
Imports: ddi:datacollection:3_0 (datacollection.xsd)
Imports: ddi:reusable:3_0 (reusable.xsd)

Global Elements

Comparison (ComparisonType): Structures information that is necessary to compare members of a group. This module contains the mapping(s) that inform comparisons and facilitate automation. Note that all maps are pairwise, identifying two schemes and the correlation between two items in those schemes. By using a set of pairwise comparisons, it is possible to describe more complex correspondences - pairwise comparisons are easier to process.

ComparisonDescription (r:StructuredStringType): Description of the comparison, intended to be human-readable.

ConceptMap (GenericMapType): Maps comparable concepts from two different concept schemes.

VariableMap (GenericMapType): Maps comparable variables from two different variable schemes.

QuestionMap (GenericMapType): Maps comparable questions from two different question schemes.

CategoryMap (GenericMapType): Maps comparable categories from two different category schemes.

CodeMap (CodeMapType): Maps comparable codes from two different code schemes.

UniverseMap (GenericMapType): Maps comparable universes from two different universe schemes.

SourceSchemeReference (r:ReferenceType): References the scheme that is the source for the mapping.

TargetSchemeReference (r:ReferenceType): References the scheme that is the target for the mapping.

Correspondence (CorrespondenceType): Describes the correspondence between the target and source schemes.

ItemMap (ItemMapType): Maps an individual item in the source scheme to an item in the target scheme.

Commonality (r:StructuredStringType): Describes the commonality between source and target schemes/items.

Difference (r:StructuredStringType): Describes the differences between source and target schemes/items.

CommonalityTypeCoded (r:CodeValueType): Provides a type code defining the commonality between source and target schemes/items.

UserDefinedCorrespondenceProperty (UserDefinedCorrespondencePropertyType): Provides a user-defined name-value pair describing the correspondence between source and target schemes/items.

Complex Types

ComparisonType: Structures information that is necessary to compare members of a group. Contains the mapping(s) That inform comparisons and facilitate automation. Note that all maps are pairwise, identifying two schemes and the correlation between two items in those schemes. By using a set of pairwise comparisons, it is possible to describe more complex correspondences - pairwise comparisons are easier to process.

GenericMapType: Maps comparable items from two different schemes.

CorrespondenceType: Describes the correspondence between source and target schemes/items.

UserDefinedCorrespondencePropertyType: User-defined correspondence of two schemes or items, consisting of a name and a value.

CodeMapType: Maps comparable codes from two different code schemes.

ItemMapType: Maps two items (codes, concepts, categories, questions, variables, etc.) from different schemes.

Simple Types


Copyright © 2008 DDI Alliance, DDI Version 3.0 (2008-04-28)

This documentation is extracted from the inline documentation of DDI 3.0 XML Schema and is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as the schema itself.