complexType "AbstractIdentifiableType"
complex, 4 attributes, 5 elements
(cannot be assigned directly to elements used in instance XML documents)
globally in reusable.xsd; see XML source
definitions of 4 attributes, 5 elements
XML Representation Summary
("Add" | "Update" | "Delete")
(xs:string | xs:string)
("Agency" | "Maintainable") : "Agency"
(URN | (Agency, ID, Version))[1..2], UserID*
Content Model Elements (5):
Agency, ID, URN, UserID, Version
Known Direct Subtypes (2):
AbstractVersionableType, IdentifiableType
Known Indirect Subtypes (147):
AbstractMaintainableType, AccessType, ActionToMinimizeLossesType, AggregationVariablesType, ArchiveType, AttributeType, AuthorizedSourceType, BaseLogicalProductType, BaseRecordLayoutType, CategoryGroupType, CategorySchemeType, CategoryType, CodeListGroupType, CodeListSchemeType, CodeListType, CodeType, CollectionEventType, CollectionSituationType, ComparisonType, ComputationItemType, ConceptGroupType, ConceptSchemeType, ConceptType, ConceptualComponentType, ConceptualVariableGroupType, ConceptualVariableSchemeType, ConceptualVariableType, ControlConstructGroupType, ControlConstructSchemeType, ControlConstructType, CoordinateRegionType, DDIInstanceType, DDIProfileType, DataCollectionMethodologyType, DataCollectionType, DataRelationshipType, DataSetType, DeviationFromSampleDesignType, EmbargoType, ExternalInterviewerInstructionType, GeneralInstructionType, GenerationInstructionType, GenericMapType, GeographicCoverageType, GeographicLevelType, GeographicLocationGroupType, GeographicLocationSchemeType, GeographicLocationType, GeographicStructureGroupType, GeographicStructureSchemeType, GeographicStructureType, GrossFileStructureType, GrossRecordStructureType, GroupType, IfThenElseType, InParameterType, IndividualType, InstructionGroupType, InstructionType, InstrumentGroupType, InstrumentSchemeType, InstrumentType, InterviewerInstructionSchemeType, ItemMapType, LifecycleEventType, LocalHoldingPackageType, LocationValueType, LogicalProductType, LogicalRecordType, LoopType, MaintainableType, ManagedDateTimeRepresentationType, ManagedMissingValuesRepresentationType, ManagedNumericRepresentationType, ManagedRepresentationGroupType, ManagedRepresentationSchemeType, ManagedScaleRepresentationType, ManagedTextRepresentationType, MeasureDefinitionType, MethodologyType, ModeOfCollectionType, NCubeGroupType, NCubeInstanceType, NCubeInstanceType, NCubeInstanceType, NCubeSchemeType, NCubeType, OrganizationGroupType, OrganizationSchemeType, OrganizationType, OtherMaterialType, ParameterType, PhysicalDataProductType, PhysicalInstanceType, PhysicalRecordSegmentType, PhysicalStructureGroupType, PhysicalStructureSchemeType, PhysicalStructureType, ProcessingEventGroupType, ProcessingEventSchemeType, ProcessingEventType, ProcessingInstructionGroupType, ProcessingInstructionSchemeType, QualityStatementGroupType, QualityStatementSchemeType, QualityStatementType, QuestionBlockType, QuestionConstructType, QuestionGridType, QuestionGroupType, QuestionItemType, QuestionSchemeType, RecordLayoutGroupType, RecordLayoutSchemeType, RecordLayoutType, RecordLayoutType, RecordLayoutType, RecordLayoutType, RecordLayoutType, RecordRelationshipType, RelationType, RepeatUntilType, RepeatWhileType, RepresentationMapType, RepresentedVariableGroupType, RepresentedVariableSchemeType, RepresentedVariableType, ResourcePackageType, SamplingProcedureType, SequenceType, StandardWeightType, StatementItemType, StudyUnitType, SubGroupType, SubUniverseClassType, TemporalCoverageType, TimeMethodType, TopicalCoverageType, UniverseGroupType, UniverseSchemeType, UniverseType, VariableGroupType, VariableSchemeType, VariableStatisticsType, VariableType, VersionableType, WeightingType
All Direct / Indirect Based Elements (158):
Access, ActionToMinimizeLosses, AggregationVariables, Archive, Attribute, AuthorizedSource, BaseLogicalProduct, BaseRecordLayout, BudgetDocument, Category, CategoryGroup, CategoryMap, CategoryScheme, Code, CodeList, CodeListGroup, CodeListScheme, CollectionEvent, CollectionSituation, Comparison, ComputationItem, Concept, ConceptGroup, ConceptMap, ConceptScheme, ConceptualComponent, ConceptualVariable, ConceptualVariableGroup, ConceptualVariableScheme, ControlConstruct, ControlConstructGroup, ControlConstructScheme, CoordinateRegion, DDIInstance, DDIProfile, DataCollection, DataCollectionMethodology, DataRelationship, DataSet, DefaultAccess, DeviationFromSampleDesign, Embargo, ExternalAid, ExternalInformation, ExternalInterviewerInstruction, GeneralInstruction, GenerationInstruction, GeographicLevel, GeographicLocation, GeographicLocationGroup, GeographicLocationScheme, GeographicStructure, GeographicStructureGroup, GeographicStructureScheme, GrossFileStructure, GrossRecordStructure, Group, IfThenElse, InParameter, Individual, Instruction, InstructionGroup, Instrument, InstrumentGroup, InstrumentScheme, InterviewerInstructionScheme, ItemMap, LifecycleEvent, LocalGroupContent, LocalHoldingPackage, LocalResourcePackageContent, LocalStudyUnitContent, LocationValue, LogicalProduct, LogicalRecord, Loop, ManagedDateTimeRepresentation, ManagedMissingValuesRepresentation, ManagedNumericRepresentation, ManagedRepresentation, ManagedRepresentationGroup, ManagedRepresentationScheme, ManagedScaleRepresentation, ManagedTextRepresentation, MeasureDefinition, Methodology, ModeOfCollection, NCube, NCubeGroup, NCubeInstance, NCubeInstance, NCubeInstance, NCubeScheme, Organization, OrganizationGroup, OrganizationScheme, OtherMaterial, OutParameter, PhysicalDataProduct, PhysicalInstance, PhysicalRecordSegment, PhysicalStructure, PhysicalStructureGroup, PhysicalStructureScheme, ProcessingEvent, ProcessingEventGroup, ProcessingEventScheme, ProcessingInstructionGroup, ProcessingInstructionScheme, QualityStatement, QualityStatementGroup, QualityStatementScheme, QuestionBlock, QuestionConstruct, QuestionGrid, QuestionGroup, QuestionItem, QuestionMap, QuestionScheme, RecordLayout, RecordLayout, RecordLayout, RecordLayout, RecordLayout, RecordLayoutGroup, RecordLayoutScheme, RecordRelationship, Relation, RepeatUntil, RepeatWhile, RepresentationMap, RepresentedVariable, RepresentedVariableGroup, RepresentedVariableScheme, ResourcePackage, SamplingProcedure, Sequence, SpatialCoverage, StandardUsed, StandardWeight, StatementItem, StimulusMaterial, StudyUnit, SubGroup, SubUniverseClass, TemporalCoverage, TimeMethod, TopicalCoverage, Universe, UniverseGroup, UniverseMap, UniverseScheme, Variable, VariableGroup, VariableMap, VariableScheme, VariableStatistics, Weighting
Known Usage Locations
Used to identify described identifiable objects for purposes of internal and/or external referencing. Elements of this type cannot be versioned or maintained except as part of a complex parent element. Provides containers for Uniform Resource Name (URN) as well as ID information. An entity can either be identified either by a URN and/or an identification sequence. At a minimum, one or the other is required. You must designate they type of URN supported by your agency, either "Canonical" or "Deprecated". To fully support interoperability both the DDI URN and identification sequence should be used. Note that to support interoperability of the canonical and deprecated URN. If both URN and the identification sequence is used, and there is any conflict, the URN takes precedence. The action attribute is used ONLY for inheritance is a Group structure. For the local use the maintainable you can "Add", "Delete", or "Replace" an identified object. These actions only effect the local usage of the content. These changes cannot be inherited.
XML Source (w/o annotations (11); see within schema source)
<xs:complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractIdentifiableType">
<xs:choice maxOccurs="2" minOccurs="1">
<xs:element ref="URN"/>
<xs:element ref="Agency"/>
<xs:element ref="ID"/>
<xs:element ref="Version"/>
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="UserID"/>
<xs:attribute name="inheritanceAction" type="ActionCodeType" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="objectSource" type="DDIURNType" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute default="Agency" name="scopeOfUniqueness" type="UniquenessScopeType"/>
<xs:attribute name="isUniversallyUnique" type="xs:boolean" use="optional"/>
Attribute Detail (all declarations; defined within this component only; 4/4)
The attribute "action" is used for inheritance situations where there is an override at the local level (within a grouped StudyUnit) which is not available for further inheritance. There are three possible values for "action": Add - A new identifiable object (an Identifiable, Versionable, or Maintainable element) is provided locally with a new identifier (one that is not inherited). All properties (elements and attributes contained in the object) of the object are as specified. If an object with an existing id is created, this is an error.; Update - An object is provided locally with the SAME id as the inherited object. For each type of property that is specified locally, a full set of those properties is specified for local use. These properties replace any properties of this type which were inherited. Unspecified properties are used as inherited.; Delete - An object is provided locally with the SAME id as the inherited object. All properties specified locally in this object will be deleted if their types and values match those inherited. Note that to completely delete an object at the local level, all properties of the inherited object must be listed.
Attribute Value
enumeration of xs:string
A new identifiable object (an Identifiable, Versionable, or Maintainable element) is provided locally with a new identifier (one that is not inherited). All properties (elements and attributes contained in the object) of the object are as specified. If an object with an existing ID is created, this is an error.
An object is provided locally with the SAME id as the inherited object. For each type of property that is specified locally, a full set of those properties is specified for local use. These properties replace any properties of this type which were inherited. Unspecified properties are used as inherited.
An object is provided locally with the SAME ID as the inherited object. All properties specified locally in this object will be deleted if their types and values match those inherited. Note that to completely delete an object at the local level, all properties of the inherited object must be listed.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:attribute name="inheritanceAction" type="ActionCodeType" use="optional"/>

xs:boolean, predefined
If the ID of the object was created as a Universally Unique ID (UUID) set this attribute to "true". If you wish to specifically state that the ID is NOT universally unique set this attribute to "false"
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:attribute name="isUniversallyUnique" type="xs:boolean" use="optional"/>

When placing objects included by reference in-line for the purposes of archiving or production of unpublished metadata to accompany data subsets, enter the DDI URN here. This addition will NOT cause a version change in the parent maintainable.
Attribute Value
xs:string | xs:string
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:attribute name="objectSource" type="DDIURNType" use="optional"/>

States the scope of uniqueness for the ID. The default value is Agency. This asserts that the ID will be a unique value within the Agency/Sub-Agency provided in the element Agency. Changing this value to Maintainable indicates that the ID is unique only within the scope of its parent maintainable object. The ID of the parent maintainable is required in order to create either the Canonical or Deprecated URN.
Attribute Value
enumeration of xs:string
The element ID is unique within the scope of the agency/sub-agency designation.
The element ID is unique within the scope of the parent maintainable object ID.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:attribute default="Agency" name="scopeOfUniqueness" type="UniquenessScopeType"/>
Content Element Detail (all declarations; defined within this component only; 5/5)
DDIAgencyIDType, simple content
This is the registered agency code with optional sub-agencies separated by dots.
Simple Content
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element ref="Agency"/>

IDType, simple content
The ID of the object. This must conform to the allowed structure of the DDI Identifier and must be unique within the declared scope of uniqueness (Agency or Maintainable).
Simple Content
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element ref="ID"/>

URNType, simple content
The URN of the entity matching the DDI URN pattern associated with the value of the attribute typeOfIdentifier (Canonical or Deprecated).
Simple Content
xs:string | xs:string
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element ref="URN"/>

UserIDType, simple content
Allows for the specification of identifiers other than the specified DDI identification of the object. This may be a legacy ID from DDI-C, a system specific ID such as for a database or registry, or a non-DDI unique identifier. As the identifier is specific to a system the system must be identified with the UserID structure.
Simple Content
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="UserID"/>

VersionType, simple content
The version number of the object. For the identifiable object this is the version number of its parent versionable at the point of creation or alteration of the non-administrative metadata of the identifiable. Versionable and Maintainable items increment their version number whenever the non-administrative metadata contained by the object changes.
Simple Content
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element ref="Version"/>

XML schema documentation generated with DocFlex/XML RE 1.9.0 using DocFlex/XML XSDDoc 2.8.0 template set