simpleType "HandlingType"
Simple Content Model
enumeration of xs:string
Simple Content Restrictions:
Include StimulusMaterial in resequencing without restriction
Attach each StimulusMaterial to the preceding question. StimulusMaterial will move with the preceding question so that it so that it always occurs directly after the same question.
Attach each StimulusMaterial to the Question following it StimulusMaterial will move with the following Question so that it always occurs directly before the same question.
Resequencing occurs within each set of questions as delimited by StimulusMaterial. This is the default value. This allows StimulusMaterial to stay in the same position relative to the set of questions which it currently follows or precedes.

All Direct / Indirect Based Attributes (1):
Known Usage Locations
Clarifies how stimulus material is to be handled within the resequencing using a controlled vocabulary.
Type Definition Detail
Type Derivation Tree
xs:string (restriction)
restriction of xs:string
Include StimulusMaterial in resequencing without restriction
Attach each StimulusMaterial to the preceding question. StimulusMaterial will move with the preceding question so that it so that it always occurs directly after the same question.
Attach each StimulusMaterial to the Question following it StimulusMaterial will move with the following Question so that it always occurs directly before the same question.
Resequencing occurs within each set of questions as delimited by StimulusMaterial. This is the default value. This allows StimulusMaterial to stay in the same position relative to the set of questions which it currently follows or precedes.
XML Source (w/o annotations (5); see within schema source)
<xs:simpleType name="HandlingType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="include"/>
<xs:enumeration value="preceding"/>
<xs:enumeration value="following"/>
<xs:enumeration value="within"/>

XML schema documentation generated with DocFlex/XML RE 1.9.0 using DocFlex/XML XSDDoc 2.8.0 template set