"
3 xml:id="CorrespondenceTable">
4 <!-- based on the UML class DDICDIModels::DDICDILibrary::Classes::Representations::CorrespondenceTable -->
5 <xs:annotation>
6 <xs:documentation>Definition
7 ============
8 Set of relationships between the members within or between statistical classifications.
10 Examples
11 ==========
12 Correspondence between the U.S. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) and North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS).
14 Explanatory notes
15 ===================
16 Correspondence tables are used with statistical classifications. For instance, it can relate two versions from the same classification series; statistical classifications from different classification series; a variant and the version on which it is based; or different versions of a variant. In the first and last examples, the correspondence table facilitates comparability over time.</xs:documentation>
17 </xs:annotation>
19<xs:complexType name="CorrespondenceTableXsdType"
20 xml:id="CorrespondenceTableXsdType">
21 <xs:annotation>
22 <xs:documentation>Definition
23 ============
24 Set of relationships between the members within or between statistical classifications.
26 Examples
27 ==========
28 Correspondence between the U.S. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) and North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS).
30 Explanatory notes
31 ===================
32 Correspondence tables are used with statistical classifications. For instance, it can relate two versions from the same classification series; statistical classifications from different classification series; a variant and the version on which it is based; or different versions of a variant. In the first and last examples, the correspondence table facilitates comparability over time.</xs:documentation>
33 </xs:annotation>
34 <xs:sequence>
35 <xs:element name="catalogDetails"
36 type="CatalogDetailsXsdType"
37 minOccurs="0"
38 maxOccurs="1"
39 xml:id="CorrespondenceTable-catalogDetails">
40 <xs:annotation>
41 <xs:documentation>Bundles the information useful for a data catalog entry.
43 Examples would be creator, contributor, title, copyright, embargo, and license information
45 A set of information useful for attribution, data discovery, and access.
46 This is information that is tied to the identity of the object. If this information changes the version of the associated object changes.</xs:documentation>
47 </xs:annotation>
48 </xs:element>
49 <xs:element name="effectiveDates"
50 type="DateRangeXsdType"
51 minOccurs="0"
52 maxOccurs="1"
53 xml:id="CorrespondenceTable-effectiveDates">
54 <xs:annotation>
55 <xs:documentation>Effective period of validity of the correspondence table. The correspondence table expresses the relationships between the two classifications as they existed on the period specified in the table.</xs:documentation>
56 </xs:annotation>
57 </xs:element>
58 <xs:element name="identifier"
59 type="IdentifierXsdType"
60 minOccurs="0"
61 maxOccurs="1"
62 xml:id="CorrespondenceTable-identifier">
63 <xs:annotation>
64 <xs:documentation>Identifier for objects requiring short- or long-lasting referencing and management.</xs:documentation>
65 </xs:annotation>
66 </xs:element>
67 <xs:element name="CorrespondenceTable_hasSource_Level"
68 minOccurs="0"
69 maxOccurs="1"
70 xml:id="CorrespondenceTable_hasSource_Level">
71 <xs:annotation>
72 <xs:documentation>Level from which the correspondence is made. Correspondences might be restricted to a specified level in the node set. In this case, target items are assigned only to source items on the given level. If no level is indicated, source items can be assigned to any level of the target node set.</xs:documentation>
73 </xs:annotation>
74 <xs:complexType>
75 <xs:complexContent>
76 <xs:restriction base="AssociationReferenceXsdType">
77 <xs:sequence>
78 <xs:element name="ddiReference"
79 type="InternationalRegistrationDataIdentifierXsdType"
80 minOccurs="0"
81 maxOccurs="1"
82 xml:id="CorrespondenceTable_hasSource_Level-ddiReference"/>
83 <xs:element name="validType"
84 minOccurs="0"
85 maxOccurs="unbounded"
86 xml:id="CorrespondenceTable_hasSource_Level-validType">
87 <xs:simpleType>
88 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
89 <xs:enumeration value="Level"/>
90 </xs:restriction>
91 </xs:simpleType>
92 </xs:element>
93 </xs:sequence>
94 </xs:restriction>
95 </xs:complexContent>
96 </xs:complexType>
97 </xs:element>
98 <xs:element name="CorrespondenceTable_hasTarget_Level"
99 minOccurs="0"
100 maxOccurs="1"
101 xml:id="CorrespondenceTable_hasTarget_Level">
102 <xs:annotation>
103 <xs:documentation>Level to which the correspondence is made. Correspondences might be restricted to a specified Level in the node set. In this case, target items are assigned only to source items on the given level. If no level is indicated, target items can be assigned to any level of the source node set.</xs:documentation>
104 </xs:annotation>
105 <xs:complexType>
106 <xs:complexContent>
107 <xs:restriction base="AssociationReferenceXsdType">
108 <xs:sequence>
109 <xs:element name="ddiReference"
110 type="InternationalRegistrationDataIdentifierXsdType"
111 minOccurs="0"
112 maxOccurs="1"
113 xml:id="CorrespondenceTable_hasTarget_Level-ddiReference"/>
114 <xs:element name="validType"
115 minOccurs="0"
116 maxOccurs="unbounded"
117 xml:id="CorrespondenceTable_hasTarget_Level-validType">
118 <xs:simpleType>
119 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
120 <xs:enumeration value="Level"/>
121 </xs:restriction>
122 </xs:simpleType>
123 </xs:element>
124 </xs:sequence>
125 </xs:restriction>
126 </xs:complexContent>
127 </xs:complexType>
128 </xs:element>
129 <xs:element name="CorrespondenceTable_isOwnedBy_Agent"
130 minOccurs="0"
131 maxOccurs="unbounded"
132 xml:id="CorrespondenceTable_isOwnedBy_Agent">
133 <xs:annotation>
134 <xs:documentation>The statistical office, other authority or section that created and maintains the correspondence table. A correspondence table may have several owners.</xs:documentation>
135 </xs:annotation>
136 <xs:complexType>
137 <xs:complexContent>
138 <xs:restriction base="AssociationReferenceXsdType">
139 <xs:sequence>
140 <xs:element name="ddiReference"
141 type="InternationalRegistrationDataIdentifierXsdType"
142 minOccurs="0"
143 maxOccurs="1"
144 xml:id="CorrespondenceTable_isOwnedBy_Agent-ddiReference"/>
145 <xs:element name="validType"
146 minOccurs="0"
147 maxOccurs="unbounded"
148 xml:id="CorrespondenceTable_isOwnedBy_Agent-validType">
149 <xs:simpleType>
150 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
151 <xs:enumeration value="Agent"/>
152 <xs:enumeration value="Curator"/>
153 <xs:enumeration value="Individual"/>
154 <xs:enumeration value="Machine"/>
155 <xs:enumeration value="Organization"/>
156 <xs:enumeration value="ProcessingAgent"/>
157 <xs:enumeration value="Service"/>
158 </xs:restriction>
159 </xs:simpleType>
160 </xs:element>
161 </xs:sequence>
162 </xs:restriction>
163 </xs:complexContent>
164 </xs:complexType>
165 </xs:element>
166 <xs:element name="CorrespondenceTable_mapsTo_StatisticalClassification"
167 minOccurs="2"
168 maxOccurs="unbounded"
169 xml:id="CorrespondenceTable_mapsTo_StatisticalClassification">
170 <xs:annotation>
171 <xs:documentation>The statistical classification(s) from which the correspondence is made.</xs:documentation>
172 </xs:annotation>
173 <xs:complexType>
174 <xs:complexContent>
175 <xs:restriction base="AssociationReferenceXsdType">
176 <xs:sequence>
177 <xs:element name="ddiReference"
178 type="InternationalRegistrationDataIdentifierXsdType"
179 minOccurs="0"
180 maxOccurs="1"
181 xml:id="CorrespondenceTable_mapsTo_StatisticalClassification-ddiReference"/>
182 <xs:element name="validType"
183 minOccurs="0"
184 maxOccurs="unbounded"
185 xml:id="CorrespondenceTable_mapsTo_StatisticalClassification-validType">
186 <xs:simpleType>
187 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
188 <xs:enumeration value="StatisticalClassification"/>
189 </xs:restriction>
190 </xs:simpleType>
191 </xs:element>
192 </xs:sequence>
193 </xs:restriction>
194 </xs:complexContent>
195 </xs:complexType>
196 </xs:element>
197 <xs:element name="CorrespondenceTable_hasContact_Agent"
198 minOccurs="0"
199 maxOccurs="unbounded"
200 xml:id="CorrespondenceTable_hasContact_Agent">
201 <xs:annotation>
202 <xs:documentation>The person(s) who may be contacted for additional information about the correspondence table. Can be an individual or organization.</xs:documentation>
203 </xs:annotation>
204 <xs:complexType>
205 <xs:complexContent>
206 <xs:restriction base="AssociationReferenceXsdType">
207 <xs:sequence>
208 <xs:element name="ddiReference"
209 type="InternationalRegistrationDataIdentifierXsdType"
210 minOccurs="0"
211 maxOccurs="1"
212 xml:id="CorrespondenceTable_hasContact_Agent-ddiReference"/>
213 <xs:element name="validType"
214 minOccurs="0"
215 maxOccurs="unbounded"
216 xml:id="CorrespondenceTable_hasContact_Agent-validType">
217 <xs:simpleType>
218 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
219 <xs:enumeration value="Agent"/>
220 <xs:enumeration value="Curator"/>
221 <xs:enumeration value="Individual"/>
222 <xs:enumeration value="Machine"/>
223 <xs:enumeration value="Organization"/>
224 <xs:enumeration value="ProcessingAgent"/>
225 <xs:enumeration value="Service"/>
226 </xs:restriction>
227 </xs:simpleType>
228 </xs:element>
229 </xs:sequence>
230 </xs:restriction>
231 </xs:complexContent>
232 </xs:complexType>
233 </xs:element>
234 <xs:element name="CorrespondenceTable_isMaintainedBy_Agent"
235 minOccurs="0"
236 maxOccurs="1"
237 xml:id="CorrespondenceTable_isMaintainedBy_Agent">
238 <xs:annotation>
239 <xs:documentation>The unit or group of persons who are responsible for the correspondence table (i.e., for maintaining and updating it).</xs:documentation>
240 </xs:annotation>
241 <xs:complexType>
242 <xs:complexContent>
243 <xs:restriction base="AssociationReferenceXsdType">
244 <xs:sequence>
245 <xs:element name="ddiReference"
246 type="InternationalRegistrationDataIdentifierXsdType"
247 minOccurs="0"
248 maxOccurs="1"
249 xml:id="CorrespondenceTable_isMaintainedBy_Agent-ddiReference"/>
250 <xs:element name="validType"
251 minOccurs="0"
252 maxOccurs="unbounded"
253 xml:id="CorrespondenceTable_isMaintainedBy_Agent-validType">
254 <xs:simpleType>
255 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
256 <xs:enumeration value="Agent"/>
257 <xs:enumeration value="Curator"/>
258 <xs:enumeration value="Individual"/>
259 <xs:enumeration value="Machine"/>
260 <xs:enumeration value="Organization"/>
261 <xs:enumeration value="ProcessingAgent"/>
262 <xs:enumeration value="Service"/>
263 </xs:restriction>
264 </xs:simpleType>
265 </xs:element>
266 </xs:sequence>
267 </xs:restriction>
268 </xs:complexContent>
269 </xs:complexType>
270 </xs:element>
271 <xs:element name="CorrespondenceTable_has_ConceptMap"
272 minOccurs="0"
273 maxOccurs="unbounded"
274 xml:id="CorrespondenceTable_has_ConceptMap">
275 <xs:annotation>
276 <xs:documentation>Correspondence table has zero to many concept maps.</xs:documentation>
277 </xs:annotation>
278 <xs:complexType>
279 <xs:complexContent>
280 <xs:restriction base="AssociationReferenceXsdType">
281 <xs:sequence>
282 <xs:element name="ddiReference"
283 type="InternationalRegistrationDataIdentifierXsdType"
284 minOccurs="0"
285 maxOccurs="1"
286 xml:id="CorrespondenceTable_has_ConceptMap-ddiReference"/>
287 <xs:element name="validType"
288 minOccurs="0"
289 maxOccurs="1"
290 xml:id="CorrespondenceTable_has_ConceptMap-validType">
291 <xs:simpleType>
292 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
293 <xs:enumeration value="ConceptMap"/>
294 </xs:restriction>
295 </xs:simpleType>
296 </xs:element>
297 </xs:sequence>
298 </xs:restriction>
299 </xs:complexContent>
300 </xs:complexType>
301 </xs:element>
302 </xs:sequence>
Fragment for the class CorrespondenceTable (main ontology)
1# class CorrespondenceTable
2# based on the UML class DDICDIModels::DDICDILibrary::Classes::Representations::CorrespondenceTable
4 a rdfs:Class, owl:Class, ucmis:Class;
5 rdfs:label "CorrespondenceTable";
6 rdfs:comment "Definition \n============ \nSet of relationships between the members within or between statistical classifications. \n\nExamples \n========== \nCorrespondence between the U.S. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) and North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS). \n\nExplanatory notes \n=================== \nCorrespondence tables are used with statistical classifications. For instance, it can relate two versions from the same classification series; statistical classifications from different classification series; a variant and the version on which it is based; or different versions of a variant. In the first and last examples, the correspondence table facilitates comparability over time."@en;
11 a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty, ucmis:Attribute;
12 rdfs:label "catalogDetails";
13 rdfs:comment "Bundles the information useful for a data catalog entry. \n\nExamples would be creator, contributor, title, copyright, embargo, and license information\n\nA set of information useful for attribution, data discovery, and access.\nThis is information that is tied to the identity of the object. If this information changes the version of the associated object changes."@en;
14 rdfs:domain cdi:CorrespondenceTable;
15 rdfs:range cdi:CatalogDetails;
19 a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty, ucmis:Attribute;
20 rdfs:label "effectiveDates";
21 rdfs:comment "Effective period of validity of the correspondence table. The correspondence table expresses the relationships between the two classifications as they existed on the period specified in the table."@en;
22 rdfs:domain cdi:CorrespondenceTable;
23 rdfs:range cdi:DateRange;
27 a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty, ucmis:Attribute;
28 rdfs:label "identifier";
29 rdfs:comment "Identifier for objects requiring short- or long-lasting referencing and management."@en;
30 rdfs:domain cdi:CorrespondenceTable;
31 rdfs:range cdi:Identifier;
36 a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty, ucmis:Association;
38 rdfs:label "hasContact";
39 skos:altLabel "CorrespondenceTable_hasContact_Agent";
40 rdfs:comment "The person(s) who may be contacted for additional information about the correspondence table. Can be an individual or organization."@en;
41 rdfs:domain cdi:CorrespondenceTable;
42 rdfs:range cdi:Agent;
46 a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty, ucmis:Association;
48 rdfs:label "isMaintainedBy";
49 skos:altLabel "CorrespondenceTable_isMaintainedBy_Agent";
50 rdfs:comment "The unit or group of persons who are responsible for the correspondence table (i.e., for maintaining and updating it)."@en;
51 rdfs:domain cdi:CorrespondenceTable;
52 rdfs:range cdi:Agent;
56 a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty, ucmis:Association;
58 rdfs:label "isOwnedBy";
59 skos:altLabel "CorrespondenceTable_isOwnedBy_Agent";
60 rdfs:comment "The statistical office, other authority or section that created and maintains the correspondence table. A correspondence table may have several owners."@en;
61 rdfs:domain cdi:CorrespondenceTable;
62 rdfs:range cdi:Agent;
66 a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty, ucmis:Association;
68 rdfs:label "has_ConceptMap";
69 skos:altLabel "CorrespondenceTable_has_ConceptMap";
70 rdfs:comment "Correspondence table has zero to many concept maps."@en;
71 rdfs:domain cdi:CorrespondenceTable;
72 rdfs:range cdi:ConceptMap;
76 a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty, ucmis:Association;
78 rdfs:label "hasSource";
79 skos:altLabel "CorrespondenceTable_hasSource_Level";
80 rdfs:comment "Level from which the correspondence is made. Correspondences might be restricted to a specified level in the node set. In this case, target items are assigned only to source items on the given level. If no level is indicated, source items can be assigned to any level of the target node set."@en;
81 rdfs:domain cdi:CorrespondenceTable;
82 rdfs:range cdi:Level;
86 a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty, ucmis:Association;
88 rdfs:label "hasTarget";
89 skos:altLabel "CorrespondenceTable_hasTarget_Level";
90 rdfs:comment "Level to which the correspondence is made. Correspondences might be restricted to a specified Level in the node set. In this case, target items are assigned only to source items on the given level. If no level is indicated, target items can be assigned to any level of the source node set."@en;
91 rdfs:domain cdi:CorrespondenceTable;
92 rdfs:range cdi:Level;
96 a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty, ucmis:Association;
98 rdfs:label "mapsTo";
99 skos:altLabel "CorrespondenceTable_mapsTo_StatisticalClassification";
100 rdfs:comment "The statistical classification(s) from which the correspondence is made."@en;
101 rdfs:domain cdi:CorrespondenceTable;
102 rdfs:range cdi:StatisticalClassification;
Fragment for the class CorrespondenceTable (main JSON-LD)
2 "@context": [
3 {
4 "cdi": "",
5 "xsd": "",
7 "catalogDetails": {
8 "@id": "cdi:CorrespondenceTable-catalogDetails",
9 "@type": "@id",
10 "@context": "CatalogDetails.jsonld"
11 },
12 "effectiveDates": {
13 "@id": "cdi:CorrespondenceTable-effectiveDates",
14 "@type": "@id",
15 "@context": "DateRange.jsonld"
16 },
17 "identifier": {
18 "@id": "cdi:CorrespondenceTable-identifier",
19 "@type": "@id",
20 "@context": "Identifier.jsonld"
21 },
23 "hasContact": {
24 "@id": "cdi:CorrespondenceTable_hasContact_Agent",
25 "@type": "@id",
26 "@context": "Agent.jsonld"
27 },
28 "isMaintainedBy": {
29 "@id": "cdi:CorrespondenceTable_isMaintainedBy_Agent",
30 "@type": "@id",
31 "@context": "Agent.jsonld"
32 },
33 "isOwnedBy": {
34 "@id": "cdi:CorrespondenceTable_isOwnedBy_Agent",
35 "@type": "@id",
36 "@context": "Agent.jsonld"
37 },
38 "has_ConceptMap": {
39 "@id": "cdi:CorrespondenceTable_has_ConceptMap",
40 "@type": "@id",
41 "@context": "ConceptMap.jsonld"
42 },
43 "hasSource": {
44 "@id": "cdi:CorrespondenceTable_hasSource_Level",
45 "@type": "@id",
46 "@context": "Level.jsonld"
47 },
48 "hasTarget": {
49 "@id": "cdi:CorrespondenceTable_hasTarget_Level",
50 "@type": "@id",
51 "@context": "Level.jsonld"
52 },
53 "mapsTo": {
54 "@id": "cdi:CorrespondenceTable_mapsTo_StatisticalClassification",
55 "@type": "@id",
56 "@context": "StatisticalClassification.jsonld"
57 },
58 " comment ": "tag:json-should-support-trailing-commas"
59 }
60 ],
61 "generatedBy": "This code was generated by the Eclipse Acceleo project UCMIS M2T on 2025-01-25 16:58:33.",
62 "basedOn": "based on the UML data type DDICDIModels::DDICDILibrary::Classes::Representations::CorrespondenceTable"