Fully qualified class name: DDICDIModels::DDICDILibrary::Classes::Representations::CodeList
List of codes and associated categories.
The codes “M” and “F” could point to “Male” and “Female” categories respectively. A code list for an occupational classification system like the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08: could use a classification relation structure to describe a hierarchy (Chief Executives and Administrative and Commercial Managers as subtypes of Managers).
Explanatory notes¶
List may be flat or hierarchical. A hierarchical structure may have an indexed order for intended presentation even though the content within levels of the hierarchy are conceptually unordered. For hierarchical structures classification item structure is used to provide additional information on the structure and organization of the categories. Note that a category set can be structured by a classification relation structure without the need for associating any codes with the categories. This allows for the creation of a category set, for example for a response domain, without an associated codelist.
Name |
Inherited from |
Description |
Data Type |
Multiplicity |
Default value |
allowsDuplicates |
- own class - |
If value is False, the members are unique within the collection - if True, there may be duplicates. (Note that a mathematical “bag” permits duplicates and is unordered - a “set” does not have duplicates and may be ordered.) |
Boolean |
1..1 |
false |
identifier |
Identifier for objects requiring short- or long-lasting referencing and management. |
0..1 |
name |
Human understandable name (liguistic signifier, word, phrase, or mnemonic). May follow ISO/IEC 11179-5 naming principles, and have context provided to specify usage. |
0..* |
purpose |
Intent or reason for the object/the description of the object. |
0..1 |
Direction |
Association |
Description |
Multiplicity of CodeList |
Package of Other Class |
Other Class |
Multiplicity of other class |
Aggregation Kind |
Inherited from |
from |
EnumerationDomain isDefinedBy Concept |
The conceptual basis for the collection of members. |
0..* |
0..* |
none |
from |
EnumerationDomain references CategorySet |
Category set associated with the enumeration. |
0..* |
0..1 |
none |
from |
EnumerationDomain uses LevelStructure |
Has meaningful level to which members belong. |
0..* |
- own package - |
0..1 |
none |
to |
SentinelValueDomain takesValuesFrom EnumerationDomain |
Any subtype of an enumeration domain enumerating the set of valid values. |
0..1 |
- own package - |
0..* |
none |
to |
SubstantiveValueDomain takesValuesFrom EnumerationDomain |
Any subtype of an enumeration domain enumerating the set of valid values. |
0..1 |
- own package - |
0..* |
none |
to |
DimensionalKeyMember hasValueFrom CodeList |
1..1 |
0..* |
none |
- own class - |
from |
CodeList has Code |
0..* |
- own package - |
0..* |
shared |
- own class - |
from |
CodeList has CodePosition |
1..1 |
- own package - |
0..* |
composite |
- own class - |
to |
CodeListStructure structures CodeList |
0..1 |
- own package - |
0..1 |
none |
- own class - |
Syntax representations / encodings
All syntax representations except the Canonical XMI are provided as reference points for specific implementations, or for use as defaults if sufficient in the form presented.
Fragment for the class CodeList (entire model as XMI)
1<packagedElement xmlns:StandardProfile=""
2 xmlns:uml=""
3 xmlns:xmi=""
4 xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CodeList"
5 xmi:uuid=""
6 xmi:type="uml:Class">
7 <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CodeList-ownedComment"
8 xmi:uuid=""
9 xmi:type="uml:Comment">
10 <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CodeList"/>
11 <body>Definition
13List of codes and associated categories.
17The codes "M" and "F" could point to "Male" and "Female" categories respectively. A code list for an occupational classification system like the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08: could use a classification relation structure to describe a hierarchy (Chief Executives and Administrative and Commercial Managers as subtypes of Managers).
19Explanatory notes
21List may be flat or hierarchical. A hierarchical structure may have an indexed order for intended presentation even though the content within levels of the hierarchy are conceptually unordered. For hierarchical structures classification item structure is used to provide additional information on the structure and organization of the categories. Note that a category set can be structured by a classification relation structure without the need for associating any codes with the categories. This allows for the creation of a category set, for example for a response domain, without an associated codelist.</body>
22 </ownedComment>
23 <name>CodeList</name>
24 <generalization xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CodeList-generalization"
25 xmi:uuid=""
26 xmi:type="uml:Generalization">
27 <general xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-EnumerationDomain"/>
28 </generalization>
29 <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CodeList-allowsDuplicates"
30 xmi:uuid=""
31 xmi:type="uml:Property">
32 <ownedComment xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CodeList-allowsDuplicates-ownedComment"
33 xmi:uuid=""
34 xmi:type="uml:Comment">
35 <annotatedElement xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CodeList-allowsDuplicates"/>
36 <body>If value is False, the members are unique within the collection - if True, there may be duplicates. (Note that a mathematical “bag” permits duplicates and is unordered - a “set” does not have duplicates and may be ordered.)</body>
37 </ownedComment>
38 <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CodeList-allowsDuplicates-lowerValue"
39 xmi:uuid=""
40 xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger">
41 <value>1</value>
42 </lowerValue>
43 <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CodeList-allowsDuplicates-upperValue"
44 xmi:uuid=""
45 xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
46 <value>1</value>
47 </upperValue>
48 <name>allowsDuplicates</name>
49 <defaultValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CodeList-allowsDuplicates-defaultValue"
50 xmi:uuid=""
51 xmi:type="uml:LiteralBoolean">
52 <value>False</value>
53 </defaultValue>
54 <type href=""
55 xmi:type="uml:PrimitiveType"/>
56 </ownedAttribute>
57 <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CodeList-ownedAttribute_1"
58 xmi:uuid=""
59 xmi:type="uml:Property">
60 <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CodeList-ownedAttribute_1-lowerValue"
61 xmi:uuid=""
62 xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
63 <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CodeList-ownedAttribute_1-upperValue"
64 xmi:uuid=""
65 xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
66 <value>*</value>
67 </upperValue>
68 <aggregation>composite</aggregation>
69 <association xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CodeList_has_CodePosition"/>
70 <type xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CodePosition"/>
71 </ownedAttribute>
72 <ownedAttribute xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CodeList-ownedAttribute_2"
73 xmi:uuid=""
74 xmi:type="uml:Property">
75 <lowerValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CodeList-ownedAttribute_2-lowerValue"
76 xmi:uuid=""
77 xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger"/>
78 <upperValue xmi:id="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CodeList-ownedAttribute_2-upperValue"
79 xmi:uuid=""
80 xmi:type="uml:LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
81 <value>*</value>
82 </upperValue>
83 <aggregation>shared</aggregation>
84 <association xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-CodeList_has_Code"/>
85 <type xmi:idref="DDICDIModels-DDICDILibrary-Classes-Representations-Code"/>
86 </ownedAttribute>
Fragment for the class CodeList (entire XML Schema)
1<xs:element name="CodeList"
2 type="CodeListXsdType"
3 xml:id="CodeList">
4 <!-- based on the UML class DDICDIModels::DDICDILibrary::Classes::Representations::CodeList -->
5 <xs:annotation>
6 <xs:documentation>Definition
7 ============
8 List of codes and associated categories.
10 Examples
11 ==========
12 The codes "M" and "F" could point to "Male" and "Female" categories respectively. A code list for an occupational classification system like the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08: could use a classification relation structure to describe a hierarchy (Chief Executives and Administrative and Commercial Managers as subtypes of Managers).
14 Explanatory notes
15 ===================
16 List may be flat or hierarchical. A hierarchical structure may have an indexed order for intended presentation even though the content within levels of the hierarchy are conceptually unordered. For hierarchical structures classification item structure is used to provide additional information on the structure and organization of the categories. Note that a category set can be structured by a classification relation structure without the need for associating any codes with the categories. This allows for the creation of a category set, for example for a response domain, without an associated codelist.</xs:documentation>
17 </xs:annotation>
19<xs:complexType name="CodeListXsdType"
20 xml:id="CodeListXsdType">
21 <xs:annotation>
22 <xs:documentation>Definition
23 ============
24 List of codes and associated categories.
26 Examples
27 ==========
28 The codes "M" and "F" could point to "Male" and "Female" categories respectively. A code list for an occupational classification system like the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08: could use a classification relation structure to describe a hierarchy (Chief Executives and Administrative and Commercial Managers as subtypes of Managers).
30 Explanatory notes
31 ===================
32 List may be flat or hierarchical. A hierarchical structure may have an indexed order for intended presentation even though the content within levels of the hierarchy are conceptually unordered. For hierarchical structures classification item structure is used to provide additional information on the structure and organization of the categories. Note that a category set can be structured by a classification relation structure without the need for associating any codes with the categories. This allows for the creation of a category set, for example for a response domain, without an associated codelist.</xs:documentation>
33 </xs:annotation>
34 <xs:complexContent>
35 <xs:extension base="EnumerationDomainXsdType">
36 <xs:sequence>
37 <xs:element name="allowsDuplicates"
38 type="xs:boolean"
39 minOccurs="1"
40 maxOccurs="1"
41 xml:id="CodeList-allowsDuplicates">
42 <xs:annotation>
43 <xs:documentation>If value is False, the members are unique within the collection - if True, there may be duplicates. (Note that a mathematical “bag” permits duplicates and is unordered - a “set” does not have duplicates and may be ordered.)</xs:documentation>
44 </xs:annotation>
45 </xs:element>
46 <xs:element name="CodeList_has_CodePosition"
47 minOccurs="0"
48 maxOccurs="unbounded"
49 xml:id="CodeList_has_CodePosition">
50 <xs:annotation>
51 <xs:documentation></xs:documentation>
52 </xs:annotation>
53 <xs:complexType>
54 <xs:complexContent>
55 <xs:restriction base="AssociationReferenceXsdType">
56 <xs:sequence>
57 <xs:element name="ddiReference"
58 type="InternationalRegistrationDataIdentifierXsdType"
59 minOccurs="0"
60 maxOccurs="1"
61 xml:id="CodeList_has_CodePosition-ddiReference"/>
62 <xs:element name="validType"
63 minOccurs="1"
64 maxOccurs="1"
65 xml:id="CodeList_has_CodePosition-validType">
66 <xs:simpleType>
67 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
68 <xs:enumeration value="CodePosition"/>
69 </xs:restriction>
70 </xs:simpleType>
71 </xs:element>
72 </xs:sequence>
73 </xs:restriction>
74 </xs:complexContent>
75 </xs:complexType>
76 </xs:element>
77 <xs:element name="CodeList_has_Code"
78 minOccurs="0"
79 maxOccurs="unbounded"
80 xml:id="CodeList_has_Code">
81 <xs:annotation>
82 <xs:documentation></xs:documentation>
83 </xs:annotation>
84 <xs:complexType>
85 <xs:complexContent>
86 <xs:restriction base="AssociationReferenceXsdType">
87 <xs:sequence>
88 <xs:element name="ddiReference"
89 type="InternationalRegistrationDataIdentifierXsdType"
90 minOccurs="0"
91 maxOccurs="1"
92 xml:id="CodeList_has_Code-ddiReference"/>
93 <xs:element name="validType"
94 minOccurs="0"
95 maxOccurs="unbounded"
96 xml:id="CodeList_has_Code-validType">
97 <xs:simpleType>
98 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
99 <xs:enumeration value="Code"/>
100 </xs:restriction>
101 </xs:simpleType>
102 </xs:element>
103 </xs:sequence>
104 </xs:restriction>
105 </xs:complexContent>
106 </xs:complexType>
107 </xs:element>
108 </xs:sequence>
109 </xs:extension>
110 </xs:complexContent>
Fragment for the class CodeList (main ontology)
1# class CodeList
2# based on the UML class DDICDIModels::DDICDILibrary::Classes::Representations::CodeList
4 a rdfs:Class, owl:Class, ucmis:Class;
5 rdfs:label "CodeList";
6 rdfs:comment "Definition \n============ \nList of codes and associated categories. \n\nExamples \n========== \nThe codes \"M\" and \"F\" could point to \"Male\" and \"Female\" categories respectively. A code list for an occupational classification system like the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08: could use a classification relation structure to describe a hierarchy (Chief Executives and Administrative and Commercial Managers as subtypes of Managers). \n\nExplanatory notes \n=================== \nList may be flat or hierarchical. A hierarchical structure may have an indexed order for intended presentation even though the content within levels of the hierarchy are conceptually unordered. For hierarchical structures classification item structure is used to provide additional information on the structure and organization of the categories. Note that a category set can be structured by a classification relation structure without the need for associating any codes with the categories. This allows for the creation of a category set, for example for a response domain, without an associated codelist."@en;
7 rdfs:subClassOf cdi:EnumerationDomain;
11 a rdf:Property, owl:DatatypeProperty, ucmis:Attribute;
12 rdfs:label "allowsDuplicates";
13 rdfs:comment "If value is False, the members are unique within the collection - if True, there may be duplicates. (Note that a mathematical “bag” permits duplicates and is unordered - a “set” does not have duplicates and may be ordered.)"@en;
14 rdfs:domain cdi:CodeList;
15 rdfs:range xsd:boolean;
20 a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty, ucmis:Association;
22 rdfs:label "has_Code";
23 skos:altLabel "CodeList_has_Code";
25 rdfs:domain cdi:CodeList;
26 rdfs:range cdi:Code;
30 a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty, ucmis:Association;
32 rdfs:label "has_CodePosition";
33 skos:altLabel "CodeList_has_CodePosition";
35 rdfs:domain cdi:CodeList;
36 rdfs:range cdi:CodePosition;
Fragment for the class CodeList (main JSON-LD)
2 "@context": [
3 "EnumerationDomain.jsonld",
4 {
5 "cdi": "",
6 "xsd": "",
8 "allowsDuplicates": {
9 "@id": "cdi:CodeList-allowsDuplicates",
10 "@type": "xsd:boolean"
11 },
13 "has_Code": {
14 "@id": "cdi:CodeList_has_Code",
15 "@type": "@id",
16 "@context": "Code.jsonld"
17 },
18 "has_CodePosition": {
19 "@id": "cdi:CodeList_has_CodePosition",
20 "@type": "@id",
21 "@context": "CodePosition.jsonld"
22 },
23 "hasValueFrom_CodeList_OF_DimensionalKeyMember": {
24 "@reverse": "cdi:DimensionalKeyMember_hasValueFrom_CodeList",
25 "@type": "@id",
26 "@context": "DimensionalKeyMember.jsonld"
27 },
28 "structures_OF_CodeListStructure": {
29 "@reverse": "cdi:CodeListStructure_structures_CodeList",
30 "@type": "@id",
31 "@context": "CodeListStructure.jsonld"
32 },
33 " comment ": "tag:json-should-support-trailing-commas"
34 }
35 ],
36 "generatedBy": "This code was generated by the Eclipse Acceleo project UCMIS M2T on 2025-01-25 16:58:33.",
37 "basedOn": "based on the UML data type DDICDIModels::DDICDILibrary::Classes::Representations::CodeList"