simpleType "TypeOfObjectType"
globally in reusable.xsd; see XML source
Simple Content Model
enumeration of xs:string
Simple Content Restrictions:
Use for reference to the following object(s): a:Access
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ActionToMinimizeLosses
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:AggregationVariables
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:Attribute
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:AuthorizedSource
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:BudgetDocument
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:Code
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:CollectionEvent
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:CollectionSituation
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:CoordinateRegion
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:DataCollectionMethodology
Use for reference to the following object(s): a:DefaultAccess
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:DeviationFromSampleDesign
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:Embargo
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ExternalAid
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ExternalInformation
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ExternalInterviewerInstruction
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:GeographicLevel
Use for reference to the following object(s): pi:GrossFileStructure
Use for reference to the following object(s): p:GrossRecordStructure
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:InParameter
Use for reference to the following object(s): cm:ItemMap
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:LifecycleEvent
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:LocationValue
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:LogicalRecord
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:MeasureDefinition
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ModeOfCollection
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:OtherMaterial
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:OutParameter
Use for reference to the following object(s): p:PhysicalRecordSegment
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:RecordRelationship
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:SamplingProcedure
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:SpatialCoverage
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:StandardUsed
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:StandardWeight
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:StimulusMaterial
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:TemporalCoverage
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:TimeMethod
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:TopicalCoverage
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:Category
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:CategoryGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): cm:CategoryMap
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:CodeListGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ComputationItem
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:Concept
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:ConceptGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): cm:ConceptMap
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:ConceptualVariable
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:ConceptualVariableGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ControlConstructGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:DataRelationship
Use for reference to the following object(s): ds:DataSet
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:GeneralInstruction
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:GenerationInstruction
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:GeographicLocation
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:GeographicLocationGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:GeographicStructure
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:GeographicStructureGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:IfThenElse
Use for reference to the following object(s): a:Individual
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:Instruction
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:InstructionGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:Instrument
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:InstrumentGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:Loop
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:ManagedDateTimeRepresentation
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:ManagedMissingValuesRepresentation
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:ManagedNumericRepresentation
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:ManagedRepresentationGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:ManagedScaleRepresentation
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:ManagedTextRepresentation
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:Methodology
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:NCube
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:NCubeGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): m1:NCubeInstance, m2:NCubeInstance, or m3:NCubeInstance
Use for reference to the following object(s): a:Organization
Use for reference to the following object(s): a:OrganizationGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): p:PhysicalStructure
Use for reference to the following object(s): p:PhysicalStructureGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ProcessingEvent
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ProcessingEventGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ProcessingInstructionGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:QualityStatement
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:QualityStatementGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:QuestionBlock
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:QuestionConstruct
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:QuestionGrid
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:QuestionGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:QuestionItem
Use for reference to the following object(s): cm:QuestionMap
Use for reference to the following object(s): p:RecordLayout, m1:RecordLayout, m2:RecordLayout, m3:RecordLayout, or m4:RecordLayout
Use for reference to the following object(s): p:RecordLayoutGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): a:Relation
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:RepeatUntil
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:RepeatWhile
Use for reference to the following object(s): cm:RepresentationMap
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:RepresentedVariable
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:RepresentedVariableGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:Sequence
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:StatementItem
Use for reference to the following object(s): g:SubGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:SubUniverseClass
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:Universe
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:UniverseGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): cm:UniverseMap
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:Variable
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:VariableGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): cm:VariableMap
Use for reference to the following object(s): pi:VariableStatistics
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:Weighting
Use for reference to the following object(s): a:Archive
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:CategoryScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:CodeList
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:CodeListScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): cm:Comparison
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:ConceptScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:ConceptualComponent
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:ConceptualVariableScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ControlConstructScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:DataCollection
Use for reference to the following object(s): ddi:DDIInstance
Use for reference to the following object(s): pr:DDIProfile
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:GeographicLocationScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:GeographicStructureScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): g:Group
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:InstrumentScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:InterviewerInstructionScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): g:LocalGroupContent
Use for reference to the following object(s): g:LocalHoldingPackage
Use for reference to the following object(s): g:LocalResourcePackageContent
Use for reference to the following object(s): g:LocalStudyUnitContent
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:LogicalProduct
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:ManagedRepresentationScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:NCubeScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): a:OrganizationScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): p:PhysicalDataProduct
Use for reference to the following object(s): pi:PhysicalInstance
Use for reference to the following object(s):
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ProcessingEventScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ProcessingInstructionScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:QualityStatementScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:QuestionScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): p:RecordLayoutScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:RepresentedVariableScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): g:ResourcePackage
Use for reference to the following object(s): s:StudyUnit
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:UniverseScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:VariableScheme

All Direct / Indirect Based Elements (1):
Known Usage Locations
This is a list of all current object types of Identifiable, Versionalbe, or Maintainable type. These values are intended to remain consistent over time, even if the name of an object is altered.
Type Definition Detail
Type Derivation Tree
xs:string (restriction)
restriction of xs:string
Use for reference to the following object(s): a:Access
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ActionToMinimizeLosses
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:AggregationVariables
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:Attribute
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:AuthorizedSource
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:BudgetDocument
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:Code
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:CollectionEvent
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:CollectionSituation
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:CoordinateRegion
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:DataCollectionMethodology
Use for reference to the following object(s): a:DefaultAccess
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:DeviationFromSampleDesign
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:Embargo
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ExternalAid
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ExternalInformation
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ExternalInterviewerInstruction
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:GeographicLevel
Use for reference to the following object(s): pi:GrossFileStructure
Use for reference to the following object(s): p:GrossRecordStructure
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:InParameter
Use for reference to the following object(s): cm:ItemMap
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:LifecycleEvent
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:LocationValue
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:LogicalRecord
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:MeasureDefinition
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ModeOfCollection
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:OtherMaterial
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:OutParameter
Use for reference to the following object(s): p:PhysicalRecordSegment
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:RecordRelationship
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:SamplingProcedure
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:SpatialCoverage
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:StandardUsed
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:StandardWeight
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:StimulusMaterial
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:TemporalCoverage
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:TimeMethod
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:TopicalCoverage
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:Category
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:CategoryGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): cm:CategoryMap
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:CodeListGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ComputationItem
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:Concept
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:ConceptGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): cm:ConceptMap
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:ConceptualVariable
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:ConceptualVariableGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ControlConstructGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:DataRelationship
Use for reference to the following object(s): ds:DataSet
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:GeneralInstruction
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:GenerationInstruction
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:GeographicLocation
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:GeographicLocationGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:GeographicStructure
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:GeographicStructureGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:IfThenElse
Use for reference to the following object(s): a:Individual
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:Instruction
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:InstructionGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:Instrument
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:InstrumentGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:Loop
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:ManagedDateTimeRepresentation
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:ManagedMissingValuesRepresentation
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:ManagedNumericRepresentation
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:ManagedRepresentationGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:ManagedScaleRepresentation
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:ManagedTextRepresentation
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:Methodology
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:NCube
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:NCubeGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): m1:NCubeInstance, m2:NCubeInstance, or m3:NCubeInstance
Use for reference to the following object(s): a:Organization
Use for reference to the following object(s): a:OrganizationGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): p:PhysicalStructure
Use for reference to the following object(s): p:PhysicalStructureGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ProcessingEvent
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ProcessingEventGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ProcessingInstructionGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:QualityStatement
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:QualityStatementGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:QuestionBlock
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:QuestionConstruct
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:QuestionGrid
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:QuestionGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:QuestionItem
Use for reference to the following object(s): cm:QuestionMap
Use for reference to the following object(s): p:RecordLayout, m1:RecordLayout, m2:RecordLayout, m3:RecordLayout, or m4:RecordLayout
Use for reference to the following object(s): p:RecordLayoutGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): a:Relation
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:RepeatUntil
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:RepeatWhile
Use for reference to the following object(s): cm:RepresentationMap
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:RepresentedVariable
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:RepresentedVariableGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:Sequence
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:StatementItem
Use for reference to the following object(s): g:SubGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:SubUniverseClass
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:Universe
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:UniverseGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): cm:UniverseMap
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:Variable
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:VariableGroup
Use for reference to the following object(s): cm:VariableMap
Use for reference to the following object(s): pi:VariableStatistics
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:Weighting
Use for reference to the following object(s): a:Archive
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:CategoryScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:CodeList
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:CodeListScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): cm:Comparison
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:ConceptScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:ConceptualComponent
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:ConceptualVariableScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ControlConstructScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:DataCollection
Use for reference to the following object(s): ddi:DDIInstance
Use for reference to the following object(s): pr:DDIProfile
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:GeographicLocationScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:GeographicStructureScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): g:Group
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:InstrumentScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:InterviewerInstructionScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): g:LocalGroupContent
Use for reference to the following object(s): g:LocalHoldingPackage
Use for reference to the following object(s): g:LocalResourcePackageContent
Use for reference to the following object(s): g:LocalStudyUnitContent
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:LogicalProduct
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:ManagedRepresentationScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:NCubeScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): a:OrganizationScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): p:PhysicalDataProduct
Use for reference to the following object(s): pi:PhysicalInstance
Use for reference to the following object(s):
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ProcessingEventScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:ProcessingInstructionScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): r:QualityStatementScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): d:QuestionScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): p:RecordLayoutScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:RepresentedVariableScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): g:ResourcePackage
Use for reference to the following object(s): s:StudyUnit
Use for reference to the following object(s): c:UniverseScheme
Use for reference to the following object(s): l:VariableScheme
XML Source (w/o annotations (149); see within schema source)
<xs:simpleType name="TypeOfObjectType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="Access"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ActionToMinimizeLosses"/>
<xs:enumeration value="AggregationVariables"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Attribute"/>
<xs:enumeration value="AuthorizedSource"/>
<xs:enumeration value="BudgetDocument"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Code"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CollectionEvent"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CollectionSituation"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CoordinateRegion"/>
<xs:enumeration value="DataCollectionMethodology"/>
<xs:enumeration value="DefaultAccess"/>
<xs:enumeration value="DeviationFromSampleDesign"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Embargo"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ExternalAid"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ExternalInformation"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ExternalInterviewerInstruction"/>
<xs:enumeration value="GeographicLevel"/>
<xs:enumeration value="GrossFileStructure"/>
<xs:enumeration value="GrossRecordStructure"/>
<xs:enumeration value="InParameter"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ItemMap"/>
<xs:enumeration value="LifecycleEvent"/>
<xs:enumeration value="LocationValue"/>
<xs:enumeration value="LogicalRecord"/>
<xs:enumeration value="MeasureDefinition"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ModeOfCollection"/>
<xs:enumeration value="OtherMaterial"/>
<xs:enumeration value="OutParameter"/>
<xs:enumeration value="PhysicalRecordSegment"/>
<xs:enumeration value="RecordRelationship"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SamplingProcedure"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SpatialCoverage"/>
<xs:enumeration value="StandardUsed"/>
<xs:enumeration value="StandardWeight"/>
<xs:enumeration value="StimulusMaterial"/>
<xs:enumeration value="TemporalCoverage"/>
<xs:enumeration value="TimeMethod"/>
<xs:enumeration value="TopicalCoverage"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Category"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CategoryGroup"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CategoryMap"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CodeListGroup"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ComputationItem"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Concept"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ConceptGroup"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ConceptMap"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ConceptualVariable"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ConceptualVariableGroup"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ControlConstructGroup"/>
<xs:enumeration value="DataRelationship"/>
<xs:enumeration value="DataSet"/>
<xs:enumeration value="GeneralInstruction"/>
<xs:enumeration value="GenerationInstruction"/>
<xs:enumeration value="GeographicLocation"/>
<xs:enumeration value="GeographicLocationGroup"/>
<xs:enumeration value="GeographicStructure"/>
<xs:enumeration value="GeographicStructureGroup"/>
<xs:enumeration value="IfThenElse"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Individual"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Instruction"/>
<xs:enumeration value="InstructionGroup"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Instrument"/>
<xs:enumeration value="InstrumentGroup"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Loop"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ManagedDateTimeRepresentation"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ManagedMissingValuesRepresentation"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ManagedNumericRepresentation"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ManagedRepresentationGroup"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ManagedScaleRepresentation"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ManagedTextRepresentation"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Methodology"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NCube"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NCubeGroup"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NCubeInstance"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Organization"/>
<xs:enumeration value="OrganizationGroup"/>
<xs:enumeration value="PhysicalStructure"/>
<xs:enumeration value="PhysicalStructureGroup"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ProcessingEvent"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ProcessingEventGroup"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ProcessingInstructionGroup"/>
<xs:enumeration value="QualityStatement"/>
<xs:enumeration value="QualityStatementGroup"/>
<xs:enumeration value="QuestionBlock"/>
<xs:enumeration value="QuestionConstruct"/>
<xs:enumeration value="QuestionGrid"/>
<xs:enumeration value="QuestionGroup"/>
<xs:enumeration value="QuestionItem"/>
<xs:enumeration value="QuestionMap"/>
<xs:enumeration value="RecordLayout"/>
<xs:enumeration value="RecordLayoutGroup"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Relation"/>
<xs:enumeration value="RepeatUntil"/>
<xs:enumeration value="RepeatWhile"/>
<xs:enumeration value="RepresentationMap"/>
<xs:enumeration value="RepresentedVariable"/>
<xs:enumeration value="RepresentedVariableGroup"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Sequence"/>
<xs:enumeration value="StatementItem"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SubGroup"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SubUniverseClass"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Universe"/>
<xs:enumeration value="UniverseGroup"/>
<xs:enumeration value="UniverseMap"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Variable"/>
<xs:enumeration value="VariableGroup"/>
<xs:enumeration value="VariableMap"/>
<xs:enumeration value="VariableStatistics"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Weighting"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Archive"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CategoryScheme"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CodeList"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CodeListScheme"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Comparison"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ConceptScheme"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ConceptualComponent"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ConceptualVariableScheme"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ControlConstructScheme"/>
<xs:enumeration value="DataCollection"/>
<xs:enumeration value="DDIInstance"/>
<xs:enumeration value="DDIProfile"/>
<xs:enumeration value="GeographicLocationScheme"/>
<xs:enumeration value="GeographicStructureScheme"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Group"/>
<xs:enumeration value="InstrumentScheme"/>
<xs:enumeration value="InterviewerInstructionScheme"/>
<xs:enumeration value="LocalGroupContent"/>
<xs:enumeration value="LocalHoldingPackage"/>
<xs:enumeration value="LocalResourcePackageContent"/>
<xs:enumeration value="LocalStudyUnitContent"/>
<xs:enumeration value="LogicalProduct"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ManagedRepresentationScheme"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NCubeScheme"/>
<xs:enumeration value="OrganizationScheme"/>
<xs:enumeration value="PhysicalDataProduct"/>
<xs:enumeration value="PhysicalInstance"/>
<xs:enumeration value="PhysicalStructureScheme"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ProcessingEventScheme"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ProcessingInstructionScheme"/>
<xs:enumeration value="QualityStatementScheme"/>
<xs:enumeration value="QuestionScheme"/>
<xs:enumeration value="RecordLayoutScheme"/>
<xs:enumeration value="RepresentedVariableScheme"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ResourcePackage"/>
<xs:enumeration value="StudyUnit"/>
<xs:enumeration value="UniverseScheme"/>
<xs:enumeration value="VariableScheme"/>

XML schema documentation generated with DocFlex/XML RE 1.9.0 using DocFlex/XML XSDDoc 2.8.0 template set