element <TypeOfObject> (global)
globally in reusable.xsd; see XML source
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:string }
Simple Content Detail:
Use for reference to the following object(s): a:Access
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ActionToMinimizeLosses
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:AggregationVariables
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:Attribute
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:AuthorizedSource
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:BudgetDocument
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:Code
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:CollectionEvent
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:CollectionSituation
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:CoordinateRegion
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:DataCollectionMethodology
Use for reference to the following object(s): a:DefaultAccess
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:DeviationFromSampleDesign
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:Embargo
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ExternalAid
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ExternalInformation
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ExternalInterviewerInstruction
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:GeographicLevel
Use for reference to the following object(s): pi:GrossFileStructure
Use for reference to the following object(s): p:GrossRecordStructure
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:InParameter
Use for reference to the following object(s): cm:ItemMap
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:LifecycleEvent
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:LocationValue
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:LogicalRecord
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:MeasureDefinition
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ModeOfCollection
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:OtherMaterial
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:OutParameter
Use for reference to the following object(s): p:PhysicalRecordSegment
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:RecordRelationship
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:SamplingProcedure
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:SpatialCoverage
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:StandardUsed
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:StandardWeight
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:StimulusMaterial
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:TemporalCoverage
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:TimeMethod
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:TopicalCoverage
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:Category
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:CategoryGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): cm:CategoryMap
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:CodeListGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ComputationItem
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:Concept
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:ConceptGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): cm:ConceptMap
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:ConceptualVariable
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:ConceptualVariableGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ControlConstructGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:DataRelationship
Use for reference to the following object(s): ds:DataSet
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:GeneralInstruction
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:GenerationInstruction
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:GeographicLocation
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:GeographicLocationGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:GeographicStructure
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:GeographicStructureGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:IfThenElse
Use for reference to the following object(s): a:Individual
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:Instruction
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:InstructionGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:Instrument
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:InstrumentGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:Loop
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:ManagedDateTimeRepresentation
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:ManagedMissingValuesRepresentation
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:ManagedNumericRepresentation
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:ManagedRepresentationGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:ManagedScaleRepresentation
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:ManagedTextRepresentation
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:Methodology
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:NCube
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:NCubeGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): m1:NCubeInstance, m2:NCubeInstance, or m3:NCubeInstance
Use for reference to the following object(s): a:Organization
Use for reference to the following object(s): a:OrganizationGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): p:PhysicalStructure
Use for reference to the following object(s): p:PhysicalStructureGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ProcessingEvent
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ProcessingEventGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ProcessingInstructionGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:QualityStatement
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:QualityStatementGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:QuestionBlock
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:QuestionConstruct
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:QuestionGrid
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:QuestionGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:QuestionItem
Use for reference to the following object(s): cm:QuestionMap
Use for reference to the following object(s): p:RecordLayout, m1:RecordLayout, m2:RecordLayout, m3:RecordLayout, or m4:RecordLayout
Use for reference to the following object(s): p:RecordLayoutGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): a:Relation
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:RepeatUntil
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:RepeatWhile
Use for reference to the following object(s): cm:RepresentationMap
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:RepresentedVariable
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:RepresentedVariableGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:Sequence
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:StatementItem
Use for reference to the following object(s): g:SubGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:SubUniverseClass
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:Universe
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:UniverseGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): cm:UniverseMap
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:Variable
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:VariableGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): cm:VariableMap
Use for reference to the following object(s): pi:VariableStatistics
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:Weighting
Use for reference to the following object(s): a:Archive
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:CategoryScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:CodeList
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:CodeListScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): cm:Comparison
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:ConceptScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:ConceptualComponent
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:ConceptualVariableScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ControlConstructScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:DataCollection
Use for reference to the following object(s): ddi:DDIInstance
Use for reference to the following object(s): pr:DDIProfile
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:GeographicLocationScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:GeographicStructureScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): g:Group
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:InstrumentScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:InterviewerInstructionScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): g:LocalGroupContent
Use for reference to the following object(s): g:LocalHoldingPackage
Use for reference to the following object(s): g:LocalResourcePackageContent
Use for reference to the following object(s): g:LocalStudyUnitContent
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:LogicalProduct
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:ManagedRepresentationScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:NCubeScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): a:OrganizationScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): p:PhysicalDataProduct
Use for reference to the following object(s): pi:PhysicalInstance
Use for reference to the following object(s):
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ProcessingEventScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ProcessingInstructionScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:QualityStatementScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:QuestionScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): p:RecordLayoutScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:RepresentedVariableScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): g:ResourcePackage
Use for reference to the following object(s): s:StudyUnit
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:UniverseScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:VariableScheme

Included in content model of elements (211):
AgencyOrganizationReference, AggregationVariablesReference, ArchiveOrganizationReference, ArchiveReference, AssignedVariableReference, AttachmentRegionReference, AttributeReference, AuthorizedSourceReference, AuthorizingAgencyReference, BasedOnReference, CategoryGroupReference, CategoryMapReference, CategoryReference, CategorySchemeReference, CharacteristicReference, CodeListGroupReference, CodeListReference, CodeListSchemeReference, CodeReference, CodedDataAsNumeric, CodedDataAsText, ComparisonReference, ComplianceConceptReference, ComponentReference, ConceptGroupReference, ConceptMapReference, ConceptReference, ConceptSchemeReference, ConceptualComponentReference, ConceptualVariableGroupReference, ConceptualVariableReference, ConceptualVariableSchemeReference, ConditionalVariableReference, ContactOrganizationReference, ContributorReference, ControlConstructGroupReference, ControlConstructReference, ControlConstructSchemeReference, CreatorReference, DDIProfileReference, DataCollectionReference, DataCollectorOrganizationReference, DataRelationshipReference, DateTimeDomainReference, DateTimeRepresentationReference, DefaultDateTimeDataTypeReference, DefaultMissingValuesReference, DefaultNumericDataTypeReference, DefaultTextDataTypeReference, DefaultVariableSchemeReference, DefiningCategoryReference, DefiningConceptReference, DependentVariableReference, DepositoryGroupReference, DepositoryObjectReference, DepositoryResourcePackageReference, DepositoryStudyUnitReference, ElseConstructReference, EmbargoReference, EnforcementAgencyOrganizationReference, EvaluatorReference, Exclude, ExcludedGeographicLevelReference, ExcludedLocationValueReference, FilterVariableReference, GeneralInstructionReference, GenerationInstructionReference, GeographicLayerBaseReference, GeographicLevelReference, GeographicLocationGroupReference, GeographicLocationReference, GeographicLocationSchemeReference, GeographicStructureGroupReference, GeographicStructureReference, GeographicStructureSchemeReference, GeographyStructureVariableReference, GroupReference, GroupingConceptReference, GroupingUniverseReference, IdentifyingVariableReference, ImputationReference, IndependentVariableReference, IndividualReference, InstructionGroupReference, InstructionReference, InstrumentGroupReference, InstrumentReference, InstrumentSchemeReference, InterviewerInstructionReference, InterviewerInstructionSchemeReference, KeyVariableReference, LocalGroupContentReference, LocalHoldingPackageReference, LocalObjectReference, LocalResourcePackageContentReference, LocalStudyUnitContentReference, LocationValueReference, LogicalProductReference, LogicalRecordReference, LoopVariableReference, MaintainableObject, ManagedDateTimeRepresentationReference, ManagedMissingValuesRepresentationReference, ManagedNumericRepresentationReference, ManagedRepresentationGroupReference, ManagedRepresentationReference, ManagedRepresentationSchemeReference, ManagedScaleRepresentationReference, ManagedTextRepresentationReference, MeasureDefinitionReference, MethodologyReference, MissingValuesDomainReference, MissingValuesReference, MissingValuesReference, NCubeGroupReference, NCubeInstanceReference, NCubeMeasureDefinitionReference, NCubeReference, NCubeSchemeReference, NumericDomainReference, NumericRepresentationReference, OrganizationGroupReference, OrganizationReference, OrganizationSchemeReference, OriginalArchiveOrganizationReference, OverriddenCodeReference, ParentGeographicLevelReference, PhysicalDataProductReference, PhysicalInstanceReference, PhysicalStructureGroupReference, PhysicalStructureLinkReference, PhysicalStructureReference, PhysicalStructureSchemeReference, PrecedesLocationValue, ProcessingEventGroupReference, ProcessingEventReference, ProcessingEventSchemeReference, ProcessingInstructionGroupReference, ProcessingInstructionReference, ProcessingInstructionSchemeReference, PublisherReference, QualityStatementGroupReference, QualityStatementReference, QualityStatementSchemeReference, QuestionBlockReference, QuestionGridReference, QuestionGroupReference, QuestionItemReference, QuestionMapReference, QuestionReference, QuestionSchemeReference, RecordLayoutGroupReference, RecordLayoutReference, RecordLayoutSchemeReference, RelatedMapReference, RelatedToReference, RelationReference, RepresentationMapReference, RepresentedVariableGroupReference, RepresentedVariableReference, RepresentedVariableSchemeReference, ResourcePackageReference, ResponseDomainReference, ScaleDomainReference, ScaleRepresentationReference, SimilarConceptReference, SourceCodeListReference, SourceLinkVariableReference, SourceLogicalRecordReference, SourceParameterReference, SourceQuestion, SourceSchemeReference, SourceVariable, SourceVariableReference, SpatialCoverageReference, StandardWeightReference, StandardWeightReference, StudyUnitReference, SubCategoryReference, SubGroupReference, SubUniverseClassReference, SubclassOfReference, SummaryDataReference, SupersedesLocationValue, TargetCodeListReference, TargetLinkVariableReference, TargetLogicalRecordReference, TargetParameterReference, TargetSchemeReference, TemporalCoverageReference, TextDomainReference, TextRepresentationReference, ThenConstructReference, TopLevelReference, TopicalCoverageReference, UniverseGroupReference, UniverseMapReference, UniverseReference, UniverseSchemeReference, UntilConstructReference, ValueRepresentationReference, VariableGroupReference, VariableMapReference, VariableReference, VariableSchemeReference, VariableStatisticsReference, VariableUsedReference, VersionResponsibilityReference, WeightVariableReference, WeightingReference, WhileConstructReference
Known Usage Locations
The object type of all current Identifiable, Versionable, or Maintainable types taken from a restricted list.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element name="TypeOfObject" type="TypeOfObjectType"/>

XML schema documentation generated with DocFlex/XML RE 1.9.0 using DocFlex/XML XSDDoc 2.8.0 template set