All Element Summary |
Describes action taken to minimize loss of data from the collection event.
Describes the aggregation method and the variables used in the aggregation process.
Identifies the independent and dependent variables used in the aggregation process.
Reference to an existing AggregationVariables using the Reference structure.
Information on the command used to generate an alternative means of determining sequence changes.
Reference to an existing AssignedVariable using the Reference structure.
An image associated with the Instruction, located at the provided URN or URL.
Allows attachment of a secondary response domain to a specific item within another response domain used in the question.
A response domain capturing a category (without an attached code) response for a question item.
Defines one or more cells by defining the applicable values of each dimension as "all values", a "specific value" or a range.
Provide a label to be included inside of a grid cell and defines the cell or cells that contain it.
A generic operation description used to describe a cleaning operation.
A response domain capturing a coded response (where both codes and their related category value are displayed) for a question item.
Information on a specific data collection event
Describes the situation in which the data collection event takes place.
A form of control construct providing a code and assigning a variable to hold value of the code as used for computation in control construct flow.
A substitution for TextContent, contains command code or source of the dynamic (changing) text.
Information on the command used for determining if the conditions have been met to continue the given activity.
Name of the Construct using the DDI Name structure.
Describes the ordering of Constructs when not otherwise indicated.
Provides the basic, extensible structure for control elements used in describing flow logic within the instrument.
Contains a group of ControlConstructs.
Name of the ControlConstructGroup using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to an existing ControlConstructGroup using the Reference structure.
A reference to a control construct of any type with the ability to bind the InParameter or OutParameter of the ControlConstruct to external information as needed.
A set of control constructs maintained by an agency and used in the instrument or computational instruction.
Name of the Control construct Scheme using the DDI Name structure.
A generic operation description used to describe a control operation.
Describes the result of data appraisal activities as a response rate and sampling error.
A maintainable module containing information on activities related to data collection/capture and the processing required for the creation a data product.
Time period of this role.
Documents the intended frequency of data collection.
A basic structure for describing the methodology used for collecting data.
Name of the Data Collection Module using the DDI Name structure.
Specification of the software used by the proprietary system.
Reference to an existing Organization using the Reference structure.
Describes the source of the data.
A response domain capturing a date or time response for a question item.
A response domain capturing the date time response for a question item.
Reference to an existing Variable using the Reference structure.
Describes any deviations from the planned sample design.
Describes the ordering of dimensions when not otherwise indicated.
Display text which supports the use of dynamic content.
A response domain capturing a distribution response for a question.
Identifies the value of the ResponseDomain to which the new ResponseDomain is attached by specifying its attachmentBase number of the target ResponseDomain in the attribute attachmentDomain.
Reference to an existing Construct using the Reference structure.
Use for multiple branching from a single point in the flow logic represented by the flow logic If, Then, ElseIf, Then, etc.
Information on the command used to generate the dynamic portion of a text field.
Description and link to the External Aid using the DDI Other Material structure.
Description and link to the External Information using the DDI Other Material structure.
A reference to an external representation of the data collection instrument, such as an image of a questionnaire or programming script.
Specification of an external interviewer instruction not structured in DDI.
Processing instructions that pertain to data collection or data processing overall such as handling of non-response to questions, imputation practices, suppression rules, etc.
Reference to an existing GeneralInstruction using the Reference structure.
Processing instructions for recodes, derivations from multiple question or variable sources, and derivations based on external sources.
Reference to an existing GenerationInstruction using the Reference structure.
A response domain capturing a geographic coordinate reading as a response for a question item.
A response domain capturing the name or code of a Geographic Location as a response for a question item.
A response domain capturing a geographic structure code as a response for a question item.
Identifies the cell or cells in a grid to which the item is attached by a reference to a specific cell coordinate in a grid or by identifying a range of values along a dimension.
Describes each dimension of the grid including dimension rank (for the purpose of identifying a cell address), a text for the dimension, and optional labels and codes used as column and row stubs.
Designates the response domain and the cells using the specified response domain within a QuestionGrid.
Information on the command used to determine whether the "If" condition is met.
A member of the ControlConstruct substitution group.
Reference to an existing Variable using the Reference structure.
Information on the command used to set the initial value for the process.
Provides the content and description of a single instruction.
Allows attachment of an instruction to a specific item in a question structure.
Contains a group of Instructions.
Name of the InstructionGroup using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to an existing InstructionGroup using the Reference structure.
Name of the Instruction using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to an individual instruction.
The content of the Instruction text provided using DynamicText.
Defines the type of instrument used for data collection or capture.
Describes a group of instruments for administrative or conceptual purposes, which may be hierarchical.
Name of the Instrument Group using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to an existing InstrumentGroup using the Reference structure.
Name of the Instrument using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to an existing Instrument using the Reference structure.
Describes a set of instruments maintained by an agency.
Name of the Instrument Scheme using the DDI Name structure.
Documents the intended frequency of data collection, for example monthly, yearly, weekly, etc., preferably using an optional controlled vocabulary.
Reference to an interviewer instruction expressed as DDI XML plus a flag to designate whether the instruction should always be displayed.
A set of interviewer instructions to be displayed within the instrument, such as definitions, and explanations of terminology and questions.
Name of the Interviewer Instruction Scheme using the DDI Name structure.
Describes the types of sequences that can be used for a set of items.
A substitution for TextContent containing the static (unchanging) text.
A response domain capturing a location response (mark on an image, recording, or object) for a question.
A control construct describing an action which loops until a limiting condition is met.
Reference to an existing Variable using the Reference structure.
Information on the command used to determine whether the "LoopWhile" condition is met.
Metadata regarding the methodologies used concerning data collection, determining the timing and repetition patterns for data collection, and sampling procedures.
Reference to metadata regarding the methodology of the data collection process including, determining repetition patterns, sampling, collection modes, etc.
A response domain capturing the missing value response for a question item.
Describes the mode of collection, i.e., paper questionnaire, observation, web delivered questionnaire, computer assisted interview, automated data harvesting, etc.
Defines the cells within the grid that contain the specified content.
A response domain capturing a nominal (check off) response for a question grid response.
The number of responses within the specified sample.
A response domain capturing a numeric response (the intent is to analyze the response as a number) for a question item
A response domain capturing the numeric response for a question item.
A citation or URI for the source of the data.
A URN or URL for the data source.
Other Appraisal Process provided using a StructuredString to support multiple language versions of the same content as well as optional formatting of the content.
Reference to an existing Generation or General Instruction using the Reference structure.
ProcessingEvent can contain a number of operations of different types to express a range of events that occur together.
Describes a group of processing events for administrative or conceptual purposes, which may be hierarchical.
Name of the Processing Event Group using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to an existing ProcessingEventGroup using the Reference structure.
Reference to an existing ProcessingEvent using the Reference structure.
A set of processing events maintained by an agency, and used in the processing data during development, cleaning, converting to variables, aggregating, and comparing.
Name of the Processing Event Scheme using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to a ProcessingEventScheme using SchemeReference which allows for the specification of objects to exclude.
Describes a group of processing instructions for administrative or conceptual purposes, which may be hierarchical.
Name of the Processing Instruction Group using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to an existing ProcessingInstructionGroup using the Reference structure.
A set of Processing Instructions (General and Generation Instructions) maintained by an agency.
Name of the Processing Instruction using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to a ProcessingInstructionScheme using SchemeReference which allows for the specification of objects to exclude.
A QuestionBlock is a specific structure used in educational and other types of testing where an object (Stimulus Material) is provided and a set of questions are asked regarding the object.
Intent of the Question Block provided using a StructuredString to support multiple language versions of the same content as well as optional formatting of the content.
Name of the Question Block using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to an existing QuestionBlock using the Reference structure.
A construct which ties question content to the programmatic logic of the control constructs.
Structures the QuestionGrid as an NCube-like structure providing dimension information, labeling options, and response domains attached to one or more cells within the grid.
Name of the Question Grid using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to an existing QuestionGrid using the Reference structure.
Contains a group of Questions, which may be ordered or hierarchical.
Name of the Question Group using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to an existing QuestionGroup using the Reference structure.
Intent of the Question provided using a StructuredString to support multiple language versions of the same content as well as optional formatting of the content.
Structure a single Question which may contain one or more response domains (i.e., a list of valid category responses where if "Other" is indicated a text response can be used to specify the intent of "Other").
Name of the Question Item using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to an existing QuestionItem using the Reference structure.
Contains a set of QuestionItems, QuestionGrids, QuestionBlocks, and QuestionGroups.
Name of the Question Scheme using the DDI Name structure.
Describes the ordering of questions when not otherwise indicated.
Question text which supports the use of dynamic content.
A response domain capturing a ranking response which supports a "ranking" of categories.
A ControlConstruct that specifies a ControlConstruct to be repeated until a specified condition is met.
A ControlConstruct that specifies a ControlConstruct to be repeated while a specified condition is met.
An abstract element serving as the head of a substitution group.
A structure that provides both the response domain and information on how it should be attached, or related, to other specified response domains in the question.
An abstract base for the substitution group ResponseDomainReference.
A specific rate of response and/or a description of the rate of response for a specific processing event that includes data appraisal.
Describes the ordering of response options when not otherwise indicated.
Response text which supports the use of dynamic content.
Provides a means of bundling multiple language versions of the same intended dynamic text together.
A brief textual description or classification of the intended response unit/respondent.
A roster is an unlabeled list of numbered rows or columns depending upon orientation.
The size of the sample from whom data was requested.
Sampling Error provided using a StructuredString to support multiple language versions of the same content as well as optional formatting of the content.
Describes the type of sample, sample design and provides details on drawing the sample.
A response domain capturing a scale response which describes a 1..n dimensional scale of various display types for a question.
A response domain capturing the scale response for a question item.
For each dimension in the grid define the applicable values as "all values", a "specific value" or a range.
A ControlConstruct that provides a sequence order for operations expressed as control constructs.
Characteristic provided using a StructuredString to support multiple language versions of the same content as well as optional formatting of the content.
Source Description provided using a StructuredString to support multiple language versions of the same content as well as optional formatting of the content.
Reference to a question used in the derivation or coding instruction.
A brief textual description of the type of data source.
Reference to a variable used in the derivation or coding instruction.ComputationItem, TypeOfObject should be set to Variable.
The SpecificCellCoordinate expressed as an xs:string.
The specific rate of response expressed as a percent.
Provides an identified value for a standard weight expressed as an xs:float.
Provides the standard weight used for weighted analysis of data expressed as an xs:float.
A textual statement used in the Instrument.
Information on the command used to set the incremental or step value for the process.
Description and link to the StimulusMaterial using the DDI Other Material structure.
Contains a mixture of response domains for the grid cells.
A structure to allow for mixing multiple response domains in a single question.
The static portion of the text expressed as a StructuredString with the ability to preserve whitespace if critical to the understanding of the content.
Abstract type existing as the head of a substitution group.
A response domain capturing a textual response.
A response domain capturing the text response for a question item.
Reference to an existing Construct using the Reference structure.
Describes the time method or time dimension of the data collection.
A brief textual description or classification of the actions taken to minimum data loss.
A brief textual description or classification of the collection situation.
A brief textual description of the type of group created to associate a number of ControlConstructs.
A brief textual description or classification of the type of data collection methodology.
A brief textual description or classification of the deviation from sample design.
A brief textual description of the type of group created to associate a number of Instructions.
A brief textual description of the type of instrument being described primarily for classification purposes.
A brief textual description of the type of group created to associate a number of instruments.
A brief textual description or classification of the mode of data collection.
A brief textual description of the type of group created to associate a number of processing events.
A brief textual description of the type of group created to associate a number of processing instructions.
A brief textual description of the type of group created to associate a number of question items, question grids, and/or question blocks.
A brief textual description or classification of the type of sampling procedure used.
A brief textual description of the purpose of type of sequence.
A brief textual description or classification of the type of the time methodology used.
A brief textual description or classification of the type of weighting used.
Information on the command used to determine whether the "Until" condition is met.
Reference to an existing Construct using the Reference structure.
Describes the weighting used in the process.
Reference to a description of the weighting process and any resultant standard weights.
Information on the command used to determine whether the "While" condition is met.
Reference to an existing Construct using the Reference structure.
Complex Type Summary |
Describes action taken to minimize loss of data from the collection event.
Describes the aggregation method and the variables used in the aggregation process.
Identifies the independent and dependent variables used in the aggregation process.
Allows attachment of a response domain to a specific item in a code or category scheme.
A response domain capturing a category (without an attached code) response for a question item.
Defines one or more cells by defining the applicable values of each dimension as "all values", a "specific value" or a range.
Provide a label to be included inside of a grid cell and defines the cell or cells that contain it.
A response domain capturing a coded response (where both codes and their related category value are displayed) for a question.
Information on a specific data collection event including details on who was involved in data collection, the source of the data, the date and frequency of collection, mode of collection, identification of the instrument used for collection, information on the actual situation under which data was collected, actions taken to minimize loss of data, and reference to a quality standard or statement regarding the handling of the data collection process during this event.
Describes the situation in which the data collection event takes place.
A form of control construct providing a code and assigning a variable to hold value of the code as used for computation in control construct flow.
Text which has a changeable value depending on a stated condition, response to earlier questions, or as input from a set of metrics (pre-supplied data).
Contains a group of ControlConstructs, which may describe an ordered or hierarchical relationship structure.
A reference to a control construct of any type with the ability to bind the InParameter or OutParameter of the ControlConstruct to external information as needed.ComputationItem, IfThenElse, Loop, QuestionConstruct, RepeatUntil, RepeatWhile, Sequence, or StatementItem
A set of control constructs maintained by an agency and used in the instrument or computational instruction.
Provides the basic, extensible structure for control elements used in describing flow logic within the instrument.
Describes the result of data appraisal activities as a response rate and sampling error.
Documents the intended frequency of data collection, for example monthly, yearly, weekly, etc., preferably using an optional controlled vocabulary in the IntendedFrequency element.
A basic structure for describing the methodology used for collecting data.
A maintainable module containing information on activities related to data collection/capture and the processing required for the creation a data product.
Describes the source of the data.
A response domain capturing a date or time response for a question item.
Describes any deviations from the planned sample design.
A response domain capturing a distribution response for a question item.
Abstract type for the head of a substitution group that allows for the use of a response domain by reference.
Identifies the value of the ResponseDomain to which the new ResponseDomain is attached by specifying its attachmentBase number of the target ResponseDomain in the attribute attachmentDomain.
Structure supporting the use of dynamic text, where portions of the textual contend change depending on external information (pre-loaded data, response to an earlier query, environmental situations, etc.).
Use for multiple branching from a single point in the flow logic represented by the flow logic If, Then, ElseIf, Then, etc.
Specification of an external interviewer instruction not structured in DDI.
Processing instructions that pertain to data collection or data processing overall such as handling of non-response to questions, imputation practices, suppression rules, etc.
Processing instructions for recodes, derivations from multiple question or variable sources, and derivations based on external sources.
Structures the response domain for a geographic point to ensure collection of relevant information.
A response domain capturing the name or code of a Geographic Location as a response for a question item.
A response domain capturing a geographic structure code as a response for a question item.
Identifies the cell or cells in a grid to which the item is attached by a reference to a specific cell coordinate in a grid or by identifying a range of values along a dimension.
Describes each dimension of the grid including dimension rank (for the purpose of identifying a cell address), a text for the dimension, and optional labels and codes used as column and row stubs.
Designates the response domain and the cells using the specified response domain within a QuestionGrid.
A member of the ControlConstruct substitution group.
Allows attachment of an instruction to a specific item in a question structure.
Contains a group of Instructions, which may describe an ordered or hierarchical relationship structure.
Provides the content and description of a single instruction.
Describes a group of instruments for administrative or conceptual purposes, which may be hierarchical.
Describes a set of instruments maintained by an agency.
Defines the type of instrument used for data collection or capture.
Reference to an interviewer instruction expressed as DDI XML plus a flag to designate whether the instruction should always be displayed.
A set of interviewer instructions to be displayed within the instrument, such as definitions, and explanations of terminology and questions.
Literal (static) text to be used in the instrument using the StructuredString structure plus an attribute allowing for the specification of white space to be preserved.
A response domain capturing a location response (mark on an image, recording, or object) for a question.
A member of the control construct substitution group.
Metadata regarding the methodologies used concerning data collection, determining the timing and repetition patterns for data collection, and sampling procedures.
Describes the mode of collection, i.e., paper questionnaire, observation, web delivered questionnaire, computer assisted interview, automated data harvesting, etc.
A response domain capturing a nominal (check off) response for a question grid response.
A response domain capturing a numeric response (the intent is to analyze the response as a number) for a question.
A generic operation description used as a type by specified operations.
A citation or URI for the source of the data.
Describes a group of processing events for administrative or conceptual purposes, which may be hierarchical.
A set of processing events maintained by an agency, and used in the processing data during development, cleaning, converting to variables, aggregating, and comparing.
ProcessingEvent can contain a number of operations of different types to express a range of events that occur together.
Describes a group of processing instructions for administrative or conceptual purposes, which may be hierarchical.
A set of Processing Instructions (General and Generation Instructions) maintained by an agency.
A QuestionBlock is a specific structure used in educational and other types of testing where an object (Stimulus Material) is provided and a set of questions are asked regarding the object.
A member of the ControlConstruct substitution group.
Structures the QuestionGrid as an NCube-like structure providing dimension information, labeling options, and response domains attached to one or more cells within the grid.
Contains a group of Questions, which may be ordered or hierarchical.
Structure a single Question which may contain one or more response domains (i.e., a list of valid category responses where if "Other" is indicated a text response can be used to specify the intent of "Other").
Contains a set of QuestionItems, QuestionGrids, QuestionBlocks, and QuestionGroups.
Describes the ordering of questions when not otherwise indicated.
A response domain capturing a ranking response which supports a "ranking" of categories.
A member of the ControlConstruct substitution group.
A member of the ControlConstruct substitution group.
A structure that provides both the response domain and information on how it should be attached, or related, to other specified response domains in the question.
A specific rate of response and/or a description of the rate of response for a specific processing event that includes data appraisal.
Provides a means of bundling multiple language versions of the same intended dynamic text together.
A roster is an unlabeled list of numbered rows or columns depending upon orientation.
Describes the type of sample, sample design and provides details on drawing the sample.
A response domain capturing a scale response which describes a 1..n dimensional scale of various display types for a question item.
For each dimension in the grid define the applicable values as "all values", a "specific value" or a range.
A member of the ControlConstruct substitution group.
Reference to a variable or question used in the derivation or coding instruction.
Describes the ordering of items when not otherwise indicated.
Provides an identified value for a standard weight expressed as an xs:float.
A textual statement used in the Instrument.
Contains a mixture of response domains for the grid cells.
A structure to allow for mixing multiple response domains in a single question.
Abstract type existing as the head of a substitution group.
The static portion of the text expressed as a StructuredString with the ability to preserve whitespace if critical to the understanding of the content.
Describes the time method or time dimension of the data collection.
Describes the weighting used in the process.
Simple Type Summary |
Clarifies how stimulus material is to be handled within the resequencing using a controlled vocabulary.
Describes the types of sequences that can be used for a set of items.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Copyright (c) 2014 DDI Alliance, DDI 3.2 release, 2014-02-05 This file is part of DDI 3.2 XML Schema. DDI 3.2 XML Schema is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. DDI 3.2 XML Schema is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with DDI 3.2 XML Schema. If not, see <>. --> <xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="ddi:datacollection:3_2" xmlns="ddi:datacollection:3_2" xmlns:l="ddi:logicalproduct:3_2" xmlns:r="ddi:reusable:3_2" xmlns:xs="">
<xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="xml.xsd"/>
A maintainable module containing information on activities related to data collection/capture and the processing required for the creation a data product. This section covers the methodologies, events, data sources, collection instruments and processes which comprise the collection/capture and processing of data. Methodology covers approaches used for selecting samples, administering surveys, timing repeated data collection activities. Collection Event specifies data sources, collection instruments, questions and question flow, and data processing activities. This module houses Processing Instructions (General Instructions and Generation Instructions) which may be referenced by variables or comparison maps. It houses the following schemes: Question Scheme, Control Construct Scheme (questionnaire flow), Interviewer Instruction Scheme, Instrument Scheme, Processing Event Scheme, and Processing Instruction Scheme.
A maintainable module containing information on activities related to data collection/capture and the processing required for the creation a data product. This section covers the methodologies, events, data sources, collection instruments and processes which comprise the collection/capture and processing of data. Methodology covers approaches used for selecting samples, administering surveys, timing repeated data collection activities. Collection Event specifies data sources, collection instruments, questions and question flow, and data processing activities. This module houses Processing Instructions (General Instructions and Generation Instructions) which may be referenced by variables or comparison maps.The module is described by a name, label, and description, provides spatial, temporal, and topical coverage information on the activities covered by the module, and references to external material related to objects in the module using OtherMaterial. The content of the module is organized within the following sections; Methodology, Collection Event, QuestionScheme (in-line or by reference), ControlConstructScheme (in-line or by references) containing the flow of a questionnaire or data capture process, InterviewerInstructionScheme (in-line or by reference), InstrumentScheme (in-line or by reference) and ProcessingEventScheme (in-line or by reference).
<xs:extension base="r:MaintainableType">
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="DataCollectionModuleName">
A name for the DataCollection module. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat the element to express names with different content, for example different names for different systems.
A display label for the DataCollection module. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat for labels with different content, for example, labels with differing length limitations.
A description of the content and purpose of the DataCollection module. May be expressed in multiple languages and supports the use of structured content.
Documents the spatial, temporal, and/or topical coverage of the data collection module.
Contains references to other materials relevant to the data collection module, whether in DDI form or external. Links can be made from items in this section to any identifiable element in the instance. Best practice is to include OtherMaterial inside the maintainable containing the objects that are related to the OtherMaterial.
<xs:choice minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="Methodology">
Metadata regarding the methodology of the data collection process including, determining repetition patterns, sampling, collection modes, etc.
Reference to metadata regarding the methodology of the data collection process including, determining repetition patterns, sampling, collection modes, etc. TypeOfObject should be set to Methodology.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="QuestionScheme">
A reference to a QuestionScheme describing a set of questions used for data collection.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="ControlConstructScheme">
Describes a set of control constructs used to produce the flow pattern of a questionnaire or steps in a data capture process.
A reference to a set of control constructs used to produce the flow pattern of a questionnaire or steps in a data capture process.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="InterviewerInstructionScheme">
Describes a set of instructions used by the interviewer (respondent in the case of a self administered questionnaire) or instrument to support the accurate collection or capture of data.
Reference to a InterviewerInstructionScheme using SchemeReference which allows for the specification of objects to exclude.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="InstrumentScheme">
Describes a set of instruments used to collect or capture data.
A reference to a set of instruments used to collect or capture data.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="ProcessingEventScheme">
Describes a set of processing events used to collect or capture data and process it during or post collection. May include the processes used to capture data in non-questionnaire data capture.
References a set of processing events used to collect or capture data and process it during or post collection. May include the processes used to capture data in non-questionnaire data capture.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="ProcessingInstructionScheme">
Describes a set of processing instructions used to collect or capture data and process it during or post collection. May include the processing instructions used to capture data in non-questionnaire data capture.
References a set of processing instructions used to collect or capture data and process it during or post collection. May include the processing instructions used to capture data in non-questionnaire data capture.
Name of the Data Collection Module using the DDI Name structure.
A set of processing events maintained by an agency, and used in the processing data during development, cleaning, converting to variables, aggregating, and comparing.
Reference to a ProcessingEventScheme using SchemeReference which allows for the specification of objects to exclude. TypeOfObject should be set to ProcessingEventScheme.
Reference to a ProcessingInstructionScheme using SchemeReference which allows for the specification of objects to exclude. TypeOfObject should be set to ProcessingInstructionScheme.
Reference to metadata regarding the methodology of the data collection process including, determining repetition patterns, sampling, collection modes, etc. TypeOfObject should be set to Methodology.
Metadata regarding the methodologies used concerning data collection, determining the timing and repetition patterns for data collection, and sampling procedures. Identifies areas where there were deviations from the planned sampling approach, the software used for data collection, and references to any quality standards or statements regarding the processes surrounding the planning and implementation of data collection.
<xs:extension base="r:VersionableType">
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="DataCollectionMethodology">
A basic structure for describing the methodology used for collecting data. Repeat this element if multiple methodologies are used.
Describes how time fits into the data collection methodology.
Describes the type of sample, sample design and provides details on drawing the sample. May be repeated to provide descriptions of individual facets of a single sample design or when multiple sampling methods are used. When multiple descriptions are used, the use of a controlled vocabulary to identify the parts and relationships is strongly recommended.
Specification of a software package used to instantiate a data collection method.
A reference to a Quality Statement pertaining to the quality of the study methodology, metadata, or data to which it is associated. Quality statements may be related to external quality standards.
Specification of the software used by the proprietary system.
Information on a specific data collection event including details on who was involved in data collection, the source of the data, the date and frequency of collection, mode of collection, identification of the instrument used for collection, information on the actual situation under which data was collected, actions taken to minimize loss of data, and reference to a quality standard or statement regarding the handling of the data collection process during this event.
<xs:extension base="r:IdentifiableType">
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="DataCollectorOrganizationReference">
Reference to an organization or individual, defined in the organization scheme, responsible for the data collection.
Provides a date or range of dates for the described data collection event as well as a cycle number when the collection is part of a series of data collection events.
Documents the intended frequency of data collection, for example monthly, yearly, weekly, etc., preferably using an optional controlled vocabulary in the IntendedFrequency element. Date of first collection should be provided in StartDate as a basis for defining periodicity. EndDate should be entered for data collection cycles with a known or anticipated end date. EndDate is omitted in data collection series that are intended to be on-going.
References the instrument or instruments used during the process of collecting data for this collection event period.
Describes the situation in which the data collection event takes place. If a number of collection situation types occurred repeat this element.
Describes action taken to minimize loss of data from the collection event.
A reference to a Quality Statement pertaining to the quality of the study methodology, metadata, or data to which it is associated. Quality statements may be related to external quality standards.
Documents the intended frequency of data collection, for example monthly, yearly, weekly, etc., preferably using an optional controlled vocabulary in the IntendedFrequency element. Date of first collection should be provided in StartDate as a basis for defining periodicity. EndDate should be entered for data collection cycles with a known or anticipated end date. EndDate is omitted in data collection series that are intended to be on-going.
<xs:extension base="r:DateType">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="IntendedFrequency" type="r:CodeValueType">
Documents the intended frequency of data collection, for example monthly, yearly, weekly, etc., preferably using an optional controlled vocabulary.
Describes the source of the data. This may be a population group, an environmental object, a registry, published or unpublished data source, etc. Describes and provides a classification of the source, a citation of the origin if applicable, and a listing of any characteristics of the data source that may affect understanding of the data.
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="SourceDescription">
A description of the data source. May be expressed in multiple languages and supports the use of structured content.
Brief classification of the data source. Supports the use of an external controlled vocabulary. May be repeated to represent different forms of classification.
A citation or URI for the source of the data. Note that this is an external reference, and should not be used to point to DDI descriptions of the data, or to DDI-encoded data.
A significant characteristic of the data source that may affect understanding or collection of the data. This will include the level of documentation of the source data. For example: 'Legibility of data source affected due to water damage,' or 'solar flares during the data collection period may have affected the consistency of the data during the following period.'
Source Description provided using a StructuredString to support multiple language versions of the same content as well as optional formatting of the content.
A brief textual description of the type of data source. Supports the use of an external controlled vocabulary.
A citation or URI for the source of the data. Note that this is an external reference, and should not be used to point to DDI descriptions of the data, or to DDI-encoded data.
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="r:Citation">
A set of processing events maintained by an agency, and used in the processing data during development, cleaning, converting to variables, aggregating, and comparing. In addition to the standard name, label, and description allows for the inclusion of an existing ProcessingEventScheme by reference and descriptions of ProcessingEvent and ProcessingEventGroup either in-line or by reference.
<xs:extension base="r:MaintainableType">
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="ProcessingEventSchemeName">
A name for the ProcessingEventScheme. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat the element to express names with different content, for example different names for different systems.
A display label for the ProcessingEventScheme. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat for labels with different content, for example, labels with differing length limitations.
A description of the ProcessingEventScheme. May be expressed in multiple languages and supports the use of structured content.
Reference to an existing ProcessingEventScheme for inclusion.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="ProcessingEvent">
Reference to an existing ProcessingEvent for inclusion in the scheme.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="ProcessingEventGroup">
A description of a group of ProcessingEvent for administrative or conceptual purposes.
A Processing Instruction Group included in the scheme by reference.
Name of the Processing Event Scheme using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to an existing ProcessingEvent using the Reference structure. TypeOfObject should be set to ProcessingEvent.
Reference to an existing ProcessingEventGroup using the Reference structure. TypeOfObject should be set to ProcessingEventGroup.
Describes a group of processing events for administrative or conceptual purposes, which may be hierarchical.
Describes a group of processing events for administrative or conceptual purposes, which may be hierarchical. In addition to the standard name, label, and description contains references to included Processing Events, and other ProcessingEventGroups.
<xs:extension base="r:VersionableType">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="TypeOfProcessingEventGroup">
A generic element for specifying a reason for a processing events group. Note that this element can contain either a term from a controlled vocabulary list or a textual description.
A name for the ProcessingEventGroup. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat the element to express names with different content, for example different names for different systems.
A display label for the ProcessingEventGroup. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat for labels with different content, for example, labels with differing length limitations.
A description of the ProcessingEventGroup. May be expressed in multiple languages and supports the use of structured content.
Reference to the universe statement describing the persons or other objects to which the contents of this group pertain.
Reference to the concept expressed by the objects in this group.
If subjects are listed for this group, it is strongly recommended that the subjects listed also be found in the TopicalCoverage element for the parent packaging element when this group is included directly or by reference in a module containing a coverage element. Use of subject at the group level allows for associating objects as a type of subject based group or to identify subject characteristics of a reusable group of objects.
If keywords are listed for this group, it is strongly recommended that the keywords listed also be found in the TopicalCoverage element for the parent packaging element when this group is included directly or by reference in a module containing a coverage element. Use of keyword at the group level allows for associating objects as a type of keyword based group or to identify keyword characteristics of a reusable group of objects.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="ProcessingEventReference">
Reference to constituent processing event group. This allows for nesting of processing instruction groups.
If set to "true" indicates that the content of the group is ordered as it appears within the XML structure.
Name of the Processing Event Group using the DDI Name structure.
A brief textual description of the type of group created to associate a number of processing events. Supports the use of an external controlled vocabulary.
ProcessingEvent can contain a number of operations of different types to express a range of events that occur together. For example a ProcessingEvent of a CleaningOperation may also include a reference to a ProcessingInstruction used in the cleaning process. Event activities include ControlOperation, CleaningOperation, Weighting, and DataAppraisalInformation. References to related processing instructions and quality statement may be included.
<xs:extension base="r:VersionableType">
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="ControlOperation">
Description of a Control Operation used to facilitate data control.
Description of a Cleaning Operation such as consistency checking, invalid or out of range values, etc.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="Weighting">
Description of the weighting process and any resultant standard weights.
Reference to a description of the weighting process and any resultant standard weights. TypeOfObject should be set to Weighting.
Description of the data appraisal processing including the resultant sampling error and response rate.
Reference to a processing instruction (GeneralInstruction or GenerationInstruction) used during the processing event. The basic Reference structure is extended to allow for the use of ParameterLinkage to link specific source parameters to the InParameter of the instruction to reflect its use within this specific Processing Event.
Reference to a quality statement relating to the processing event.
Reference to a description of the weighting process and any resultant standard weights. TypeOfObject should be set to Weighting.
A generic operation description used as a type by specified operations. Describes the operation and identifies the organization or individual responsible for performing it.
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="r:Description">
A reference to an organization or individual responsible for the operation.
Describes the result of data appraisal activities as a response rate and sampling error. May also list additional appraisal processes taken as a result of the initial appraisal process.
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="ResponseRate">
A specific rate of response and/or a description of the rate of response for this event. If data contains multiple response rates for different portions of the data due to delivery method, identification of sub-populations or other reasons, repeat this element providing the specific response rate and a description of the sub-population, delivery method or other feature that was used in developing the specific rate.
Sampling Error provided using a StructuredString to support multiple language versions of the same content as well as optional formatting of the content.
Other Appraisal Process provided using a StructuredString to support multiple language versions of the same content as well as optional formatting of the content.
A specific rate of response and/or a description of the rate of response for a specific processing event that includes data appraisal.
A specific rate of response and/or a description of the rate of response for a specific processing event that includes data appraisal.
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SampleSize" type="xs:integer">
A description of the rate of response including any information pertinent to understanding the specified rate of response.
A set of Processing Instructions (General and Generation Instructions) maintained by an agency.
A set of Processing Instructions (General and Generation Instructions) maintained by an agency. In addition to the standard name, label, and description allows for the inclusion of an existing ProcessingInstructionScheme by reference, and GeneralInstruction, GenerationInstruction, and ProcessingInstructionGroup descriptions either in-line or by reference.
<xs:extension base="r:MaintainableType">
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="ProcessingInstructionSchemeName">
A name for the ProcessingInstructionScheme. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat the element to express names with different content, for example different names for different systems.
A display label for the ProcessingInstructionScheme. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat for labels with different content, for example, labels with differing length limitations.
A description of the ProcessingInstructionScheme. May be expressed in multiple languages and supports the use of structured content.
Reference to an existing ProcessingInstructionScheme for inclusion.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="GeneralInstruction">
A General Instruction described in the Processing Instruction Scheme.
A General Instruction include by reference in the Processing Instruction Scheme.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="GenerationInstruction">
A Generation Instruction described in the Processing Instruction Scheme.
A Generation Instruction include by reference in the Processing Instruction Scheme.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="ProcessingInstructionGroup">
A description of a group of ProcessingInstructions for administrative or conceptual purposes.
A Processing Instruction Group included in the scheme by reference.
Reference to an existing GeneralInstruction using the Reference structure. TypeOfObject should be set to GeneralInstruction.
Reference to an existing GenerationInstruction using the Reference structure. TypeOfObject should be set to GenerationInstruction.
Name of the Processing Instruction using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to an existing ProcessingInstructionGroup using the Reference structure. TypeOfObject should be set to ProcessingInstructionGroup.
Describes a group of processing instructions for administrative or conceptual purposes, which may be hierarchical.
Describes a group of processing instructions for administrative or conceptual purposes, which may be hierarchical. In addition to the standard name, label, and description contains references to included Generation or General Instructions, and other ProcessingInstructionGroups.
<xs:extension base="r:VersionableType">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="TypeOfProcessingInstructionGroup">
A generic element for specifying a reason for a processing instruction group. Note that this element can contain either a term from a controlled vocabulary list or a textual description.
A name for the ProcessingInstructionGroup. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat the element to express names with different content, for example different names for different systems.
A display label for the ProcessingInstructionGroup. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat for labels with different content, for example, labels with differing length limitations.
A description of the ProcessingInstructionGroup. May be expressed in multiple languages and supports the use of structured content.
Reference to the universe statement describing the persons or other objects to which the contents of this group pertain.
Reference to the concept expressed by the objects in this group.
If subjects are listed for this group, it is strongly recommended that the subjects listed also be found in the TopicalCoverage element for the parent packaging element when this group is included directly or by reference in a module containing a coverage element. Use of subject at the group level allows for associating objects as a type of subject based group or to identify subject characteristics of a reusable group of objects.
If keywords are listed for this group, it is strongly recommended that the keywords listed also be found in the TopicalCoverage element for the parent packaging element when this group is included directly or by reference in a module containing a coverage element. Use of keyword at the group level allows for associating objects as a type of keyword based group or to identify keyword characteristics of a reusable group of objects.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="GeneralInstructionReference">
Reference to constituent processing instruction group. This allows for nesting of processing instruction groups.
If set to "true" indicates that the content of the group is ordered as it appears within the XML structure.
Name of the Processing Instruction Group using the DDI Name structure.
A brief textual description of the type of group created to associate a number of processing instructions. Supports the use of an external controlled vocabulary.
Processing instructions that pertain to data collection or data processing overall such as handling of non-response to questions, imputation practices, suppression rules, etc. General instructions should be listed separately to allow for referencing of specific processes.
<xs:extension base="r:VersionableType">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="r:Description">
A description of the general instruction. May be expressed in multiple languages and supports the use of structured content.
Structured information used by a system to process the instruction.
Used when attribute of the containing GeneralInstruction isOverride equals true. This element provides the reference to the GeneralInstruction being overridden by the use of this instruction. For example a special confidentiality process used for a select set of variables rather than the normal process.
If set to "true", indicates that this coding instruction overrides a more generally used process.
Processing instructions for recodes, derivations from multiple question or variable sources, and derivations based on external sources. Instructions should be listed separately so they can be referenced individually.
<xs:extension base="r:VersionableType">
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="SourceQuestion">
Reference to an external source of information used in the coding process, for example a value from a chart, etc.
A description of the generation instruction. May be expressed in multiple languages and supports the use of structured content.
Structured information used by a system to process the instruction.
A control construct which is used to describe or process the instruction.
Describes the aggregation process, identifying both the independent and dependent variables within the process.
Default setting is "true", the instruction describes a derivation. If the instruction is a simple recode, set to "false".
Describes the aggregation method and the variables used in the aggregation process.
Describes the aggregation method and the variables used in the aggregation process. Identifies the method using an external controlled vocabulary and identifies the variables used either in-line or by reference to an existing description.
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="r:AggregationMethod">
Identification of the type of aggregation method used. Supports the use of a controlled vocabulary. DDI strongly recommends the use of a controlled vocabulary.
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="AggregationVariables">
Identifies the independent and dependent variables used in the aggregation process in-line.
Identifies the independent and dependent variables used in the aggregation process.
Reference to an existing AggregationVariables using the Reference structure. TypeOfObject should be set to Variable.
Identifies the independent and dependent variables used in the aggregation process. Note that in the case of calculating a percentage, mean, etc. of a dependent value against the total population of the cell, there is no independent variable.
<xs:extension base="r:IdentifiableType">
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="IndependentVariableReference">
A reference to a variable, which is an important constraint for the computed aggregation measure and has the potential to invoke a change in a dependent variable like sex for average of income. In the context of calculating percentages, the use of Sex as the independent variable would indicate that the percentages provided represent the percentage of the dependent variable associated with a specific value for Sex (i.e., the dependent variable expressed as a percentage of the total for Males). This would be opposed to the percent for the full population (the percent of the total grid population falling within that particular cell).
A reference to a variable, for which the aggregate measure is computed like average of income.
Reference to an existing Variable using the Reference structure. TypeOfObject should be set to Variable.
Reference to an existing Variable using the Reference structure. TypeOfObject should be set to Variable.
Reference to a variable or question used in the derivation or coding instruction. TypeOfObject should be set to Variable, QuestionItem, or QuestionGrid.
<xs:extension base="r:ReferenceType">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="r:Alias">
Allows for assigning an alias used to reference this item in a command. For example if the SourceReference was a question capturing a persons age the command might read "If AGE LT 5...". AGE would be the alias.
A set of interviewer instructions to be displayed within the instrument, such as definitions, and explanations of terminology and questions.
A set of interviewer instructions to be displayed within the instrument, such as definitions, and explanations of terminology and questions. Content may also be used to provide the contents of an instruction manual for questions or instruments. In addition to the standard name, label, and description, allows for the inclusion of another InterviewerInstructionScheme by reference an a set of in-line instructions.
<xs:extension base="r:MaintainableType">
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="InterviewerInstructionSchemeName">
A name for the InterviewerInstructionScheme. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat the element to express names with different content, for example different names for different systems.
A display label for the InterviewerInstructionScheme. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat for labels with different content, for example, labels with differing length limitations.
A description of the content and purpose of the InterviewerInstructionScheme. May be expressed in multiple languages and supports the use of structured content.
Allows for the inclusion of an existing InterviewerInstructionScheme by reference.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="Instruction">
Inclusion of an individual instruction by reference. TypeOfObject should be set to Instruction.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="InstructionGroup">
The inclusion of an existing InstructionGroup by reference. TypeOfObject should be set to InstructionGroup.
Name of the Interviewer Instruction Scheme using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to an existing InstructionGroup using the Reference structure. TypeOfObject should be set to InstructionGroup.
Contains a group of Instructions, which may describe an ordered or hierarchical relationship structure. Specifies the purpose of the group, a name, label, and description of the group, its relationship to a specific universe or concept, and lists the members of the group.
<xs:extension base="r:VersionableType">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="TypeOfInstructionGroup">
A generic element for specifying a reason for a InstructionGroup. Note that this element can contain either a term from a controlled vocabulary list or a textual description.
A name for the group. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat the element to express names with different content, for example different names for different systems.
A display label for the InstructionGroup. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat for labels with different content, for example, labels with differing length limitations.
A description of the content and purpose of the InstructionGroup. May be expressed in multiple languages and supports the use of structured content.
Reference to the universe statement describing the persons or other objects to which the contents of this group pertain.
Reference to the concept expressed by the objects in this group.
If subjects are listed for this group, it is strongly recommended that the subjects listed also be found in the TopicalCoverage element for the parent packaging element when this group is included directly or by reference in a module containing a coverage element. Use of subject at the group level allows for associating objects as a type of subject based group or to identify subject characteristics of a reusable group of objects.
If keywords are listed for this group, it is strongly recommended that the keywords listed also be found in the TopicalCoverage element for the parent packaging element when this group is included directly or by reference in a module containing a coverage element. Use of keyword at the group level allows for associating objects as a type of keyword based group or to identify keyword characteristics of a reusable group of objects.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="InstructionReference">
Reference to constituent Instruction (from the substitution group). TypeOfObject should be set to Instruction.
Reference to constituent InstructionGroup. This allows for nesting of InstructionGroups. TypeOfObject should be set to InstructionGroup.
If set to "true" indicates that the content of the group is ordered as it appears within the XML structure.
A brief textual description of the type of group created to associate a number of Instructions. Supports the use of an external controlled vocabulary.
Provides the content and description of a single instruction.
Provides the content and description of a single instruction. In addition to the standard name, label, and description, an InParameter can be designated to specify information needed to process the dynamic content of the instruction, an image can be associated with the instruction, and the instruction text provided using DynamicText. Note that when using Dynamic Text, the full InstructionText must be repeated for multi-language versions of the content. Different languages may handle the dynamic portions in different locations and/or with different content. Therefore languages cannot be mixed within a dynamic text except when the full text itself has multiple language sections, for example, a foreign language term in a text. The InstructionText may also be repeated to provide a dynamic and plain text version of the instruction. This allows for accurate rendering of the instruction in a non-dynamic environment like print.
<xs:extension base="r:VersionableType">
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="InstructionName">
A name for the Instruction. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat the element to express names with different content, for example different names for different systems.
A display label for the Instruction. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat for labels with different content, for example, labels with differing length limitations.
A description of the content and purpose of the Instruction. May be expressed in multiple languages and supports the use of structured content.
A parameter that may accept content from outside the Instruction. In addition to standard parameter content may provide the instructions for limiting the allowable array index.
An image associated with the Instruction, located at the provided URN or URL.
The content of the Instruction text provided using DynamicText. Note that when using Dynamic Text, the full InstructionText must be repeated for multi-language versions of the content. The InstructionText may also be repeated to provide a dynamic and plain text version of the instruction. This allows for accurate rendering of the instruction in a non-dynamic environment like print.
An image associated with the Instruction, located at the provided URN or URL.
Describes a set of instruments maintained by an agency. In addition to the standard name, label, and description, allows for the inclusion of an existing InstrumentScheme by reference and contains Instruments and InstrumentGroups inline an by reference.
<xs:extension base="r:MaintainableType">
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="InstrumentSchemeName">
A name for the InstrumentScheme. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat the element to express names with different content, for example different names for different systems.
A display label for the InstrumentScheme. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat for labels with different content, for example, labels with differing length limitations.
A description of the InstrumentScheme. May be expressed in multiple languages and supports the use of structured content.
Allows for inclusion by reference of another Instrument Scheme.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="Instrument">
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="InstrumentGroup">
Describes a group of instruments as in instrument group within an instrument scheme.
Describes a group of instruments for administrative or conceptual purposes, which may be hierarchical.
Describes a group of instruments for administrative or conceptual purposes, which may be hierarchical. In addition to the standard name, label, and description, contains references to the contained Instruments and InstrumentGroups.
<xs:extension base="r:VersionableType">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="TypeOfInstrumentGroup">
A generic element for specifying a reason for a instrument group. Note that this element can contain either a term from a controlled vocabulary list or a textual description.
A name for the InstrumentGroup. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat the element to express names with different content, for example different names for different systems.
A display label for the InstrumentGroup. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat for labels with different content, for example, labels with differing length limitations.
Reference to the universe statement describing the persons or other objects to which the contents of this group pertain.
Reference to the concept expressed by the objects in this group.
If subjects are listed for this group, it is strongly recommended that the subjects listed also be found in the TopicalCoverage element for the parent packaging element when this group is included directly or by reference in a module containing a coverage element. Use of subject at the group level allows for associating objects as a type of subject based group or to identify subject characteristics of a reusable group of objects.
If keywords are listed for this group, it is strongly recommended that the keywords listed also be found in the TopicalCoverage element for the parent packaging element when this group is included directly or by reference in a module containing a coverage element. Use of keyword at the group level allows for associating objects as a type of keyword based group or to identify keyword characteristics of a reusable group of objects.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="InstrumentReference">
Reference to constituent instrument group. This allows for nesting of instrument groups.
If set to "true" indicates that the content of the group is ordered as it appears within the XML structure.
Reference to an existing InstrumentGroup using the Reference structure. TypeOfObject should be set to InstrumentGroup.
A brief textual description of the type of group created to associate a number of instruments. Supports the use of an external controlled vocabulary.
Defines the type of instrument used for data collection or capture. In addition to the standard name, label, and description contains a classification of the type of instrument, a reference to an external instance of the instrument (such as an image of a questionnaire or programming script) and a reference to the Sequence control construct that contains the flow for data collection or capture.
<xs:extension base="r:VersionableType">
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="InstrumentName">
A name for the Instrument. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat the element to express names with different content, for example different names for different systems.
A display label for the Instrument. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat for labels with different content, for example, labels with differing length limitations.
A description of the Instrument. May be expressed in multiple languages and supports the use of structured content.
Describes the type of the instrument, according to the documenters type classification. Supports the use of an external controlled vocabulary.
A reference to an external representation of the data collection instrument, such as an image of a questionnaire or programming script.
A reference to the Sequence control construct that initiates the flow of the instrument content.
A set of control constructs maintained by an agency and used in the instrument or computational instruction.
A set of control constructs maintained by an agency and used in the instrument or computational instruction. ControlConstructs describe the ordering and flow of questions within an instrument or information through a process. In addition to the standard name, label and description can include an existing ControlConstructScheme by reference and describe individual Control Constructs of varying types.
<xs:extension base="r:MaintainableType">
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="ControlConstructSchemeName">
A name for the ControlConstructScheme. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat the element to express names with different content, for example different names for different systems.
A display label for the ControlConstructScheme. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat for labels with different content, for example, labels with differing length limitations.
A description of the content and purpose of the ControlConstructScheme. May be expressed in multiple languages and supports the use of structured content.
Provides for inclusion by reference of external Control Construct Schemes.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="ControlConstruct">
Extensible structure for control elements used in describing flow logic within the instrument.: IfThenElse, RepeatUntil, RepeatWhile, Loop, Sequence, ComputationItem, StatementItem, and QuestionConstruct.
Extensible structure for control elements used in describing flow logic within the instrument.: IfThenElse, RepeatUntil, RepeatWhile, Loop, Sequence, ComputationItem, StatementItem, and QuestionConstruct. TypeOfObject should reflect the type of ControlConstruct being referenced. Value should be IfThenElse, RepeatUntil, RepeatWhile, Loop, Sequence, ComputationItem, StatementItem, or QuestionConstruct.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="ControlConstructGroup">
The inclusion of an existing ControlConstructGroup by reference. TypeOfObject should be set to ControlConstructGroup.
Name of the Control construct Scheme using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to an existing ControlConstructGroup using the Reference structure. TypeOfObject should be set to ControlConstructGroup.
Contains a group of ControlConstructs, which may describe an ordered or hierarchical relationship structure. Specifies the purpose of the group, a name, label, and description of the group, its relationship to a specific universe or concept, and lists the members of the group.
<xs:extension base="r:VersionableType">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="TypeOfControlConstructGroup">
A generic element for specifying a reason for a ControlConstructGroup. Note that this element can contain either a term from a controlled vocabulary list or a textual description.
A name for the group. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat the element to express names with different content, for example different names for different systems.
A display label for the ControlConstructGroup. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat for labels with different content, for example, labels with differing length limitations.
A description of the content and purpose of the ControlConstructGroup. May be expressed in multiple languages and supports the use of structured content.
Reference to the universe statement describing the persons or other objects to which the contents of this group pertain.
Reference to the concept expressed by the objects in this group.
If subjects are listed for this group, it is strongly recommended that the subjects listed also be found in the TopicalCoverage element for the parent packaging element when this group is included directly or by reference in a module containing a coverage element. Use of subject at the group level allows for associating objects as a type of subject based group or to identify subject characteristics of a reusable group of objects.
If keywords are listed for this group, it is strongly recommended that the keywords listed also be found in the TopicalCoverage element for the parent packaging element when this group is included directly or by reference in a module containing a coverage element. Use of keyword at the group level allows for associating objects as a type of keyword based group or to identify keyword characteristics of a reusable group of objects.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="ControlConstructReference">
Reference to constituent ControlConstruct (from the substitution group). TypeOfObject should be set to IfThenElse, RepeatUntil, RepeatWhile, Loop, Sequence, ComputationItem, StatementItem, or QuestionConstruct.
Reference to constituent ControlConstructGroup. This allows for nesting of ControlConstructGroups. TypeOfObject should be set to ControlConstructGroup.
If set to "true" indicates that the content of the group is ordered as it appears within the XML structure.
Name of the ControlConstructGroup using the DDI Name structure.
A brief textual description of the type of group created to associate a number of ControlConstructs. Supports the use of an external controlled vocabulary.
Provides the basic, extensible structure for control elements used in describing flow logic within the instrument.
Provides the basic, extensible structure for control elements used in describing flow logic within the instrument. The only data point which is inherited by the extended constructs based on this type is the identification of the control construct.
<xs:extension base="r:VersionableType">
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="ConstructName">
A name for the ControlConstructScheme. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat the element to express names with different content, for example different names for different systems.
A display label for the ControlConstructScheme. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat for labels with different content, for example, labels with differing length limitations.
A description of the content and purpose of the ControlConstructScheme. May be expressed in multiple languages and supports the use of structured content.
A parameter that may accept content from outside its parent element.
A structure used to bind the content of a parameter declared as the source to a parameter declared as the target. For example, binding the output of a question to the input of a generation instruction. Question A has an OutParameter X. Generation Instruction has an InParameter Y used in the recode instruction. Binding defines the content of InParameter Y to be whatever is provided by OutParameter X for use in the calculation of the recode.
A pointer to an external aid presented by the instrument such as a text card, image, audio, or audiovisual aid. Typically a URN. Use type attribute to describe the type of external aid provided. Example of terms to use would include: imageOnly audioOnly audioVisual multiMedia. ExternalAid will be available each time the control construct is invoked. Care should be taken when placing an ExternalAid in RepeatWhile, RepeatUntil and Loop constructs as it will recur each time the conditional statement is checked. This does not include interviewer instructions, which are handled separately.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="ExternalInterviewerInstruction">
Contains a reference to an interviewer instruct ruction held in a structure other than DDI XML. Uses the OtherMaterial structure to describe and link to the external object.
Reference to an interviewer instruction expressed as DDI XML.
A member of the ControlConstruct substitution group. Describes an if-then-else decision type of control construct.
A member of the ControlConstruct substitution group. Describes an if-then-else decision type of control construct. IF the stated condition is met, the THEN clause is trigged, otherwise the ELSE clause is triggered. Contains an IfCondition (the condition that must be met to trigger the Then clause), a ThenConstructReference (indicating the construct to invoke if the condition is met), an ElseConstructReference (indicating the construct to invoke if the condition is not met), and an ElseIf structure allowing the expression of multiple conditions to invoke multiple branching.
<xs:extension base="ControlConstructType">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="IfCondition">
The condition which must be met to trigger the Then clause, expressed as a CommandCode. The condition is an expression in the programming language used in the instrument.
Reference to the control construct which should be triggered if the associated condition is met.
Use for multiple branching from a single point in the flow logic represented by the flow logic If, Then, ElseIf, Then, etc.
Reference to the control construct which is triggered if the associated condition is not met.
Use for multiple branching from a single point in the flow logic represented by the flow logic If, Then, ElseIf, Then, etc. This is a packaging element for an IfCondition and ThenConstructReference and not a control construct.
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="IfCondition">
The condition which must be met to trigger the Then clause, expressed as a Coding. The condition is an expression in the programming language used in the instrument.
Reference to the control construct which should be triggered if the associated condition is met.
Use for multiple branching from a single point in the flow logic represented by the flow logic If, Then, ElseIf, Then, etc.
A ControlConstruct that specifies a ControlConstruct to be repeated until a specified condition is met.
A member of the ControlConstruct substitution group. Specifies a ControlConstruct to be repeated until a specified condition is met. Before each iteration the condition is tested. When the condition is met, control passes back to the containing control construct.
<xs:extension base="ControlConstructType">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="UntilCondition">
Information on the command used to determine whether the "Until" condition is met.
A reference to the ControlConstruct to implement until the UntilCondition is met. This could be a single ControlConstruct or a set of ControlConstructs within a Sequence.
A ControlConstruct that specifies a ControlConstruct to be repeated while a specified condition is met.
A member of the ControlConstruct substitution group. Specifies a ControlConstruct to be repeated while a specified condition is met. Before each iteration the condition is tested. When the condition is not met, control passes back to the containing control construct.
<xs:extension base="ControlConstructType">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="WhileCondition">
Information on the command used to determine whether the "While" condition is met.
A reference to the ControlConstruct to implement until the WhileCondition is met. This could be a single ControlConstruct or a set of ControlConstructs within a Sequence.
A control construct describing an action which loops until a limiting condition is met.
A member of the control construct substitution group. Describing an action which loops until a limiting condition is met. The ControlConstruct contained in the Loop operates on the LoopVariable until the LoopWhile condition is met, and then control is handed back to the containing control construct.
<xs:extension base="ControlConstructType">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="LoopVariableReference">
A reference to the variable (as used in the associated CommandCode) which is incremented or otherwise manipulated to meet the conditions stated in the LoopWhile condition.
Information on the command used to set the initial value for the process. Could be a simple value.
Information on the command used to determine whether the "LoopWhile" condition is met.
Information on the command used to set the incremental or step value for the process. Could be a simple value.
A reference to the ControlConstruct to implement until the LoopWhile condition is met. This could be a single ControlConstruct or a set of ControlConstructs within a Sequence.
A ControlConstruct that provides a sequence order for operations expressed as control constructs.
A member of the ControlConstruct substitution group. Provides a sequence order for operations expressed as control constructs. The sequence can be typed to support local processing or classification flags and alternate sequencing instructions (such as randomize for each respondent).
<xs:extension base="ControlConstructType">
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="TypeOfSequence">
Provides the ability to "type" a sequence for classification or processing purposes. Supports the use of an external controlled vocabulary.
References control constructs in the order that they should appear within the instrument.
Describes alternate ordering for different cases using the SpecificSequence structure. If you set the sequence to anything other than order of appearance the only allowable children are QuestionConstruct or Sequence. Contents must be randomizable.
Describes the ordering of Constructs when not otherwise indicated.
A form of control construct providing a code and assigning a variable to hold value of the code as used for computation in control construct flow.
A form of control construct providing a code and assigning a variable to hold value of the code as used for computation in control construct flow. Member of the ControlConstruct substitution group.
<xs:extension base="ControlConstructType">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="r:CommandCode">
The Code which contains the value of the variable in programming terms.
A reference to a variable to which the associated value in the Code element is assigned.
A textual statement used in the Instrument. A substitution for ControlConstruct.
A textual statement used in the Instrument. A substitution for ControlConstruct. In addition to the objects found in ControlConstruct StatementItem adds the text for display at the specified point within the instrument.
<xs:extension base="ControlConstructType">
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="DisplayText">
Text to be displayed by the instrument. Supports the use of DynamicText. Note that when using Dynamic Text, the full DisplayText must be repeated for multi-language versions of the content. Different languages may handle the dynamic portions in different locations and/or with different content. Therefore languages cannot be mixed within a dynamic text except when the full text itself has multiple language sections, for example, a foreign language term in a text. The DisplayText may also be repeated to provide a dynamic and plain text version of the display. This allows for accurate rendering of the display in a non-dynamic environment like print.
Structure supporting the use of dynamic text, where portions of the textual contend change depending on external information (pre-loaded data, response to an earlier query, environmental situations, etc.).
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="TextContent">
This is the head of a substitution group and is never used directly as an element name. Instead it is replaced with either LiteralText or ConditionalText.
If textual structure (e.g. size, color, font, etc.) is required to understand the meaning of the content change value to "true".
Specifies the language of the intended audience. This is particularly important for clarifying the primary language of a mixed language textual string, for example when language testing and using a foreign word withing the question text.
Abstract type existing as the head of a substitution group. May be replaced by any valid member of the substitution group TextContent.
Abstract type existing as the head of a substitution group. May be replaced by any valid member of the substitution group TextContent. Provides the common element Description to all members using TextContent as an extension base.
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="r:Description">
A description of the content and purpose of the text segment. May be expressed in multiple languages and supports the use of structured content.
A substitution for TextContent containing the static (unchanging) text.
Literal (static) text to be used in the instrument using the StructuredString structure plus an attribute allowing for the specification of white space to be preserved.
<xs:extension base="TextContentType">
<xs:element ref="Text">
The value of the static text string. Supports the optional use of XHTML formatting tags within the string structure. If the content of a literal text contains more than one language, i.e. "What is your understanding of the German word 'Gesundheit'?", the foreign language element should be placed in a separate LiteralText component with the appropriate xml:lang value and, in this case, isTranslatable set to "false". If the existence of white space is critical to the understanding of the content (such as inclusion of a leading or trailing white space), set the attribute of Text xml:space to "preserve".
The static portion of the text expressed as a StructuredString with the ability to preserve whitespace if critical to the understanding of the content.
The static portion of the text expressed as a StructuredString with the ability to preserve whitespace if critical to the understanding of the content.
<xs:extension base="r:ContentType">
<xs:attribute default="default" ref="xml:space">
The default setting states that leading and trailing white space will be removed and multiple adjacent white spaces will be treated as a single white space. If the existance of any of these white spaces is critical to the understanding of the content, change the value of this attribute to "preserve".
A substitution for TextContent, contains command code or source of the dynamic (changing) text.
Text which has a changeable value depending on a stated condition, response to earlier questions, or as input from a set of metrics (pre-supplied data).
<xs:extension base="TextContentType">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="Expression">
The condition on which the associated text varies expressed by a command code. For example, a command that inserts an age by calculating the difference between today’s date and a previously defined date of birth.
This allows for the simple insert of a piece of information from another specified parameter. For example, if the text of the item using conditional text included the respondent’s name use SourceParameterReference to reference the InParameter of the question that is bound to the OutParameter of the question: “What is your name?”
Contains a set of QuestionItems, QuestionGrids, QuestionBlocks, and QuestionGroups. In addition to the standard name, label, and description of the Question Scheme, may contain another QuestionScheme by reference, a listing of Questions by type (in-line or by reference), and a listing of QuestionGroups (in-line or by reference).
<xs:extension base="r:MaintainableType">
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="QuestionSchemeName">
A name for the QuestionScheme. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat the element to express names with different content, for example different names for different systems.
A display label for the scheme. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat for labels with different content, for example, labels with differing length limitations.
A description of the content and purpose of the QuestionScheme. May be expressed in multiple languages and supports the use of structured content.
Allows for the inclusion of another QuestionScheme by reference.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="QuestionItem">
Allows for the inclusion of an existing question item by reference.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="QuestionGrid">
Allows for the inclusion of an existing question grid by reference.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="QuestionBlock">
Allows for the inclusion of an existing question block by reference.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="QuestionGroup">
Contains a group of Questions, which may be ordered or hierarchical.
Allows the inclusion of an existing QuestionGroup by reference.
Reference to an existing QuestionItem using the Reference structure. TypeOfObject should be set to QuestionItem.
Reference to an existing QuestionGrid using the Reference structure. TypeOfObject should be set to QuestionGrid.
Reference to an existing QuestionBlock using the Reference structure. TypeOfObject should be set to QuestionBlock.
Reference to an existing QuestionGroup using the Reference structure. TypeOfObject should be set to QuestionGroup.
Structures the QuestionGrid as an NCube-like structure providing dimension information, labeling options, and response domains attached to one or more cells within the grid.
A QuestionBlock is a specific structure used in educational and other types of testing where an object (Stimulus Material) is provided and a set of questions are asked regarding the object.
Contains a group of Questions, which may be ordered or hierarchical.
Structure a single Question which may contain one or more response domains (i.e., a list of valid category responses where if "Other" is indicated a text response can be used to specify the intent of "Other").
Structure a single Question which may contain one or more response domains (i.e., a list of valid category responses where if "Other" is indicated a text response can be used to specify the intent of "Other"). The structure provides detail on the intent of the question, the text of the question, the valid response options and the number of allowed responses, references to external aids and instructions, and an estimation of the time needed to respond to the question. Note that the QuestionItem is a reusable format for use in any number of applied uses. External aids, instructions, response sequencing etc. should contain information consistent with the general use of the QuestionItem. Additional materials and information can be added within the QuestionConstruct which is the applied use of a question.
<xs:extension base="r:VersionableType">
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="QuestionItemName">
A name for the QuestionItem. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat the element to express names with different content, for example different names for different systems.
Provides an identity for input objects required for the QuestionItem.
Provides an identify for the output objects of the QuestionItem.
A structure used to bind the content of a parameter declared as the source to a parameter declared as the target. For example, binding the OutParameter of one Question to the InParameter of another Question in order to personalize a question text. Care should be taken to bind only reusable information at this level. Binding is also available at the QuestionConstruct to reflect bindings particular to the use of the question in a specific question flow or instrument.
The text of a question. Supports the use of DynamicText. Note that when using QuestionText, the full QuestionText must be repeated for multi-language versions of the content. Different languages may handle the dynamic portions in different locations and/or with different content. Therefore languages cannot be mixed within a dynamic text except when the full text itself has multiple language sections, for example, a foreign language term in a text. The DisplayText may also be repeated to provide a dynamic and plain text version of the display. This allows for accurate rendering of the QuestionText in a non-dynamic environment like print.
The purpose of the QuestionItem in terms of what it is designed to measure.
<xs:choice minOccurs="0">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="ResponseDomain">
Contains a response domain for the question item. Typically used to describe simple response domains (textual, numeric, etc.).
The inclusion of a response domain by reference (must be supported by a managed representation). An abstract element. May be substituted by any valid object of substitution type ResponseDomainReference.
Use in cases where the question requires the option for multiple response domains, such as a category response and a text response to specify a value for "Other", or when text needs to be inserted before, after, or between response options for the question.
Allows the designation of the minimum and maximum number of responses allowed for this question. Note that each response domain has its own response cardinality.
A reference to the concept associated with the response to the question.
A pointer to an external aid presented by the instrument such as a text card, image, audio, or audiovisual aid. Typically a URN. Use type attribute to describe the type of external aid provided. Example of terms to use would include: imageOnly audioOnly audioVisual multiMedia.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="ExternalInterviewerInstruction">
External reference to an interviewer instruction not expressed as DDI XML using OtherMaterial.
Reference to an interviewer instruction expressed as DDI XML.
The estimated amount of time required to answer a question expressed in seconds. Decimal values should be used to define fractions of seconds.
A QuestionBlock is a specific structure used in educational and other types of testing where an object (Stimulus Material) is provided and a set of questions are asked regarding the object. The QuestionBlock generally has related QuestionBlocks that measure similar skills or aptitudes and is used randomly within a set of questionnaires to create multiple versions of a single questionnaire that can be used with large groups for testing purposes. Assembly of the QuestionBlocks into a questionnaire may the result of selection based on an experimental design model. It contains information on what the QuestionBlock is intended to measure, input and output parameters for the QuestionBlock, a description of the stimulus material and the questions related to it, instructions on sequencing and number of allowed responses, references to external aids and instructions, and an estimate of the time needed to complete the question. Note that the QuestionBlock is a reusable format for use in any number of applied uses. External aids, instructions, response sequencing etc. should contain information consistent with the general use of the QuestionBlock (QuestionItems and QuestionGrids will contain information specific to the individual question). Additional materials and information can be added within the QuestionConstruct which is the applied use of a question.
<xs:extension base="r:VersionableType">
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="QuestionBlockName">
A name for the QuestionBlock. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat the element to express names with different content, for example different names for different systems.
Provides an identity for input objects required for the QuestionBlock.
Provides an identify for the output objects of the QuestionBlock.
A structure used to bind the content of a parameter declared as the source to a parameter declared as the target. For example, binding the OutParameter of one Question to the InParameter of another Question in order to personalize a question text. Care should be taken to bind only reusable information at this level. Binding is also available at the QuestionConstruct to reflect bindings particular to the use of the question in a specific question flow or instrument.
The purpose of the QuestionBlock in terms of what it is designed to test. May contain information on specific aspects of the Block and its construction.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="StimulusMaterial">
Material that is visual, verbal and/or auditory used to communicate ideas or information which can be researched or provide a source for a response. For example, a picture about which a number of questions are asked, or a sound for which a measurable response is taken (as in a hearing test).
Reference to a QuestionItem containing a question regarding the stimulus material.
Reference to a QuestionGrid containing a question regarding the stimulus material.
Allows for recommending that the sequence of questions should vary according to a specified pattern, i.e., random, rotation, etc.
Indicates the minimum and maximum number of responses to expect from the QuestionBlock.
A reference to the concept the QuestionBlock is intended to gather data on.
A pointer to an external aid presented by the instrument such as a text card, image, audio, or audiovisual aid. Typically a URN. Use type attribute to describe the type of external aid provided. Example of terms to use would include: imageOnly audioOnly audioVisual multiMedia.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="ExternalInterviewerInstruction">
External reference to an interviewer instruction not expressed as DDI XML using OtherMaterial.
Reference to an interviewer instruction expressed as DDI XML.
The estimated amount of time required to answer a question expressed in seconds. Decimal values should be used to define fractions of seconds.
Intent of the Question Block provided using a StructuredString to support multiple language versions of the same content as well as optional formatting of the content.
Description and link to the StimulusMaterial using the DDI Other Material structure.
Describes the ordering of questions when not otherwise indicated. Extends the standard sequencing information to indicate how and if StimulusMaterial should be treated in the resequencing.
Describes the ordering of questions when not otherwise indicated. Extends the standard sequencing information to indicate how and if StimulusMaterial should be treated in the resequencing.
<xs:extension base="SpecificSequenceType">
<xs:attribute default="within" name="handlingOfStimulusMaterial" type="HandlingType">
Clarifies how stimulus material is to be handled within the resequencing using a controlled vocabulary. Options: "include"=Include StimulusMaterial in resequencing without restriction; "preceding"=Attach each StimulusMaterial to the preceding question; "following"=Attach each StimulusMaterial to the question following it; and the default value of "within"=Resequencing occurs within each set of questions as delimited by StimulusMaterial
Clarifies how stimulus material is to be handled within the resequencing using a controlled vocabulary.
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="include">
<xs:enumeration value="preceding">
Attach each StimulusMaterial to the preceding question. StimulusMaterial will move with the preceding question so that it so that it always occurs directly after the same question.
<xs:enumeration value="following">
Attach each StimulusMaterial to the Question following it StimulusMaterial will move with the following Question so that it always occurs directly before the same question.
<xs:enumeration value="within">
Resequencing occurs within each set of questions as delimited by StimulusMaterial. This is the default value. This allows StimulusMaterial to stay in the same position relative to the set of questions which it currently follows or precedes.
Contains a group of Questions, which may be ordered or hierarchical. In addition to the name, label, and description of the group, the structure allows for defining the type of group using an optional controlled vocabulary, a reference to a defining universe or concept for the group, a subject classification for the group, and a listing of Questions and QuestionGroups in any order.
<xs:extension base="r:VersionableType">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="TypeOfQuestionGroup">
A brief textual identification of the group type. Supports the use of an external controlled vocabulary.
A name for the group. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat the element to express names with different content, for example different names for different systems.
A display label for the question group. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat for labels with different content, for example, labels with differing length limitations.
A description of the content and purpose of the QuestionGroup. May be expressed in multiple languages and supports the use of structured content.
Reference to the universe statement describing the persons or other objects to which the contents of this question group pertain.
Reference to the concept expressed by the Questions in this group.
If subjects are listed for this group, it is strongly recommended that the subjects listed also be found in the TopicalCoverage element for the parent packaging element when this group is included directly or by reference in a module containing a coverage element. Use of subject at the group level allows for associating objects as a type of subject based group or to identify subject characteristics of a reusable group of objects.
If keywords are listed for this group, it is strongly recommended that the keywords listed also be found in the TopicalCoverage element for the parent packaging element when this group is included directly or by reference in a module containing a coverage element. Use of keyword at the group level allows for associating objects as a type of keyword based group or to identify keyword characteristics of a reusable group of objects.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="QuestionItemReference">
Reference to constituent QuestionGroup. This allows for nesting of QuestionGroups.
If set to "true" indicates that the content of the group is ordered as it appears within the XML structure.
A brief textual description of the type of group created to associate a number of question items, question grids, and/or question blocks. Supports the use of an external controlled vocabulary.
A structure to allow for mixing multiple response domains in a single question. These may also include intervening text statements that are tightly bound to a response domain. A common example is the use of a CodeDomain and a TextDomain where the TextDomain is associated with the value with the label "Other" in the CodeDomain.
A structure to allow for mixing multiple response domains in a single question. These may also include intervening text statements that are tightly bound to a response domain. A common example is the use of a CodeDomain and a TextDomain where the TextDomain is associated with the value with the label "Other" in the CodeDomain. ResponseDomains should be chosen that do NOT duplicate responses such as CodeLists with overlapping codes. Be aware that certain instruments may collect responses in such a way that confusion between a code response and text response may be possible. The process of resolving such conflicts should be addressed in the data processing instructions. There is an assumption that if a text or numeric response duplicates a coded response to a question, that the value is that of the coded category. At least one ResponseDomain must be provided.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="2">
<xs:element ref="ResponseTextSet">
Text closely related to the content of the ResponseDomain(s), in general, text required to make sense of the related response domain. ResponseTextSet provides a means of bundling multiple language versions of ResponseText together. This wrapper serves to differentiate between a case where multiple language content for a single ResponseText are provided and when two differing sets of ResponseText are in immediate sequence (with no intervening question). Note that when using ResponseText, the full ResponseText must be repeated for multi-language versions of the content within the same ResponseTextSet.
A structure that provides both the response domain and information on how it should be attached, or related, to other specified response domains in the question.
A structure that provides both the response domain and information on how it should be attached, or related, to other specified response domains in the question.
A structure that provides both the response domain and information on how it should be attached, or related, to other specified response domains in the question. If no AttachmentLocation information is provided it is assumed that multiple response domains or response text occurs in sequence.
<xs:element ref="ResponseDomain">
The response domain being used. An abstract element. May be substituted by any valid object of substitution type ResponseDomain.
The inclusion of a response domain by reference (must be supported by a managed representation). An abstract element. May be substituted by any valid object of substitution type ResponseDomainReference.
Allows attachment of a secondary response domain to a specific item within another response domain used in the question. For example, attach a TextDomain to the value "Other" using the TextDomain label (Please specify) as a label for the TextDomain.
If another response domain will be attached to the response domain listed withinResponseDomainInMixed provide a value in attachmentBase to allow for unique identification within this question. AttachmentLocation contains an attribute attachmentDomain which will provide a link from the domain that is being attached to the domain it is being attached to.
Allows attachment of a secondary response domain to a specific item within another response domain used in the question.
Allows attachment of a response domain to a specific item in a code or category scheme. For example, attach a TextDomain to the value "Other".
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="1">
<xs:element ref="r:CodeReference">
Identifies the value to which the new response domain is attached by a references a specific Code within the CodeDomain.
Identifies the value to which the new response domain is attached by a references a specific Category within the CategoryDomain.
Identifies the value to which the new response domain is attached by a reference to a specific value used by the response domain and the specific value.
Structures the QuestionGrid as an NCube-like structure providing dimension information, labeling options, and response domains attached to one or more cells within the grid. Provides the intent of the QuestionGrid, input and output parameters for the grid, the question text for the grid, details on the dimensions, allowed responses, and additional cell contents of the grid, references to external aids and instructions, and an estimate of the time required to complete the grid. Note that the QuestionGrid is a reusable format for use in any number of applied uses. External aids, instructions, response sequencing etc. should contain information consistent with the general use of the QuestionGrid. Additional materials and information can be added within the QuestionConstruct which is the applied use of a question.
<xs:extension base="r:VersionableType">
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="QuestionGridName">
A name for the QuestionGrid. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat the element to express names with different content, for example different names for different systems.
Provides an identity for input objects required for the QuestionGrid.
Provides an identify for the output objects of the QuestionGrid.
A structure used to bind the content of a parameter declared as the source to a parameter declared as the target. For example, binding the OutParameter of one Question to the InParameter of another Question in order to personalize a question text. Care should be taken to bind only reusable information at this level. Binding is also available at the QuestionConstruct to reflect bindings particular to the use of the question in a specific question flow or instrument.
The text of a question. Supports the use of DynamicText. Note that when using QuestionText, the full QuestionText must be repeated for multi-language versions of the content. Different languages may handle the dynamic portions in different locations and/or with different content. Therefore languages cannot be mixed within a dynamic text except when the full text itself has multiple language sections, for example, a foreign language term in a text. The DisplayText may also be repeated to provide a dynamic and plain text version of the display. This allows for accurate rendering of the QuestionText in a non-dynamic environment like print.
The purpose of the QuestionGrid in terms of what it is designed to test. May contain information on specific aspects of the Grid and its construction.
Describes each dimension of the grid including dimension rank (for the purpose of identifying a cell address), a text for the dimension, and optional labels and codes used as column and row stubs. May also describe a roster (a set of unlabeled rows or columns depending upon display situation).
<xs:choice minOccurs="0">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="ResponseDomain">
Contains a response domain for the question grid. All cells in the grid have the same response domain. Any cell may also contain an internal label.
The inclusion of a response domain by reference (must be supported by a managed representation). An abstract element. May be substituted by any valid object of substitution type DomainReference.
Contains a mixture of response domains for the grid cells. Each response domain can be attached to a specific region of the grid, for example a single column or row.
Provides for the addition of a label within a cell or cells of the grid.
A reference to the concept the QuestionGrid is intended to gather data on.
A pointer to an external aid presented by the instrument such as a text card, image, audio, or audiovisual aid. Typically a URN. Use type attribute to describe the type of external aid provided. Example of terms to use would include: imageOnly audioOnly audioVisual multiMedia.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="ExternalInterviewerInstruction">
External reference to an interviewer instruction not expressed as DDI XML using OtherMaterial.
Reference to an interviewer instruction expressed as DDI XML.
The estimated amount of time required to answer a question expressed in seconds. Decimal values should be used to define fractions of seconds.
Describes each dimension of the grid including dimension rank (for the purpose of identifying a cell address), a text for the dimension, and optional labels and codes used as column and row stubs. May also describe a roster (a set of unlabeled rows or columns depending upon display situation).
<xs:element ref="CodeDomain">
This includes a reference to a CodeList that is used for the labels contained in the dimension. CodeLists are used even when the code is not being displayed in order to use this information for creating the cell coordinate address.
A roster is an unlabeled list of numbered rows or columns depending upon orientation. The numbers may or may not be displayed but will be used as information for creating the cell coordinate address.
The rank order of this dimension (the order in which the value for this dimension will appear in the cell address)denoted with a 1-based indexing. Provides coordinate order (1,2,n) for the intersect point of this dimension within the cell address. For example, if the rank of this dimension is 2, the intersect point on this dimension will be the second value listed in the cell address.
If set to "true" (default value) the code value associated with the category label will be displayed. Set to "false" if only the category label should be displayed.
If set to "true" (default value) the label of the CodeList will be displayed. Set to "false" to suppress this display.
A roster is an unlabeled list of numbered rows or columns depending upon orientation. The numbers may or may not be displayed but will be used as information for creating the cell coordinate address. The Roster defines the numbering used for the coordinate system, sets a minimum and maximum number of values, and provides the condition for continuation. The Roster label is used in the same way as the label of the CodeDomain, providing a dimension level header or label.
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="r:Label">
A display label for the roster. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat for labels with different content, for example, labels with differing length limitations.
Provides the condition for continuing to add another iteration to the roster. This may be a human readable condition and/or a machine-actionable command.
A base value for the first item on the Roster (normally 0 or 1 but can be set to any value especially when the use of a roster extends an enumerated list expressed as an integer.
The value added to the last used value to create the iteration value for the current row or column expressed as an integer.
The minimum number of rows or columns required expressed as an integer.
The maximum number of rows or columns allowed expressed as an integer. Leaving this attribute with no value implies that the maximum allowed is unbounded.
Contains a mixture of response domains for the grid cells. Each response domain can be attached to a specific region of the grid, for example a single column or row. It is assumed that each cell will contain either a resonse domain or be declared as containing No Data By Definition. Any cell may also contain an internal label.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="GridResponseDomain">
Identifies a response type found in the grid and defines the cell or cells that contain it.
Identifies the cell or cells in the grid that by definition contain no response domains. These cells MAY contain a label.
Provide a label to be included inside of a grid cell and defines the cell or cells that contain it.
<xs:extension base="r:LabelType">
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="GridAttachment">
Identifies the cell or cells in a grid to which the label is attached by a reference to a specific cell coordinate in a grid or by identifying a range of values along a dimension.
Designates the response domain and the cells using the specified response domain within a QuestionGrid.
<xs:element ref="ResponseDomain">
This is a substitution head and can be replaced by any valid member of the substitution group for ResponseDomain.
The inclusion of a response domain by reference (must be supported by a managed representation). An abstract element. May be substituted by any valid object of substitution type ResponseDomainReference.
Identifies the cell or cells in a grid to which the item is attached by a reference to a specific cell coordinate in a grid or by identifying a range of values along a dimension.
Identifies the cell or cells in a grid to which the item is attached by a reference to a specific cell coordinate in a grid or by identifying a range of values along a dimension.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="SpecificCellCoordinate">
Defines a single cell by its matrix coordinate address. For example "1,3,2" for a 3 dimensional matrix where dimension rank-1 has a value of 1, dimension rank-2 has a value of 3, and dimension rank-3 has a value of 2.
Defines one or more cells by defining the applicable values of each dimension as "all values", a "specific value" or a range. For example in a simple 2 dimensional grid where dimension rank-1 is displayed as rows and dimension rank-2 as columns and the first column contains a NumericDomain; SelectDimension rank="1" allValues="true" and SelectDimension rank="2" specificValue="1" would result in the NumericDomain being attached to the first column of the grid only.
If the item should be attached to all the cells in the grid set this attribute to "true".
Defines one or more cells by defining the applicable values of each dimension as "all values", a "specific value" or a range. For example in a simple 2 dimensional grid where dimension rank-1 is displayed as rows and dimension rank-2 as columns and the first column contains a NumericDomain; SelectDimension rank="1" allValues="true" and SelectDimension rank="2" specificValue="1" would result in the NumericDomain being attached to the first column of the grid only.
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="SelectDimension">
For each dimension in the grid define the applicable values as "all values", a "specific value" or a range. If a rangeMinimum or rangeMaximum is provided without the other, the assumption is unbounded for the object not included.
For each dimension in the grid define the applicable values as "all values", a "specific value" or a range. If a rangeMinimum or rangeMaximum is provided without the other, the assumption is unbounded for the object not included.