complexType "SimpleLiteral"
mixed (allows character data), 1 attribute
globally in dc.xsd; see XML source
definition of 1 attribute
at 18 locations
XML Representation Summary
Known Direct Subtypes (17):
Box, DCMIType, DDC, IMT, ISO3166, ISO639-2, LCC, LCSH, MESH, Period, Point, RFC1766, RFC3066, TGN, UDC, URI, W3CDTF
All Direct / Indirect Based Elements (49):
abstract, accessRights, alternative, any, audience, available, bibliographicCitation, conformsTo, contributor, coverage, created, creator, date, dateAccepted, dateCopyrighted, dateSubmitted, description, educationLevel, extent, format, hasFormat, hasPart, hasVersion, identifier, isFormatOf, isPartOf, isReferencedBy, isReplacedBy, isRequiredBy, isVersionOf, issued, language, mediator, medium, modified, publisher, references, relation, replaces, requires, rights, source, spatial, subject, tableOfContents, temporal, title, type, valid
Known Usage Locations
Annotation 1 [src]:
This is the default type for all of the DC elements. It permits text content only with optional xml:lang attribute. Text is allowed because mixed="true", but sub-elements are disallowed because minOccurs="0" and maxOccurs="0" are on the xs:any tag. This complexType allows for restriction or extension permitting child elements.
Annotation 2 [src]:
This structure has been altered from its original declaration of: <xs:complexType name="SimpleLiteral"> <xs:complexContent mixed="true"> <xs:restriction base="xs:anyType"> <xs:sequence> <xs:any maxOccurs="0" minOccurs="0" processContents="lax"/> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute ref="xml:lang" use="optional"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> Such a restriction from the xs:anyType is unnecessary, as this is implicit in all types. Further, the xs:any element with a minOccurs="0" causes issues with Apache Xml Beans. This declaration allows for an equivalent content model while still allowing extensions from this type to declare elements to allow for true mixed content.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:complexType mixed="true" name="SimpleLiteral">
<xs:attribute ref="xml:lang" use="optional"/>
Attribute Detail (all declarations; 1/1)
xs:language, predefined
by reference within (this) SimpleLiteral complexType
XML Source (see within schema source)
<xs:attribute ref="xml:lang" use="optional"/>

XML schema documentation generated with DocFlex/XML 1.8.7 using DocFlex/XML XSDDoc 2.7.0 template set