complexType "DevelopmentStepType"
Namespace: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
Used: |
XML Representation Summary |
<... |
= |
("Add" | "Update" | "Delete") |
= |
(xs:string | xs:string) |
= |
("Agency" | "Maintainable") : "Agency" |
= |
xs:boolean |
= |
(xs:dateTime | xs:date | xs:gYearMonth | xs:gYear | xs:duration) |
= |
xs:boolean : "false" |
= |
"true" |
> |
Content: |
( r:URN | ( r:Agency, r:ID, r:Version))[1..2], r:UserID*, r:UserAttributePair*, ( r:VersionResponsibility | r:VersionResponsibilityReference)?, r:VersionRationale?, r:BasedOnObject?, r:RelatedOtherMaterialReference*, r:MaintainableObject?, ConstructName*, r:Label*, r:Description?, r:InParameter*, r:OutParameter*, r:Binding*, ExternalAid*, ( ExternalInterviewerInstruction | InterviewerInstructionReference)*, DevelopmentResultsReference*, DevelopmentObject*, DevelopmentActivityReference*, ResponsibleAgencyReference*, Prerequisite*, ConditionForAcceptance*, ActivityDate? |
</...> |
All Direct / Indirect Based Elements (1):
A member of the ControlConstruct substitution group. Describes a Development Step implementing a Development Activity directed at a specific development object. Defines prerequisites, condition for acceptance, and activity date and and agent performing the step. Use ExternalAid to identify external resources used by the DevelopmentStep
Type Derivation Tree
XML Source (w/o annotations (7); see within schema source)
Content Element Detail (all declarations; defined within this component only; 6/28)
The date or date range of activity in this step.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
The conditions under which the output of the Development Process Step is accepted.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
Reference to one or more Development Activities used by the Development Process Step. DevelopmentActivity is a substitution base for a number of types of activities described with appropriate content. TypeOfObject should be ContentReviewActivity, TranslationActivity, or PretestActivity.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
Describes the object of the development. May reference a specific object instrument, question, measurement, or control construct to.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
A description of the overall prerequisites for completing this Development Processing Step. Supports multiple language versions of the same content as well as optional formatting of the content.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="Prerequisite"/>
Reference to an Organization or Individual responsible for this step. TypeOfObject should be any sub-type of Agency.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)